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1. 难度:中等
2. 难度:中等


Do you have the ability to care for others? Can you understand how older people feel? Are you a good communicator? Do you have good listening skills? Can you work weekends?

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Writers Wanted

Wowee Magazine is looking for writers for its website. Pay is based on the number of people who read your articles. You may also receive free tickets to events and free products to test. This is a great opportunity to get valuable work experience.

We want people who are: chatty interesting passionate skilled

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Think you could be a model? If so, we'd like to meet you!

Working as a successful fashion model isn't easy but it is very exciting and could be a great opportunity.

Girls should be over 16 with a minimum height of 172 cm and boys should have a minimum height of 182cm. If you are under 16 and do not yet have the required height, we would still be interested in meeting you, but you must bring a parent.



Join Britain's number one cafe at Coffee Beans, where every cafe has the same aims: to create family-like teams and to give excellent customer service.

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1.Which address should you email at if you want to be a support worker?

A. info@wowee.com

B. jobs@coffeebeans.co.uk

C. careers@golden-care.com

D. info@top-model-agency.uk

2.A writer working for Wowee Magazine can______.

A. get a free uniform

B. receive free tickets to events

C. bring a parent

D. choose working hours

3.What can we learn about the jobs from the job postings?

A. The model opportunity is only meant for adults.

B. There is no need to be trained as a support worker.

C. Employees at Coffee Beans have few management opportunities.

D. Applicants to Wowee Magazine are expected to be sociable and enthusiastic.


3. 难度:中等

A loving father lost much weight after being shamed into dieting when he became so fat that he couldn't play with his young daughter. Chris Willis, 47, tipped the scales at 172 kg following a lifetime of fatty foods.

The dad cut out all the fatty foods he had enjoyed, and began exercising. He now weighs 105 kg after losing 10 kg every month since July. Chris had to take long pauses just to climb the stairs or walk more than a few yards, saying, "The hardest thing was seeing my little girl in the garden and not being able to join in because I was so unhealthy. But now I am making up for the lost time-we do so much together and it is just great."

Before switching to a healthy lifestyle, Chris would eat five slices of bread for breakfast as a mid morning meal before a full English breakfast. He would then eat a sandwich, a large pack of crisps and a pasty for lunch before chewing a whole packet of biscuits in the afternoon. For dinner Chris would demolish a curry, and ice cream, and also four pints of beer before feeding on fatty snacks all evening.

Chris said, "At 13, I was 118 kg and I remember a teacher pointing this out to the whole school. From then on I was picked on and bullied(欺负). My weight went up and up. But I now have a new-found freedom. My family and friends have been so supportive and my wife and daughter are so pleased for me. In fact it's them that I did it for more than anyone else. The whole journey has been amazing and I am still shocked myself that I have managed to lose so much weight." Chris is now aiming for a new target weight of 96kg.

1.What was the main reason for Chris losing weight?

A. He was bullied by others.

B. He weighed as much as 172kg.

C. He wanted to switch to a healthy lifestyle.

D. He was too unhealthy to play with his daughter.

2.How long do you think Chris has been dieting?

A. Many years.

B. About 6 months.

C. About one year.

D. Since he was 13.

3.What does the underlined word demolish in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. drink

B. absorb

C. consume

D. destroy

4.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A. Power of father's Love

B. Harm of Fatty Foods

C. Importance of Health

D. Benefit of Exercise


4. 难度:困难

Today tropical rainforests are disappearing from the face of the globe. Despite growing international concern, rainforests continue to be destroyed at a pace over 80,000 acres per day. World rainforest cover now stands at around 2.5million square miles. Human activities have had an effect on much of this remaining area.

Deforestation(森林滥伐) of tropical rainforests has a global effect through species extinction, the loss of important ecosystem services and renewable resources, and the reduction of carbon sinks. However, this destruction can be slowed, stopped, and in some cases even reversed(逆转). Most people agree that the problem must be solved, but the means are not as simple as building fences around the remaining rainforests or banning the wood trade. Economic, political, and social pressures will not allow rainforests to continue to exist if they are completely closed off from use and development.

So, what should be done? The solution must be based on what is practical, not completely idealistic and depends on developing a conservation approach built on the principle of sustainable(可持续的) use and development of rainforests. Beyond the responsible development of rainforests, efforts to restore damaged forest lands along with the establishment of protected areas are key to securing rainforests for the long-term benefits they can provide for mankind.

Historic approaches to rainforest conservation have failed, as shown by the increased rate of deforestation. In many regions, closing off forests as untouchable parks and reserves has neither improved the quality of living or economic opportunities for the rural poor, nor stopped forest clearing by illegal woodcutters and developers.

The problem with this traditional approach to preserving wildlands in developing countries is that it fails to develop proper economic motives for preserving the forest. Local people and the government itself must see financial returns to prove the costs of maintaining parks from economic activities.

1.What has caused some species extinction in the tropical rainforests?

A. Humans' destroying the trees.

B. Carbon sinks being reduced.

C. Lacking renewable resources.

D. Fences not being built around the rainforests.

2.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Tropical rainforests can be easily preserved.

B. Rainforests must be closed off to be better protected.

C. Human activities have had an effect on tropical rainforests.

D. Economic returns can make some difference in protecting tropical rainforests.

3.What is the author's attitude to tropical rainforest protection?

A. Indifferent.

B. Concerned.

C. Doubtful.

D. Puzzled.

4.What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To show the bad effects of deforestation.

B. To stress the importance of the rainforests.

C. To appeal for right ways to save the rainforests.

D. To introduce the fact of forests disappearing.


5. 难度:困难

Apple and Microsoft each launched new products. One company astonished everyone. The other made people sleepy. Can you guess which was which? You probably guessed wrong. Because Apple, famous for its creative products, was the tech giant whose new product caused a collective shrug(耸肩). While Microsoft, which stole a move out of the Apple Playbook, won cheers from high-end, creative-class consumers like business analysts, media designers and music producers.

As Hayley Tsukayama remarked at The Washington Post, the Surface Studio, one of Microsoft's new products, is really just a super-sized version of the Surface Books product that Microsoft has been selling for years. But if you've ever watched science fiction movies like Minority report--where Tom Cruise seems to operate pictures and data hanging on mid-air by touching them, spreading his fingers to increase on details, and sending files and information sliding from one folder to another with a click of the fingers, you can see how Microsoft is trying to show the same experience.

Meanwhile, apple's new products were almost like some fine promotions for its Apple TV. They boast(炫耀)that the new Macbook Pros has a smaller size and more functions, and a new touch screen bar on laptop keyboards where function keys used to be.

So what's going on? In many ways, Apple is focusing on attracting the average consumers who have been attracted by Microsoft. And Microsoft is focusing on targeting the high-end professionals Apple has historically been associated with. You can even see this is the companies' ad campaigns: Microsoft's ads stress imagination and creativity, while Apple,s commercial chief performance and convenience of its Macbooks.

So Apple is trying to control the world of devices and laptops from the top down, starting with the high-end market and moving on to appeal to a broader base of consumers. Microsoft, having already strengthened itself within the bigger low-end market, is now attempting the opposite with a bottom-up strategy. Will these succeed? Time will tell...

1.What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A. Microsoft's new products made a big hit.

B. Apple's products aim at high-end consumers.

C. Apple and Microsoft developed the same products.

D. The design of Microsoft's products is original and unique.

2.Why does the author mention the science fiction movie in Paragraph 2?

A. To show how trendy Microsoft’s new products are.

B. To tell us Microsoft's new products can be used in movies.

C. To encourage more people to see the science fiction movie.

D. To show Microsoft’s new products are inspired by the movie.

3.What can we infer from the last two parts of the text?

A. Apple is changing its focus on consumer groups from average to high-end ones.

B. Microsoft is changing its focus on consumer groups from high-end to average ones.

C. The two companies are adopting different business strategies from their own before.

D. The two companies are facing fierce competition with each other.

4.In which section of a newspaper can we most probably read this passage?

A. Leisure and Entertainment.

B. Economics and Business.

C. Culture and Education.

D. Life and Fashion.


6. 难度:中等

Change your thinking and eventually change your life by carrying out the following steps.

1.we all grow up with messages from our pasts that shape our beliefs about ourselves. Have you examined those messages recently? What are they telling you about yourself?

Keep a notebook handy and write down any thoughts (self-talk) that produce negative emotions.2.Once you have identified thinking patterns, it becomes easier to change them.

Now take action to change your self-talk. If your self-talk reflects any negativity, get rid of it. Replace self-defeating statements with positive ones. For example, replace "I always forget" with "everyone forgets and it's not a big deal—just what it is to be human."

You cannot have an emotion without a thought before it.3.It's a domino effect: thought, emotion, action, outcome. Your thoughts can be a recipe for disaster or a recipe for happiness and personal fulfillment(实现).

Self-comfort. Treat yourself as you would treat your best friend. Well often comfort a friend while being unnecessarily hard on ourselves. Learn to comfort yourself when needed.

4.Life is too short to put your dreams on the less important while attempting to live up to another's expectations. When you become your own best friend, it becomes easier to stand up for what's important to you.

When you change your thinking, you change your outlook and eventually your circumstances. It's that simple.  5.

A. Examine the programming.

B. Choose friends who support you.

C. Remove other people's "shoulds" from your life.

D. When you truly value yourself, other people's opinions become less valuable.

E. This is a reliable criterion that will set you on the path to happiness and personal fulfillment.

F. These include thoughts that make you feel defeated, sad, angry, afraid, unsure, or self-doubting.

G. When you change your thoughts, you change the way you feel, and this radiates out into your life and affects its outcome.


7. 难度:中等

Last year, a small screen production became a hot topic on social media. It was a TV1.(adapt) of Chinese literature classic, The Dream of the Red Chamber, which2.(perform) by a group of children aged 6 to 12. Despite their young age, the children3.(skilful)played the characters and won much applause.

To those4.have read the book, the young actors and actresses brought the characters alive again. "I was thrilled by their perfect acting5.the TV drama. This one is as good as the 1987 work," a Douban user said. Actually, this latest children's version,6.(belong)to a program titled, Xiao Xigu (literally, young artists), is in honor of the7.(thirty)anniversary of the 1987 work, praised as the most classic.

The program claims8.(let) children "Learn from Classics, Act in Practice". However, the works also lead to many concerns besides countless9.(praise)on the Internet. Some netizens said such works played by children should be limited, since young people just imitated adults in these productions. Some doubted10.young performers could understand the characters and even the essence(本质) of the work they played.


8. 难度:中等







Reading is good for babies in developing their intelligence and interest. Mom would read to me if I was a baby, that developed my love for reading. As I grew elder and could read by myself, my father often takes me to book-stores and left me there reading.

On my birthdays, the gifts sending by my parents are always books. It is them who let me know benefits of reading.

Personally, I feel strong that reading does us lots of goods. It can broaden our horizons and make us more intelligent. Additionally, it is helpful in our learning, especially in writing about good compositions.

So let's start reading now.


9. 难度:中等

假定你是李华,你的美国朋友 Peter来信说对中国功夫很感兴趣,并请你介绍相关情况。请你给他写封回信,内容包括:






3. 开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。

Dear Peter,

It's great to hear from you.___________________________________________________________________







Best wishes!


Li Hua


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