满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

补全对话 A:Hi! Good morning. B:Good morning....


A:Hi! Good morning.

B:Good morning. 1.             ?

A:My name is Tom. Nice to meet you.

B:2.               .

A:Excuse me. Do you have an English tape?

B:An English tape? 3.              .

A:Is it on your desk?

B:No, it isn’t.

A:4.              ?

B:I think(认为)it’s under my chair.

A:5.               .

B:You’re welcome(不用谢).


1.what’s your name? 2.Nice to meet you,too. 3.Yes, I do. 4.Where is it 5.Thank you 【解析】此题考查情景对话的对话规则以及对整个对话的正确理解。


1.My brother plays ping-pong ball        (每一)day.

2.Miss Yany is our        (数学)teacher. I like her.

3.This        (图画)is very nice.

4.These tapes are very interesting. I need        (他们).

5.My uncle has a        (电脑).

6.What is your        (家庭)name?

7.Does your son have         (八)erasers.

8.I can         (拼写)“学校”in English.

9.Her friends don’t         (知道)the answer to this question.

10.A:Are your         (朋友)teachers(老师)?

B:No, they aren’t.




I have a brother. His name is Ed. He likes(喜欢)sports very much. He likes soccer, baseball, volleyball, basketball and more. He plays baseball and basketball well. He often(经常)watches sports on TV. He plays sports every day. He often says(说), “Let’s play. He joins(加入)two clubs:the basketball club and the baseball club. He has a sports collection:nine tennis rackets, three volleyballs, two basketballs and one soccer ball.



What he likes


What he often does

1.           on TV

What he does every day

Plays sports

The balls he can play well

baseball and basketball

The clubs he joins

The basketball club and the2.         

His sports collection

Nine tennis rackets 3.          ,two basketballs and one         




Dear Mona,

Can you bring these things to me? My math books, my jacket and my dictionaries. My math book is on the bed. The jacket and the dictionaries are on the sofa.



Dear Frank,

Your uncle’s tapes are on the dresser. Please take them(它们)to school. He needs them.




Dear sister,

I need my jacket and CDs. The jacket is on the bed. The CDs are on the table.



Dear Mike,

Here is your jacket. Your CDs are not on the table. I can’t(不能)bring them to you.



1.Where are Eric’s dictionaries?

A.On the bed.      B.On the sofa.

C.On the dresser.       D.On the table.

2.        needs tapes.

A.Eric      B.Frank’s uncle      C.Mona        D.Frank’s mother

3.Are Mike’s CDs on the table?

A.Yes, it is.        B.Yes, they are.

C.No, they aren’t       D.No, it isn’t.

4.Mike is Linda’s        .

A.father           B.uncle            C.grandfather          D.brother



Hello! I’m Susan. Look at this picture. You can see a big sofa next to(在…附近) the wall. My parents like to sit on it to read books(看书), and sometimes(有时候) they meet some friends there. There are two plants near the sofa. They’re nice. What’s that on the wall? Oh, it’s a new TV. I often watch TV on weekends(周末). Can you see some fishes(鱼) in that big box? I like to play with them after school(放学后). Where’s my dog Billy? Is it on the floor? No, it’s under a chair! Do you like it?

1.Susan’s parents        on the sofa.

A.watch TV         B.play with fish         C.read books        D.meet friends

2.What’s the dog’s name?

A.Susan.         B.Billy.          C.I don’t know.    D.It doesn’t have a name.

3.          are near the sofa.

A.A new TV      B.A big box      C.Some fishes     D.Two plants




1.你丢了a dictionary,应该写一个          .

A.Found         B.Lost           C.Thanks        D.Wanted

2.当你向他人寻求帮助时,要先有礼貌地说         . 当别人给予了帮助,你要表示感谢,用        来表达.

A.Excuse me, Excuse me              B.Thank you, Excuse me

C.Excuse me, Thank you              D.Thank you, Thank you

3.下午见到了韩梅,你向她问好,应该说          .

A.Good morning                     B.Good afternoon, Han Mei

C.Good evening                      D.How are you, Han Mei

4.在英语的26个字母中,有5个元音字母,它们按字母表排列顺序正确的是         .

A.b g e u w       B.a e i y u        C.a e i o u        D.e i n o u


A.CBA          B.BBC           C.UFO          D.NBA



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