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1. 难度:中等


I passed my driving test at the fourth attempt. You might think that means I'm not as safe as someone who passed on their first attempt. But would you feel safer with no driver at all? Maybe not, and that's why automotive firms have included driver­assist functions in their driverless cars. This allows the human driver to take over if there is a problem.

Google is one producer that has prototype driverless cars. These cars have been newly equipped with auto­steering wheels and conventional controls to allow normal driving. But this is just a stage the vision is to have fully automated cars very soon. The director of Google's self­drive project, Chris Urmson, hopes his 11­year­old son will never have to take a driving test. To achieve that, the cars need to be on the roads in five years. He says driverless cars will greatly reduce accidents and traffic jams.

According to Chris, about 1.2 million people are killed on the roads around the world each year. That number is equivalent to a jet falling out of the sky every day. He thinks gradual changes to existing car designs are not enough to deal with the problems. “If we are really going to make changes to our cities, get rid of parking lots, we need self­drive cars,” he says.

Google's prototypes have covered over a million kilometers on the road. They have also had to deal with unexpected situations, such as a child driving a toy car in the road, and a woman in an electric wheelchair chasing a duck. In each case, the car reacted safely.

Some are not convinced. Sven Beiker of Stanford University thinks driverless cars will still need human input in extreme circumstances.

1.According to Paragraph 1, what is the author's chief concern about driverless cars?

A.Functions.          B.Safety.

C.Price.              D.Appearance.

2.Chris Urmson mentioned his 11­year­old son in order to show that ________.

A.traditional cars are harmful for kids

B.his son is not good at driving

C.his son is a slow learner in driving

D.driverless cars will come soon

3.What is Chris Urmson's comment on self­drive cars?

A.They can solve many existing problems.

B.They are safer than a jet plane.

C.They can completely change our cities.

D.They should change gradually.

4.What can we learn from the text?

A.Google's prototypes will be tested on the roads soon.

B.Self­drive cars are not designed for children or women.

C.Concerns remain about the reliability of self­drive cars.

D.Driving tests will be easier to pass in the near future.


2. 难度:中等


It was a beautiful morning in the summer. My oldest grandson, Seth, now twelve, stood on the small dock (码头) and _______ for me to bait his hook (在鱼钩上放诱饵) with a lively worm. I _______ the worm securely to the hook.“Here you go, Seth,” I told him. “You're all set.” He cast his _______into the water. I baited my own hook 满分5 manfen5.comand cast my line

into the water. We sat on the dock, enjoyed the brief relief from the heat and ________ watched any signs of a bite.

Seth reeled (往卷轴上绕起) his line in. “What are you _______?” I asked.

“There's no fish.”

“Sure there are!” I said.“They aren't hungry right now,________ they're there.”

He_______ me, pulled his bobber (浮子) and bait in and cast his line in another________. I sat and watched Seth cast. He'd wait a few minutes, reel it in and _______ again.


He looked at me. “Seth! Patience! Fishing is a game of ________: You cast your bait into the water and wait.”

“Poppa, there is no _________ here.”

“Seth, fishing is a game, a very _______ one. Sometimes you win, but mostly you ________. The fish are clever. It's a waiting _______. The fish usually win.  They're smart. You need to be_______.”

We went home that day empty­handed, but I hoped he _______ a lesson from this experience.

________ is easy in life. We go through pains, struggles and dreams, but _______ we are patient, our goals will bite the hook and we can reel them in.

I'm still waiting for mine. I _______ it's out there, under the waters, searching for the hook.One day it will happen.

In the meantime, I________fishing.

1.A.looked        B.worked           C.cared          D.waited

2.A.applied        B.transformed      C.fastened       D.linked

3.A.line           B.bucket           C.stone          D.bag

4.A.suddenly       B.carefully        C.proudly        D.helplessly

5.A.discovering    B.doing            C.suggesting   D.asking

6.A.but            B.so               C.or             D.and

7.A.left           B.followed         C.ignored        D.accepted

8.A.order          B.time             C.direction      D.form

9.A.cast           B.gain             C.appear         D.win

10.A.humour        B.courage          C.preparation   D.patience

11.A.boat          B.fish             C.worm           D.chance

12.A.easy          B.slow             C.different    D.useful

13.A.succeed       B.rise             C.dream          D.lose

14.A.game          B.list             C.period         D.room

15.A.happier     B.stronger         C.smarter        D.taller

16.A.offered       B.taught           C.learned        D.began

17.A.Anything      B.Nothing          C.Everything     D.Something

18.A.unless        B.before           C.although       D.if

19.A.predict       B.guess            C.know           D.doubt

20.A.keep          B.imagine          C.stop           D.avoid


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