满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Fred plays _____ piano after _____ suppe...

Fred plays _____ piano after _____ supper every day.

     A. the; the                   B. /; the                       C. the; /


 C 【解析】 略

6ec8aac122bd4f6e你年级决定本周日进行一次外出活动(have a school trip),请你负责将此消息传达给来自英国的交换生。


1. 参考提示语,可适当发挥;

2. 语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整;

3. 文中不得出现真实地名和姓名;

4. 词数:60-80词。(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。) 

Hello, everyone!


That's all.

Thank you!




A: Good afternoon, Tom. Where are you going?

B: 1. ________________________________________________________________________

A: Oh, to buy books? You are out! Why not go to the Readers' Room?

B: The Readers' Room? 2. _____________________________________

A: It is a place where students can exchange() their old books with Others.

B: That sounds great! 3. ______________________

A: It's next to Renmin Hospital, across from City Park.

B: Oh, it's a little far. 4. ____________________________________

A: You can take No. 7 bus.

B: How long does it take?

A: 5.________________________________________

B: Ten minutes isn't a long time. OK, I will go there. Thanks!




It is the Lantern Festival(元宵节) today. Lin Jie comes to me his American friend Jim.

Jim: Hi, Lin Jie. Nice to see you.

Lin Jie: Hi, Jim, 1. ______________________________

Jim: Sweet dumplings? 2._____________ I know people eat them on the Lantern Festival.

Lin Jie: How great you are! 3. ______________________________

Jim> Well, on the day people will watch lantern shows at night and guess the riddles On the lanterns. This festival is on the 15th of the first, lunar (农历) month. It is handed down from Tang Dynasty, 4. _____________________________

Lin Jie: So glad to hear that! I am proud of you. Now it's time to cook the delicious food. 5. _________________________

What else do you know about this festival?        I'm fine.

Here are some sweet dumplings for you.          I hope you will tike it.

Do you want to know too re about it?            Wow, thanks!

You know I really love Chinese culture,




Bollywood: the Hollywood of India

You might be surprised to learn that India produces about 800 movies a year, and that number continues to grow. Just as the movie Capital of the United States is Hollywood, the movie capital of India is Bombay (孟买), but it is usually called "Bollywood", a combination(结合) of the words Bombay and Hollywood.

No Bollywood movie is thought complete without a few songs and dances. In fact, music is an important part of Bollywood movies. Even a bad movie can still do well if the music is good. Music directors are sometimes more popular than the film stars. A Bollywood movie has five to six songs with at least three songs to show what the dances mean.

Bollywood may be different from Hollywood in music, but it is very like Hollywood in several ways. If Tom Cruise can hold a gun, so can the Bollywood hero Sharukh Khan. Hollywood stars are followed by news reporters just as often as Hollywood stars. The persona! lives of actors and actresses catch the headlines(头版头条), just as they do in the United States.

The Oscars are a very exciting time of the year for actors and actresses in America, Bollywood has its own form of the Oscars, and they are also very exciting.

1.The name Bollywood comes from the words _____________________ .

2.Bollywood is a place where many __________ are made each year,

3.In India, the film stars are sometimes _______ popular than musk directors.

4. Every complete Bollywood movie has a few _______________ in them.

5.The Oscars in India are as ________ as those in America though they are different.




old,  shoe,  stand,  foot,  pick,  small,  feel,  clear,  need,  use

Learn to share(分享)

One day, while I was sitting in my car in a parking area, I noticed a young boy in front of my car. "What is the boy doing?" I asked myself and looked closely. "Oh, he is 1. ________ up a coin from the ground. " When he 2. _______ up, we saw each other 3. ______ , He was not 4.___  than ten and was wearing one blue glove(手套) and One brown glove. His coat was too 5.  ___ for him.

As he walked away, I saw his 6. ________, which were too old to wear, I rolled down my window and called him over.

1 asked him if he7. _____ some money.  He replied, "No. That's okay. "

The parking area was wet, 1 could tell that his 8. ______ were cold because he kept moving his weight from one foot lo the other,

"Please," 1 held Out a five-dollar bill(钞票). "It's not much, but when the money is shared, it is much more 9._______ . " I said.

He look off one of his gloves and took the money from my hand. His small hand was red and cold.

He smiled and went away after saying "Thank you!" to me. That smile made me 10. _____  warm in the cold winter.



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