满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I think I’m _____ unhealthy. A. kind of ...

I think I’m _____ unhealthy.   

A. kind of      B. a litter      C. kinds of     D. pretty very.


A 【解析】略

---What’s the matter _______ Tom?   ---He has a high fever.   

A. to         B. with       C. and      D. for



I love junk food very much, but I try to eat ___ only once a week.   

A. its         B. them          C. it       D. they



 This is _____ unhealthy lifestyle.   

 A. the            B. \         C. a         D. an




请以“My Favourite Star”为题,按照下列要求完成一篇80词左右的短文:




My Favourite Star





Liao Xiaoyi is a pioneer environmental protection (环保事业倡导者) in china. She is regarded as a daughter of the earth. Why?

Liao Xiaoyi is the founder of the Global Village of Beijing. This organization has been working to help Chinese people know more about environmental issues (议题) since 1996.

20 years ago, Liao Xiao yi got interested in and began working on environmental issues. “In China, there is lots of water and air pollution. Many animals and plants are disappearing. But lots of people didn’t ①care about these problems,” she said.

After that, she began making TV programs, writing articles to let people        ②__________ environmental issues. The society appreciated (认可) Liao’s hard work. In 2006, she was chosen as one of the year’s eight Green Chinese Figures (绿色中国年度人物). Last year she became an environmental adviser (顾问) for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

“I’m a daughter of the earth. ③I am just doing what I should do,” Liao said.

What should we learn from her?

1. 根据文章意思,完成下列句子:

The Global Village of Beijing is an organization that can               


2. 文中①画线的词组的意思是:________________________

3. 从文章中找出一个恰当的词组填在文章的②空白处,使句子完整。

After that, she began making TV programs, writing articles to let people ______         ___ environmental issues.

4. 将文中③画线的句子译成汉语。

___________                                  _     __

5. Why is Liao Xiaoyi regarded as a daughter of the earth?




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