满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Shall we go to spend the winter holiday...

—Shall we go to spend the winter holiday in Sanya?

—_______ There must be too many people there.

A.I agree with you.

B.I hope we can go there together.

C.What a good idea!

D.I’m afraid that’s not a good idea.


D 【解析】 试题分析:根据语境可知此题考点是shall we+动词原形表示建议表示“我/我们……好吗?”。回答建议的表达方式:(1) 同意对方的建议时,一般用:Good idea. / That’s a good idea. OK/ All right. Yes, please. / I’d love to. I agree with you. Sure. / Of course. / Certainly. (2) 对对方的帮助或要求表示委婉谢绝时,一般用:I don’t think so. / Sorry, I can’t. / Sorry, but… I’d love / like to, but … / I’m afraid…因,下文的There must be too many people there.提示可知是谢绝,根据选择项的提示可知选择D。 考点:表示建议的固定答语。

 We ______ more time to play sports if our teachers ______ us less homework.

A.will have; give                          B.have; will give

C.have; give                             D.will have; will give



 Every year, we ______ a school trip to Zhou Enlai Memorial Hall.

A.come on          B.get on            C.work on           D.go on



 My friends and I had a good time ______ with each other at the party last Saturday.

A.chat             B.chatted           C.chatting           D.to chat



Of all the girls, Jenny was ______ because she got the first prize.

A.more exciting                          B.the most exciting

C.more excited                           D.the most excited



______ advice it is! I hope you can give me more later.

A.What good                            B.How good

C.What a good                           D.How good a



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