满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

______ interesting it is to go sailing i...

______ interesting it is to go sailing in Qingdao in summer!

  A. What           B. What an          C. How              D. How an


C 【解析】 略

Ge You is ______ popular film star in China, who likes listening to music.

A. a                B. an               C. the              D.∕




要求:1. 语句通顺,表达准确,内容连贯,可适当发挥。

      2. 文中不能出现真实校名、姓名等相关信息;

      3. 词数:不少于80词。发言稿的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

参考词汇:selfish(自私的) ; Internet; believe in oneself; high ideals(崇高理想); in style, creative

As we know, most of us are the only child in our families now. ____________________





We are growing up. We are sure to do better.




    book, finish, be, one, great, will, live, from, dream, move

    A little girl called Fan Yi has caught many people’s attention recently. The little writer’s ___________ (81) English story, Swordbird, was on the New York Times’ bestseller list for children’s fiction.

Fan Yi was born in Beijing in 1997. She ___________ (82) her second grade of primary school in Beijing. She ___________ (83) to the US with her parents at the age of 7. She has shown ___________ (84) interests in birds since she was a little girl.

When Fan ___________(85) studying American history at school, she read many articles(文章) about the September 11 Attacks(9.11事件). She wanted all people to ___________ (86) in peace with each other. Around that time, she had a(n) ___________ (87) one night. In the dream, some birds fought with each other. Fan got an idea ___________ (88) the dream and turned it into a story. In it, she showed her idea of peace in the world.

In the future, Fan will write more ___________ (89) for the Swordbird series. Will she become another J.K Rowling? We ___________ (90) have to wait and see.




1. It's reported that an(n) _________________(飞机场) will be built in Shiyan soon.

2.If you try your best now, you are sure to have a chance of __________(实现) your dream.

3.He was glad to have an excuse ____________(推迟) telling her the news.

4.It's raining heavily and you should drive _______________(更加小心), or it may be dangerous.

5.In the past two years, the bad living environment they were used to ______________(改善)a lot. They have bigger and brighter houses.



There is no way that you cannot have any embarrassing moments. You cant control everything that happens, so youre going to be in an embarrassing situation one day. So how can you solve this problem? The answer is to control your actions and try not to get upset.

    ◆Remember that you'll probably laugh about it in a few days, so try to see the funny side of it right away.

    ◆If it is something so embarrassing that you feel you will never laugh about it, please remember that the ______________(1) will be over after some time.

    ◆Ask your friends to give you a break and not to make fun of you. If you’ve done the same for them, they’re more likely to agree to give you a break.

    Always remember that you are not alone. Everyone has embarrassing moments. While you are sure that everyone is going to remember this moment forever, that fact is that they’ll probably forget it very soon. Most of us remember the moments in which we feel embarrassed, but very few of us remember other people’s embarrassing moments.

    Most people have short memories. So while you may never forget the moment when your skirt was torn(撕裂) in gym class, most of the other people probably forget it at once. Although a short memory may not be a(n) ____________ (2) thing when you are trying to remember facts in a history test, it is useful when you are trying to forget life’s most embarrassing moments.


1.(1) ________________          (2) _________________


2. It can be inferred(推断) from the passage that __________ when you fall down after making a speech.

    A. everyone will remember the moment forever

    B. you may never forget the moment

    C. other people will feel embarrassed

    D. you will not remember the moment


3. _____________________________________________.


4. According to the passage, why does the writer say “you are not alone”?


5.What’s the main idea of the passage?

    It’s mainly about how to _______________________ when you are embarrassed.



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