满分5 > 初中英语试题 >





Most parents

A few parents

Get more knowledge

Too tired, too much pressure

Have better grades

Can’t have a good rest

Not play computer games or watch TV

No time to do what they like to do

Last week, we did a survey of what parents think of extra classes on weekends. Here are the results.                                                                                 







Last week, we did a survey of what parents think of extra classes on weekends. Here are the results. Most parents think It’s good to have classes on weekends. If students have classes on weekends, they can get more knowledge and they can have better grades. And they can’t play computer games or watch TV. A few parents think it’s not good to have classes on weekends. Because now students are too tired and have too much pressure . They need time to have a good rest. And if they have classes on weekends, they have no time to do what they like to do. I think It’s not good to have classes on weekends. Because I’ m too tired on weekdays, so I want to spend some time with my friends. What’s more, I don’t have enough time to finish my homework. 【解析】略

学校的“环保俱乐部”(Saving Environment Club)将举行一次义务劳动。请你帮助完成下面这张关于这次义务劳动的英语宣传海报。文中包含以下内容:




                         Saving Environment Club

Time:          (1)            Date:        (2)               

Place:                  (3)                                    

Activities:      (4)        ,    (5)          , put up signs.

Come and join us!




Weddings(婚礼)are important in every country, and there are different wedding customs in different countries. In western countries the bride’s (新娘的) dress – her wedding dress—is very important. Some brides wear a new dress.    1       

Some people believe the bride should wear something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.     2      She may borrow something to wear from a friend------ that will be something borrowed, and the ring on her finger may have a blue jewel in it or some of her clothes may be blue.

   3    They wear the ring on the fourth finger of their left hands.

At the wedding, as soon as the man and the woman are married, their friends often throw rice or very small pieces of paper over them.    4     The bride often carries flowers, and after the wedding she throws them up in the air. People believe that the woman who catches the flowers is lucky enough. The bride and the groom(新郎), their friends and family then have a party. After that the bride and the groom go on holiday together. This is called “the honeymoon”.

A.  She may wear an old ring and will usually have new shoes.

B.  Many married people in western countries wear a ring to show that they are married.

C.  Some brides wear the dress their mothers or even their grandmothers wore at their weddings.

D.  They believe this will bring them good luck and that they will have many children.

(     )5. The passage mainly talked about ________.

A. the bride’s wedding dress             B. the flowers in the wedding party

C. the rings for the married people        D. the wedding customs in the countries




As we know most of the things in our daily life have to be     1    (买) with money. But money cannot buy many things,     2     (包括) time,       3      (健康) and      4      (友谊).

There are 24 hours in a day.       5     (有时) when we are happy, we wish that the happiness would last longer,  but      6       (无论什么) we do, or how much money we are willing to spend, we can’t make a day last 25 hours. When we feel unhappy, money cannot make the unhappy time pass away more       7      (快).

So we should      8      (认识到) that money is       9       (必需的) in our life. But it’s not the most       10       (重要) thing in our life.




teach, knife, pronounce nine, they

1. Dear, we need three more __________.

2.The children are not old enough to take care of ___________.

3. We’re in the __________ grade now. And we should learn hard.

4.We should pay attention to our __________.

5.Dad, who __________ you English when you were young.



In a few years, most people will know that a healthy, happy, loving family is a joy and it is a necessary part for building a strong society. But there are still some people who don’t believe family life can be an enjoyable experience.

Some people already accepted the idea of the “me generation” so they fail to understand that there is a time in life when they have to give up their time to something more valuable.

At a time when adults need to think about the needs of their family, they will be doing other important things. Some people will spend too much time working for a more powerful car or a bigger house so that they can proudly say that they have them. Some will be doing dangerous things so that they may tell their stories to their friends, and others will recite things like “ I must become the best I can be.”  or “I don’t want to be at the bottom.” The needs of their family will be forgotten and they never seem to have time for the family.

Many people have not experienced a strong helpful perfect family life, so they have never discovered its worth. Many people have always experienced family life as a flight, so they can’t find time and energy for work.

But it is really very important that we all expect good family relations. We need to realize and value the importance of what can be achieved by loving each other in the family. It is also important for our society to encourage family members to create happiness.

1.What does the writer expect family life to be like?

A.Happy experience.

B.A strong society

C.Too much work

D.A flight

2.What is meant by “me generation”?

A. I will do whatever the family want me to do.

B.Nothing is more important than myself.

C.I always agree with people around.

D.The generation is my age group.

3.Why haven’t some people discovered the worth of family life?

A.They are not married.

B.They grow in a happy family.

C.They don’t live with the family.

D.They have never enjoyed family life.

4.What is the writer’s purpose of writer the passage?

A.To ask people to study family life.

B.To tell people to work hard for the family.

C.To advise people to create happy family life.

D.To give people some examples of family members.



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