满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

My mother and father are on the sofa. A....

My mother and father are on the sofa.

A.grandparent    B.grandparents    C.parents        D.parent


C 【解析】parents=mother and father

—How are you, Jack?

—I am OK.

A.nice          B.great          C.fine          D.good



假如你是David,你的同学Vince邀请你去参观他家的农场(farm),但你因为太忙而不能去。请根据以下提示写一封80 词左右的电子邮件。





A: Hi , Cindy, there is a new movie at the cinema. I hear it’s exciting. Can you go to the movies with me this weekend?

B: 1._______________________________.

A: What a pity! What are you doing this weekend?

B: 2._______________________________.

A: How often do you visit your grandparents?

B: Twice a month.

A: Where do you grandparents live?

B: They live with my uncle in the countryside. It’s a little far.

A: 3.__________________________________?

B:I usually take the bus.

A: 4._______________________________?

B: Sorry, I’m not very sure how far it is.

A: 5._______________________________?

B: It takes me about half an hour to get there.

A: Enjoy your weekend.

B: Thanks.

A: Goodbye

B: Bye.




1.I shall not be ______(有空的)until five o’clock.

2.Switzerland is _________(出名的)for its mountains.

3.Two_________(百)students in our school are going to the beach .

4.We should brush our __________(牙齿)at least twice a day.

5.There will be three football_______(比赛)this month in our school.

6.We’re________(计划)a vacation to Italy this summer.



阅读上面材料,仿照示例E、 F.将A-D分别填在空白处,使标题与内容相匹配。


Sometimes, you don’t pass the exam, It doesn’t matter .A person is never perfect(完美的)。Sometime she also does some terrible things.


Many people like animals and take them as their pets(宠物),Pet hospitals are very busy Kind persons who love animals are needed to work in busy animal hospitals. They will teach you how to do the job.


Don’t do today’s things tomorrow the day after tomorrow. If the class is held up(耽搁),it’s difficult to keep up with others.


When we learn English ,we should use it as much as possible .We should read more ,speak more, listen to English from time to time and practice writing every day.


First, we should eat more fruits and vegetables, And also we need to eat a balanced diet. Second, we should do some exercise. Third, should get up early and go to bed early.


If you last grade was a D, you should work hard for a C. Always think: I’ll speak in class five times this week, or I’ll remember twenty English words a day.

A. Do today’s work today                B. How to keep healthy

C. How to learn English well            D. Set goals(目标)

E. Assistants needed in pet hospitals       F. Keep hopeful



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