满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

One Saturday morning, John and his mothe...

One Saturday morning, John and his mother went    31    a shoe shop    3

John a pair of new shoes. Mrs. Lee put her bag on a chair    33   she

looked at some shoes. She could not see    34  she liked and went away.

Suddenly(突然) she said, “Oh, my bag, someone    35    it away!” All the

other people in the shop stopped    36    and looked at her. John ran after

the man at once(立刻). A few minutes    37   , John came back with 38  .

He    39    it to his mother. She opened the bag and had a look in    40.

Then she said,“ Oh, god, nothing is lost.”

1.A. by           B. on         C. to             D. at

2.A. to buy        B. to give      C. to know        D. to take

3.A. although      B. so          C. but            D. when

4.A. some         B. a           C. any shoes       D. any bags

5.A. went         B. had         C. took            D. came

6.A. sitting        B. thinking     C. talking          D. eating

7.A. before        B. later        C. next            D. after

8.A. the bag       B. the shoes     C. the man         D. his son

9.A. give         B. buy          C. take            D. gave

10.A. one          B. it            C. them           D. her


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.B 【解析】略

--Sally is ill in hospital.


A. Excuse me              B. Oh, I don’t know 

C. I’m sorry to hear that      D. What’s wrong



 I hope there is __________with my eyes.

A.  wrong nothing      B.  nothing  wrong

C. anything  wrong      D. wrong something



 Smoking ________ your health. 

A. is bad for   B. is good for   C. is good to   D. is bad to 



-----__________    ----By bus.

A. How does he go to work?   B. Why does he go to work?

C. When does she go to work?  D. Where does he work?



Why not think about ______ to  Greece?

     A. went      B. going        C. to go       D. goes



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