满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Is there a park near here? —No, there i...

—Is there a park near here?            

—No, there isn’t. _____there is a post office.

   A. And                  B. But               C. So                 D. When


B 【解析】此题考查连词,表示转折故用but。

—Is ____ in Japan?                  

—Yes, it is.

   A. Paris                 B. New York          C. Tokyo              D. Toronto



— Look, that is ____ elephant.         

—Yes, it’s very strong.

    A. a                    B. an                C. the                 D. \



假如你是Wang Lin, 你想要成为Andrew的笔友,下面表格中是有关你的信息,请你根据以下提示给写一封信,不少于60 词。


Wang Lin


Tall, medium build


Music, basketball, watch sports news

Want to be

A reporter

Last weekend

In the morning, visit grandparents

In the afternoon, do some reading,


Dear Andrew,

My name is Wang Lin. I want to be your pen pal.                            







Can you write to me soon?


Wang Lin




minute,  walk,  look,  girl,  cook,  class,  happy,  feel,  key ,  need

Yesterday was Sunday. We had no  1  . I wrote a letter to my pen pal and   2 lunch for my parents. After lunch I took a   3  with Mike through the park behind my house. We saw a little girl    4   for something. She lost her keys. “She   5  help,” Mike said. So we helped the girl look for her   6 . About ten   7  later, Mike found them in the grass. The girl was   8 . We spent much time in looking for the   9  keys, but we   10  very happy because we did a good deed(做好事).



To let(出租):Small apartment for students to rent ¥850 a month. Tel: 13786731842

To let:2-bedroom house. Call Mr. Tong at noon. 66285669

To let:3-bedroom house. Call Mr. Tong at noon. 66285666

Wanted:Fully furnished house for family of three. 88384558

Wanted:Looking for a quiet single room under ¥300 per month. Please call Bob at 13986731248.

1. Peter and his friend want to rent a small apartment under 900 yuan per month.

2. Jenny wants to rent a 3-bedroom house.

3. Mr. Smith wants to rent a quiet single room.

4. Mr. Black wants to find a fully furnish house.

5. Diana and her family want to rent a 2-bedroom house.

What telephone number should they each dial(拨打)?

A. 13786731842

B. 66285669

C. 88384558

D. 13986731248

E. 66285666

1.Mr. Smith




5.Mr. Black



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