满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

阅读下面对话,从方框内 7 个选项中选择 5 个恰当的句子完成此对话,并将其番号...

阅读下面对话,从方框内 7 个选项中选择 5 个恰当的句子完成此对话,并将其番号填入题前括号 内。

A. How old is it?

B. Where did you go?

C. Sounds interesting.

D. When did you go there?

E. There are many things to play with.

F. How do you like it?

G. How did you get there?

A. Jack, I hear that you've just come back from Hong Kong? 1.

B. Oh, it's wonderful. It's one of the most interesting places I have ever seen.

A. 2.

B. I went to many places, but I'm interested in Disneyland most.

A. Could you tell me something about it?

B. Well, it has lots of cartoon characters there, like Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and so on.

A.  3. Tell me more about it.

B.  4. Such as the roller coaster.

A. 5.

B. I went there by plane.


1.F 2.B 3.C 4.E 5.G 【解析】略


1.Li Lianjie set up an organization to help the poor.(改为否定句)

Li Lianjie ____________  ____________ up an organization to help the poor.

2.Some teenagers are playing computer games in the game hall.(对划线部分提问)

____________  ____________ some teenagers playing computer games,

3.Shall we go to the swimming pool?(改为同义句)

____________  ____________ going to the swimming pool?


When he ____________  ____________,his mother was standing close to him.

5.My father gave me a toy on my birthday.(改为被动句)

A toy ____________  ____________ to me by my father on my birthday.



Have successful people ever felt sad? Do they have any "secrets" to success? The answers to these questions can be found in US president Barack Obama's "back to school" speech. Here is a small part of his speech.

I know that sometimes, after watching TV, you may feel that you can be rich and successful without any hard work--that your ticket to success is through rapping (饶舌音乐) or basketball or being a TV star. But when chances come, you may not succeed.

The truth is, being successful is hard. And you may not succeed at everything the first time you try. That's OK. Some of the most successful people in the world have had the most failures. JK Rowling's first Harry Potter book was rejected(退稿)12 times before it finally came out. Michael Jordan lost hundreds of games and missed thousands of shots during his career (职业生涯). But he once said, "I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."

These people succeeded because they understand that you can't let your failures beat you--you have to let them teach you. You have to let them show you what to do differently next time.

No one's born being good at things. You become good at things through hard work. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

And even when you're struggling(挣扎), even when you're discouraged(泄气), and you feel like other people have given up on you--don't ever give up on yourself. Because when you give up on yourself, you give up on your country.

1.Why does Barack Obama talk about JK Rowling and Michael Jordan in the second paragraph?

A. To show that these two famous persons are different.

B. To show that writing and sports are difficult skills.

C. To show that the two persons were treated unfairly.

D. To show that being successful is hard.

2.Barack Obama believes ____________ in his speech.

A. you can be rich and successful without any hard work

B. you may succeed at everything the first time you try

C. you can't let your failures beat you

D. you shouldn't ask other people for help

3.What does the underlined sentence mean?

A. If you're discouraged, you should give up on yourself.

B. You should believe in yourself no matter how difficult it is.

C. When you're struggling, you'll feel like other people have given up on you.

D. If you are not struggling or discouraged, you can give up on yourself.

4.What's the best title of this small part of Mr. Obama's speech?

A. The way to succeed               B. Failures can help you

C. Don't give up on yourself            D. Barack Obama's success



In less than two months, Junior 3 students around the country will take the senior high school entrance (入学) exam. They are studying hard for this big challenge. Do they have time to do something in memory of their middle school years? Many do.

Leng Jingze, 15, from Tianjin said that in her class students are already writing goodbye messages for each other. "Even the head teacher has a plan," said Leng. "She plans to put all our class photos and the Chinese compositions we have written onto a CD and give each student one," said Leng. "She will also write something for each student."

Wang Zeyu, 16, in Changchun, Jilin said his classmates are making "lucky stars" as graduation gifts. They are making the cheerful stars from colored paper. "Before making a lucky star, you write some words for the person on the paper," said Wang. "He or she can read the words later." Who does Wang want to make a lucky star for? He said he wanted to make one for his head teacher. "I'll write: Dear teacher, you always look so serious," said Wang. "But we know you have a warm heart. Smile more!"

In Xiao Xia's school in Beijing, each Junior 3 student will get a yearbook (毕业年鉴) , in which the graduating classes will put their photos and self-introductions. "Most classes have written an article as the self-introduction," said Xiao, 15. "We have written a poem in the ancient style!" The poem records the big events of the class's history and is in the shape of the number 9. "Nine is our class number," said Xiao, who felt very proud of the idea. "Our class may be not the one with the best school grade but it must be the most creative one," said Xiao. "I feel lucky to study in such a class!"

1.Leng Jingze's head teacher plans to ____________.

A. put all the class photos onto a CD

B. put the student's Chinese compositions onto a CD

C. give each student a CD

D. all above

2. Wang Zeyu wanted to make a "lucky star" for his teacher because ____________.

A. his head teacher wasn't serious enough

B. he doesn't like his head teacher

C. his head teacher sent him a gift

D. he wanted his head teacher to smile more

3.From the last paragraph, we know that ____________.

A. most classes in Xiao Xia's school have written a poem as the self-introduction

B. 9 is the lucky number for Xiao Xia's Class

C. Xiao Xia's class has very creative ideas

D. each graduating class will get a yearbook to put their photos and self-introductions

4.The passage is probably from ____________.

A. a newspaper     B. a novel         C. a letter      D. a diary



"Dear Grandpa Guo, we are losing our childhoods! Please help us!"

Guo Chuanjie, a famous scientist, received a letter from a Beijing primary school student. The student said that many Chinese kids have to take extra classes on weekends in order to enter key middle schools. The kid hoped more people would hear his voice with Guo's help.

Guo is a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC,中国人民政治 协商会议). Last month the CPPCC members met in Beijing. They are from all walks of life - scientists, businesspeople, doctors, artists and athletes. They give proposals (提案) on the country's important issues(问题) to make our country better. For the Beijing student's letter, Guo read it in front of Yuan Guiren, China's Minister of Education (教育部部长), during a CPPCC meeting.

According to Xinhua, there were 5,762 proposals in all. Many of the proposals were about problems like housing prices, heavy traffic and food safety, which were related to people's daily lives. Some proposals were about teenagers. For example, singer Han Hong suggested that the government should deal with people who traffic(拐卖) children.

As usual, proposals will be given to relative departments (相关部门) after the meetings. For example, Guo's proposal was handed to the Ministry of Education. The departments will consider the proposals carefully and see if they can be carried out in the future.

1.The primary school student thought ____________ with Guo's help.

A. children were losing their childhoods

B. he didn't have to take extra classes

C. more people would hear his voice

D. he could enter key middle school

2.Many of the proposals were about problems except ____________ according to the passage.

A. housing prices           B. heavy traffic        C. food safety      D. scientific research

3.After the CPPCC meetings, Guo's proposal ____________.

A. was given to other members of the meeting

B. was sent to the primary school student

C. was handed to the Ministry of Education

D. was returned to himself

4. Which of the following sentences is NOT TURE?

A. A primary school student wrote a letter to a famous scientist, Guo Chuanjie.

B. Guo Chuanjie went to Beijing for the CPPCC meetings last month.

C. Guo Chuanjie read the student's letter during a meeting.

D. Guo Chuanjie wrote a letter to the Ministry of Education.




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1.Sunny English Club is for ____________

A. nurses               B. policemen            C. businessmen          D. students

2.One can get free examinations in Health Centre if he is ____________.

A. 9                    B. 17               C. 67                   D. 73

3. If you are interested in the life offish, you should go to ____________.

A. Health Centre        B. Ocean Museum     C. Sunny English Club       D. 16 Yong Le Street



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