满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



Mr. Black usually drive to work. One day,                        1. ___________

he saw a cat behind a woman when he was                             2. ___________

going to work by a car. As the car near them,                     3. ___________

the cat suddenly started to across the road.                       4. ___________

Of course the car hits the poor animal and                        5. ___________

killed it.                           


 drive—drives    √     by a car—by car /in a car     across—cross    hits—hit 【解析】  一般现在时第三人称谓语动词用单数。   该句表达正确    by+交通工具,或者介词+a/an+交通工具  across是介词,需要动词形式cross  主语car是单数谓语动词用第三人称形式


1.My parents are _________ (satisfy) with my math result.             

2. Liu Xiang ran _________ (fast) in the Sydney Olympic Game.

3. A strong sand storm swept over the _________ (north) part of Huabei.   

4.Thank _________ (good). We found my little boy at last.

5.I have great ________ (interest) in math.




A company began to make a new kind of dog food. A party was held to show the new dog food to everyone. People from the newspapers and TV stations were there.

There was a dog at the party. He was supposed to eat the dog food and have his picture taken. The plan was to show everybody how much the dog would like the new dog food.

When the time came, a plate of the dog food was set in front of the dog. Everyone looked at the dog. But there was one problem. He didn’t eat any of it. The dog didn’t like the dog food!

The boss of the company had to do something fast. All of the people were watching. All of them were laughing. So he ate the dog food himself!

1.The company in the story ___.

A.takes a picture

B.has more than on boss

C.makes dog food

D.makes a new machine

2. A party was held to ___.

A.to feed a new animal

B.to serve a large lunch

C.for someone’s birthday

D.to show a new kind of dog food

3. “To show something” means “___”.

A.to wash it with water

B.to let people look at it

C.to turn on the television

D.to feed it to the dogs

4. The dog in the story ___.

A.wanted all the food

B.ate all the food

C.wanted to go to sleep

D.didn’t eat the food

5.The story shows that ___.

A.dogs don’t like to eat

B.people like dog food

C.some plans don’t work

D.dogs will eat anything



___ exciting game it is!


B.What an


D.How much



The dog rushed to the nearest village ___ it could get someone to help his dying owner there.




D.so that



Would you ___ us to Lily’s home?

A.come up with

B.come along with





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