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、阅读与表达 (共10分,每小题2分) 阅读短文, 根据其内容回答问题。 A t...

、阅读与表达 (共10分,每小题2分)

阅读短文, 根据其内容回答问题。

A type of bird that is now extinct (消失) is the passenger pigeon. The passenger pigeon lived in the eastern part of North America. Scientists believe that in the year 1500 there were as many as five billion of these birds living from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. They flew at great speeds and would travel to many places to look for food. Passenger pigeons grew to be about 16 inches long.

Settlers who came to North America killed the passenger pigeon for food and for its feathers. The forests where they lived were cut down to clear the land for farming. Because the passenger pigeon laid only one egg at a time, their population did not grow quickly. The last passenger pigeon died at Cincinnati Zoological Gardens in 1914.

Another type of bird that has become extint is the dodo. The dodo lived on an island called Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. It had short, stubby legs and wings and a large curved beak. The dodo was about the size of a large turkey. It was acturally related to the pigeon, but it could not fly. Like the passenger pigeon it laid only one egg at a time. Dodos became extinct because they were eaten by sailors and animals, such as pigs and monkeys, that the sailors brought to the island. The dodo is believed to have died out in 1680.

Another flightless bird that has become extinct is the moa. The moa lived on the North and South Islands of New Zealand. Like the dodo, the moa’s legs were shorter, but some of these birds grew to be more than ten feet tall. And the causes of its extinction is the same as the dodo’s.   The moa is believed to have died out sometime during the 1700s.

1. Were there many passenger pigeon in the year 1500?

2. When did the last passenger pigeon die at Cincinnati Zoological Gardens ?

3. Where did the dodo live before it died out?

4. How many kinds of birds have died out in the passage?

5.Why have these birds died out?



1. Yes./ Yes, there were. 2. In 1914 3. On an island called Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. 4. Three. 5. Because people (and other animals) killed them (for food and their feathers) and destroyed the environment. 【解析】略



Liz was excited. She was going to Asia with her mom. Neither of them had ever travelled out of the United States before. They were going to fly to Hong Kong.  1  , they would travel to Shanghai and Beijing.

"Beijing is inland.  2    . I forget the name of the port. Anyway, we're going to see the Great Wall, the Tiananmen Square, and the Forbidden City. It's going to be so cool!" she told her neighbor Jane.

From China,they would go to Japan. From Japan, they would catch a flight back to Los Angeles.

"  3  . It's only going to cost us $2,800 each, IF we don’t shop a lot," she laughed.

A. After staying in Hong Kong for three nights

B. But almost all the passengers got sick

C. The trip is going to last three weeks

D. The weather is fine in Beijing now 

E. So we have to take about a two-hour bus ride to get there from the port


"I hope your trip is more fun than mine was," said Jane. "I travelled to the Bahamas on a large ship.  4  . I stayed in bed for almost three days. " "We've heard about those ," said Liz. "I’m sure Mom and I will have a happy holiday."















People cannot reach an agreement on the use of science and technology. For example, will radiation from electronic equipment destroy the environment? Should medical scientists change gene structures to prevent genetic disease or to create “more perfect” human beings? While people are arguing about these and others, technology continues to influence our everyday lives—the home, health and education, entertainment and communication, and so on.

   Some people carry on active social lives with computers —their own or the ones in public places like cafes, social centers, libraries, and so on. Communicating with others in chat rooms,  computer users can get to know people they might never meet in traditional ways. With live online video connections, two people with cameras in their computers can see and talk to each other from separate places.

   With modern telephone technology, most people stopped writing lettters—especially personal letters and notes. But now, writing to communicate has returned in electronic form, or e-mail, which is a way of sending messages from one computer to another. For some computer users, the wish to communicate intelligently or creatively with others makes them want to write better.

   Computer technology has also made it possible to run a house electronically. From turning lights on and off to starting the coffee and cooking the hot meal, computers are taking care of people at home. Many modern machines have computer chips that allow their owners to program them. For instance, you can “instruct” a microwave oven how to cook a dish. Most entertainment equipment operates with computer technology too. Computers can even start cars automatically so that on cold winter mornings you can get into a warmed-up vehicle and drive off.

   Although much of the technology in our everyday lives has good effects, there are some uses that raise questions. For example, are interactive media ( i.e., a combination of television, telephone, and computer) going to control minds, cause people to forget about family life and personal relationships? What effects will the genentic engineering of food have on people’s health? High-tech medical treatments can make a person live a much longer life, but can they improve the health and happiness of human beings? Only time will tell, but, in the meantime, science and technology will continue to move forward. 

1.What does the underlined word “ chips” mean?

A. thin pieces of potatoes  B. small holes    C. small pieces of wood   D. central parts

2. We can know from the passage that _________.

   A. technology never stops changing our everyday lives 

   B. with computers each of us can live a comfortable life

   C. people can do more activities with computers

   D. the more you use computers, the better you might write

3. What can we infer from the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?

A. The longer you live, the happier you are.

B. High-tech medical treatments can’t improve our health and happiness.  

C. High-tech medical treatments can’t help us with everything.

D.The writer questioned high-tech medical treatments somehow.

4. What is the best title for the passage?

   A. Science and New Technology        B. Computers Change Our Lives

   C. Everyday Uses of Technology        D. Only Time Will Tell          




All over the world, the global diet includes fast food—prepared items from inexpensive restaurants, snack bars, or food stands. Some examples of American fast food are hamburgers, hot dogs, sandwiches, fried chicken, and so on. Some types of international fast foods might be German sausage and Schnitzel, Italian pizza, Japanese sushi and tempura, Chinese eggrolls and noodles and the like. The variety of fast foods all over the world is growing. Even so, this kind of style is becoming worldwide. Fast-food places usually prepare and serve the items quickly. Many are part of fast-food chains (eating places with the same name and company owner). For example, the biggest and most famous American fast-food chain serves hamburgers in nearly every part of the world.

   For several reasons, many people choose fast food. First, it is quick and convenient. Second, it is cheaper than special home-cooked meals or formal restaurant dinners. And third, it is easy to find every eating place with the same company name. The atmosphere and style of most fast-food places is casual, comfortable, and familiar.

Why do other eaters stay away from this fast, easy kind of nourishment? The main reason is its low nutritional value. Fast food doesn’t have large amounts of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and the like-elements necessary for good nutrition and health. In contrast (相反), most types of fast food have a lot of fat, sugar, or salt in them. Possibly, these things can cause or increase health disorders, like heart disease, and some kinds of cancer. Recently, these quick and easy kinds of world wide nourishment are generally getting better and more healthful. For example, many fast-food restaurants now have put vegetable items on their menus.

   Of course, human beings around the world don’t always eat in fast-food places.The variety of food choices is large now and is probably going to increase. The number of food preparation methods is growing too. Cooking customs, eating habits, and food preferences all over the world are becoming more healthful. In these and other ways, the global diet is changing.  

1. From Paragragh 1,we can know that __________________.

A. America serves four kinds of fast food

B. we used to have more types of fast food

C. different countries have different types of fast food

D. America serves fewer fast food than other countries

2. The underlined phrase “stay away from” means __________.

    A. move away from   B. disorder   C. get out of    D. dislike

3.The passage is mainly about ___________.

   A. the changing global diet    

B. the increasing types of diet

   C. the reason why people choose fast food

D. the reason why people dislike fast food             




A strong earthquake has hit the town of Galta 200 kilometres north of Madras. The earthquake hit the town at 7:15 yesterday evening. The earthquake measured(量出) 7.2 on the Richter scale(里克特震级), the strongest for five years.

The earthquake happened as most people were having their evening meal at home. There were very few people outside in the streets. Buildings fell down and many fires started. The electricity and water were cut off.

As it was dark, the emergency services had a lot of problems. There was no electricity for lights, and there was no water to put out the fires. Early this morning, planes flew over the town to see the damage.

The emergency services are now trying to reach the town. The nearest airport is at Bandel, about 100 kilometers away. The railway station at Galta is closed, because four bridges fell down in the earth. The nearest train station is 32 kilometres away at Solan. We shall have more reports for you during the day. 

1. What were the most people doing when the earthquake hit the town?

   A. Sitting outside.                        B. Cutting off the electricity.

   C. Staying at home.                       D. Starting fires.

2.Why didn’t the emergency services reach the town?

   A. Because it was dark.                    B. Because planes flew over.

   C. Because there was no water.              D. Because four bridges fell down

3. How far is the nearest airport from the town?

   A. About 100 kilometers away.              B. 32 kilometres away.

   C. About 72 kilometers away.               D. 200 kilometres north of Madras.







1. How long will you travel if you go to Cayman Islands?

   A. Two weeks.       B. Ten days.      C. One day.         D. Three days. 

2. Where is Betsy travelling?

   A. From Ensenada to Hawaii.         B. On Cayman Islands.

   C. On beach.                      D. At a shop.

3. Who is having a vacation on Cayman Island?

   A. Betsy.          B. Betsy’s parents.      C. Larry.       D. Robby.




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