满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

阅读短文,根据要求完成下面各小题。 1In the United States ...


1In the United States people sometimes go camping for vacation. Instead of staying at modern hotels and restaurants,they live in the woods and do everything for themselves for a few days to relax.

When you are camping,you make all of your own food.It is rather like a large,many-day picnic.Barbeques(烤肉架) are very common while camping.You can bring meat and vegetables to the camp.To make a fire,you can find or bring your own wood and light it with a lighter(打火机).

2Remember to put stones around the fire so that it won’t get too big and dangerous! When the fire is ready,you can cook food over it.Besides meat and vegetables,you can also cook marshmallows(果酱软糖) with the fire.

Children really like this activity at night.The whole family sit around the fire,eat marshmallows,and drink hot chocolate—especially when it is cold outside! Everyone can sing camping songs and dance together.

Camping is a fun activity for the family to do.Vacation does not have to mean going to visit faraway places,it could be as simple as setting up a tent in a nearby forest!

1.Where do Americans go camping?


2. Why do they put stones around the fire?









1.In the wood. 2. To make sure the fire won’t get too big and dangerous. 3. 在美国,人们有时在假期去野营。 4. 记住在火的四周砌上石头,这样火就不会蔓延而带来危险。 5. Camping in the US. 【解析】略


Did you ever think someone was scary because they looked different, or ate strange foods?  Well, they might think the s____1.____ about you!  One of the things we all n___2.___ to do is celebrate diversity(差异). We shouldn't think badly of people from other cultures b____3.___ they are different than our own culture.

Sometimes we judge people f___4.____ other countries unfairly, because one person from that culture did something bad. Well, has your whole family ever b____5.____ blamed for something your little sister did? It doesn't s____6.____  fair,does it?  It's just as unfair to blame a w____7.___ culture for what two or three people do. 

So here are some things that you can do to help y____8.___ understand other cultures:

1.  Find common ground!                         

2.  Don't blame all because of one!

3.  Try to make f____9.___ with people from other cultures. 

To learn m____10.__ about yourself and what cultures you come from, become a genealogist(系谱专家). You may also want to see the Different Is Good presentation to learn about other things you can do to cross those cultural walls.




1. Don’t w______ about your dog. I believe it can find the way back.

2. My sister will take her f______ examination next week, and then she will leave university.

3.You have left dirty m______ on the door. Clean them up.

4.The teacher often asks the students to keep away from the s______ they meet.

5. You should leave i______. The bus is leaving soon.



A reader wrote in to say that she was feeling lonely at break because her best friend

wasn’t around.Here’s our advice to her—and to all kids who feel lonely sometimes.

    It’s hard when a best friend isn’t around—maybe because she moved to a different

school or a different class.You may feel lonely at break or lunchtime.You want to have new

friends.but how do you make them? Maybe it seems like everybody else already has their

friends.But remember, there’s always room for more friends.    。.

    Start by looking around your classroom—think about which kids you’d like to play

with at break.Look for chances to say hi to them,smile,and be friendly.Offer to share

something or express your appreciation(欣赏)to them.Invite someone to play with you or

 say “Do you want to sit here?” in the lunchroom.When you’re at break,walk over to kids

you want to play with.act friendly,and say “Hi,can l play, too?” or just join in.

    If you have trouble doing this or if you’re feeling shy, ask your teacher to help you make

 new friends.Teachers are usually pretty good at matching up friends.The best way to make

friends is to be a friend.Be kind,be friendly,share,say nice things,offer to help—and pretty soon,you’ll have one,or two,or even more new friends.

    You might still miss that special best friend.But when you see each other, you can share

 something you didn’t have before she left:You can introduce her to your new friends!


1.According to the writer, some kids feel lonely at break because they        

 A.have trouble with their studies   B.don’t have their best friends around

 C.need their parents to be with them  D.are too young to look after themselves

2.The underlined word this in Paragraph 4 refers to(指的是)       

 A.sharing your ideas              B.talking before many people

C.studying better at school         D.developing new friendship

3.The expression “feeling left out'’ means“         ”in Chinese.

A.受冷落    8.被调侃    C.挨批评    D.遭攻击



An American friend has invited you to visit his family. You’ve never been to an American’s home before, and you’re not sure what to do. Should you take a gift? How should you dress? What time should you arrive? What should you do when you get there? Glad you asked. When you’re the guest, you should just make yourself at home. That’s what hospitality(款待) is all about: making people feel at home when they’re not. 

The question of whether or not to bring a gift often makes guests squirm(难为情). Giving your host a gift is not just a social manner in some cultures-it’s expected. But in American culture, a guest is not necessary to bring a present. Of course, some people do bring a small present to their host to show their thanks. The right gifts for the host might be flowers, candy, and you can bring toys if the family has small children. If you choose not to bring a gift, dont worry. No one will even notice.

1.The passage talks about ______.

A. where to find a friend in need              B. what to do while visiting your friends

C. how to make friends                      D. when to visit your friend

2.The underlined word “manner” means ________ in Chinese.

  A. 弊端           B. 礼节           C. 趋势        D. 挑战

3.You can _______ if you want to bring a gift to your friend according to the passage.

  A. bring a bundle of beer

  B. bring him some beautiful clothes

  C. bring delicious food

  D. buy a bunch of fowlers

4. The underlined sentence wants to tell us _______.

A. you are impolite if you don’t bring a gift

B. how to pick out a gift for our friend

C. the host won’t care if you don’t bring a gift

D. bringing a gift is very necessary



Hi! My name is Robert and I live in Chicago. My school is called Parkside Elementary.  It is Jake and Elizabeth's school too.  Michael and Trevor's school is called Lincoln Middle School.  In the USA many students go to elementary school between the ages of 5-10, then middle school between the ages of 11-13, and then a four year high school, and last but not least, many people go to college or vocational school. Our elementary school starts at 8:30 am and ends at 3:20 pm. We go to school on Monday through Fridays and have the weekends off.

Some of the favorite sports here in America are basketball, baseball, football, soccer, hockey, and more. But, my favorite sport is football. My favorite player in the NFL (National Football League) is Brian Urlacher of the Chicago Bears ( the Bears are my favorite team too).

Americans wear jeans, a shirt, socks, shoes, and sometimes a hat. I usually wear a baseball hat, my favorite pants, and my favorite shirt. My pants have 4 pockets on it, and my shirt has red and black stripes on it.

There is no common agreement in the west about the best method of education. Many views can be found among parents, teachers, and students.



1.Students in elementary school stay at school for about ________days.

A. four         B. five            C. six         D. seven

2. The writer’s favorite sport is __________.

A. basketball    B. baseball         C. hockey      D. football

3.The third passage mainly tells us __________.

A. the writer’s favorite sports         B. the writer’s favorite food

C. the writer’s favorite clothes        D. the writer’s favorite color

4.“views”in the last passage means _________ in Chinese.

A. 视野       B. 风景            C. 见解      D. 检查



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