满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Excuse me, is there hospital near here?...

—Excuse me, is there      hospital near here?

—Yes, go down this road, it’s next to       supermarket on your right.

A.a, /

B.a, the

C./, the

D.the, a


C 【解析】略

— Miss Yang doesn’t look well. What’s wrong with her?

— Oh, she has some trouble ______ her baby well.

A. take care of    B. looking after    C. taking after    D. to look after



— Why don’t you watch some English movies?

— Oh, it’s too ______ because the people speak too quickly. I can’t catch them at all.

A. frustrating       B. frustrated       C. interesting    D. bored



— Will Mr Shu give us a talk about the survey next week?

— Yes, and he will give us ______ about it.

A. a little suggestion          B. a few advice   

C. some  more suggestions       D. few suggestion



— Do you often practice ______ English with your classmates after class?

— Yes, and it improves my speaking skills.

A. to speak        B. speaking        C. to say       D. saying



— My sister has many strict rules in her school.

— ______________.

A. So do I        B. So did I         C. So have I       D. So I have



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