满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据汉语意思完成句子翻译 1.务必让教学楼朝南面。 __________ ___...



__________ ___________ the teaching building ___________ _____________.

2. 他上网去查寻有关旅游信息。

They ________ the Internet ________ ________ ________ information about tour.

3. 我们学校占地面积达100多平方公里。

Our school __________ __________ ___________ an area of 100 km2.

4. 那些动物是以一立一卧的形状成对出现的。

Those animals are ____ ____ ____ one standing and ____ ____ kneeling down.

5. 台湾位于福建省东南方。

Taiwan is _________ _________ _________ __________ Fujian province.

6. 我们在饭店请妈妈吃午饭。

We ________ Mum ___________ lunch at the restaurant.

7. 在飞机飞了四个半小时后,我们终于到达了目的地。 

_____ the airplane flew for _____ ____ ___ ___ ____, we finally ______ _____ the destination.


He _________ __________ us ____________ ____________ ____________ the bus.

9. 直到我看到大海,我才意识到我迷路了。

I ____________ I was ___________ ___________ I saw the sea.

10. 在过去,农民用牛帮助干活。

In ________ ________ _______ farmers ______ cows ______ help them ________.


1.Make sure, faces south  2.search, to look for    3. is spread over  4. in pairs with, the other  5. to the southeast of    6. treated, to  7. After, four and a half hours, arrived at  8. shouted at, to get off     9. realized, lost until  10. the old days, used, to, work 【解析】 1.考查祈使句,make sure务必,face动词 面对、朝向。 2.search the internet="surf" the internet上网,look for寻找 3.be spread over展开,铺开. 4.in pairs with以...的形式,one the other一个...另一个 5.台湾不属于福建的一部分,故用to 6. treat sb to do请某人干某事 7.four and a half hours="four" hours and a half, arrive at 达到小地方,arrive in到达大地方。 8. shout at sb对某人大喊, get off 下车 get on上车    9. 这是一个宾语从句realize意识到,get lost迷路 10.in the old days在过去, used to do sth过去常常干某事


1.Why not play tennis with us?

_____________ _____________ ____________ tennis with us?

2. We rode our bicycles to Beijing.

We __________ ___________ Beijing __________ ____________.

3. Mum told me some interesting stories before I slept.

Mum told me __________ ____________ before I slept.

4. She is such a beautiful girl that everyone loves her.

She is __________ ___________ a girl ___________ everyone loves her.

5. It’s very expensive.

It costs ___________ ___________.

6. The classroom is full of students.

The classroom is __________ __________ students.

7. Eating too much is bad for your health.

It’s not good ________ you ___________ __________ too much.

8. We really had fun at the party.(同上)

We really __________ _________ at the party.

9. He went to bed when his father came back.

He _________ _________ to bed _________ his father came back.

10.Li Yuchun sings so beautiful.(感叹句)

____________ __________ Li Yuchun __________ !



Darren ___ the huge stone animals lining the passage.

A.was surprised to

B.was surprised with

C.was surprised at

D.was surprise at



The parking lot was ___ many tour buses, taxis and bicycles.

A.crowd with

B.crowded with

C.crowd of

D.crowded of



A heavy snow swept ___ the south of the Huai River.







--- What ___ that ship look like?  --- It ___ like a fish, I think.

A.is, looks

B.is, is

C.does, looked

D.does, is



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