满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

---Now I can’t find ______book about ani...

---Now I can’t find ______book about animals.

---Is it ______ old picture book on the desk?

A. the; a               B. a; the           C. the; the         D. the; an


D 【解析】略



Your friend Maria made a phone call to you yesterday. She wants to know the traditional Chinese festival—the Lantern Festival. She wants you to tell her why we like it, when and how we spend it (tell her at least 3 activities). Send an email to her at marial988@ gmail. com. Please ask her what they do during Christmas for me.





3)提示词:sweet rice dumplings汤圆 play with firecrackers燃放鞭炮 the Lantern Festival 元宵节

To: marial988@gmail.com                                           From; xiaowei@sina.com

Subject: the Lantern Festival

Dear Maria,

How are you? You asked me something about the traditional Chinese festival—the Lantern Festival. Actually, ______________________________________________________________________.






1. 做自愿者有助于开阔青年学生的眼界 (open up)


2. 杰克当时病情严重,连医生也无能威利· (can't do anything about)


3. 政府正千方百计为无家可归的人提供住房 (go out of one's way to)


4. 均衡的饮食和有规律的运动被视为健康的必要条件(be regarded as)


5. 安迪曾抱怨说他和别人同样工作,但报酬却不一样。 (the same as; pay)





What makes a successful speech? First, you should have a good speech script (稿子) so that your ideas and language can attract people's attention. And some skills are necessary, too.

Here are some suggestions on giving great speeches:

◆Beat nerves

Relax yourself before and when making a speech. Practice your opening sentence three or four times. This will help make a sure start and a successful speech. When you stand on the stage, think of the audience(观众) as your family members and friends.

◆Keep it natural

Natural body languages will help your speech: smile, stand straight and look at the audience. Do not drop your head or play with a pen. Also, dressing yourself nicely will help the audience feel respected.

◆Pace and pause (节奏和停顿)

Pace and pause add color to your speech. Speak fast enough to keep people excited and slowly enough for people to fully understand you. After an important point, pause for a moment. It'll change the atmosphere (气氛)in the audience.

Tips on giving speeches

Main tips

Things to do


Speech script

Have good    1  .

People's attention is attracted.

Suggested  2

A: Practice opening sentence three

or four times.

B: Think of the audience as your family members and friends.

A: This can give you a sure start.

B: This can help   3.

A: Smile, stand straight and look at the audience.

B: Dress yourself formally.

A: These    4   will help your speech.

B: The audience will feel respected.

A: Speak fast enough sometimes and slowly enough other times.

B: Pause after an important point.

A: People are kept     5  and can    5  you.

B; The atmosphere in the audience will be changed.





My uncle has a very beautiful umbrella. He's had it for years. As he is very careful with it, so it still looks as good as new.   1   He shook his head. "Then how did you get it?" I asked. "Well," he answered, "there' s a strange true story about the umbrella. About ten years ago, I was walking along a quiet London street one evening when it suddenly rained. I had no raincoat or umbrella.   2   And the people in the streets were fewer and fewer. As I was on my way to a party, I was afraid to get wet. So I stood in a doorway and waited for the rain to stop.   3   What was worse, there even wasn't a person around, and still it rained and rained. At last a young man came to the place where I was standing.   4   As I hoped he would allow me to walk to the next corner with him, where I could get a taxi, I stepped out of the dark doorway where I had been standing.   5    As I suddenly appeared before him, the young man was so shocked that he dropped the umbrella. He ran away and disappeared into the darkness. I picked up the umbrella and continued my walk. I knew it would be hard in this big city to find the owner, so I've kept it ever since."

A. Gradually, it grew quite dark.

B. He held a large umbrella over his head.

C. I asked him where he was going with that umbrella.

D. No buses ran through the street and there were no taxis.

E. I asked my uncle if he bought it or some one sent him as a gift.




all   any   behave   difference   drink  eat  enjoy  fine   other   real   surprise these

Once there was a teacher who took all his students for tea. What made the students    1   was that all the cups on the table were   2   . Each of them took a cup and started   3  their own tea, looking at the   4   cups.

The teacher said; "Do you notice your   5  ? You are all looking at each other's tea cups and   6   of you even envy (羡慕) the   7   cups of others." Then he went on: "I put the different cups here on purpose! Life is like    8   tea. You all have the same thing in your cups— tea. And yet you can't   9   enjoy it in your envy of another's cup. You forget   10   your own life when you envy someone else's life. So now, taste your own tea! Does it matter from which cup it comes from?"



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