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1. 难度:中等

     any bread that morning, we had nothing to eat.

A. Being not made        B. Not having made

C. Having not made       D. Not having been made


2. 难度:中等

---Do you know Jim failed to pass the driving test?

---I don’t know,         .

A. nor don’t I care            B. nor do I care

C. I don’t care neither         D. I don’t care also


3. 难度:中等

I believe the beauty of nature there will make an excellent _____ upon the tourists.

A. guide         B. adjustment

C. impression    D. Attraction


4. 难度:中等

---Why did you         the third paragraph of your rewritten composition?

---Because I thought it was off the point.

A. play out    B. hand out

C. carry out    D. leave out


5. 难度:中等

All of them felt it strange that he     the meeting.

A. attend    B. would have attended

C. could attend    D. were to attend


6. 难度:中等

—How does the story The Emperor's New Clothes_______?

—Once upon a time, there was a silly emperor who loved clothing more than anything else...

A.clarify     B. inform      C. go   D. Announce


7. 难度:中等

Film has a much shorter history, especially when      such art forms as music and painting.

A. compare to    B. compared to

C. comparing to  D. having compared to


8. 难度:中等

Can you think of some cases________drivers obviously knew the traffic rules but didn't obey them?

A. where   B. why     C. as   D. Which


9. 难度:中等

Though computers can do a lot of work man can’t do, they can’t completely _______ human beings.

A. replace with   B. in place

C. take place     D. take the place of


10. 难度:中等

---How often do you call your parents?

---      ,but usually once a week.

A. Forget it    B. Once in a while

C. It depends    D. I’ve no idea


11. 难度:中等

I was so familiar with him that I recognized his voice      I pick up the phone.

A. while      B. after      C. in case     D. the instant


12. 难度:中等

It was       the soldier did at the spot of the accident, not what he said,

moved all the citizens of the whole city.

A. that; what      B. what; that

C. that; that      D. what; which


13. 难度:困难

Due to the traffic jam, thousands of passengers remained      on the freeway.

A. stuck             B. sticking

C. to be sticking     D.to have stuck


14. 难度:中等

---Volunteering is getting       popular in China.

---Indeed. More people are now aware that helping others benefits themselves a lot.

A. casually     B. accurately

C. tightly      D. Increasingly


15. 难度:中等

---Mary, let’s go to the bookshop this weekend. Will you be      ?

---Sorry, but I’m going to visit my uncle in the countryside.

A. eager         B. Suitable

C. convenient    D. available


16. 难度:中等

Like most people, I have grown up hearing the story Cinderella, in which a young girl lived with her cruel stepmother and suddenly had her life changed by a kind fairy and a smart prince. So when to see Rodger & Hammerstein’s Cinderella, which is now playing on Broadway, I was very excited, As soon as I sat down, I noticed the trees lining the stage ,which gave it a magical appearance. The orchestra started to play and the lights became dark as the show began.

I loved the entire performance. Everything and everyone on stage seemed like they had just jumped off the pages of the beloved story.

It turns out that the Broadway experts agree with me. The show has received nine Tony nominations(提名). Tony awards are the top prizes for Broadway shows. Laura Osnes, who plays the role of Cinderella, has been nominated for the Tony for best actress in a musical.

How similar is the show to the story of Cinderella you know? The answer, of course, depends on which version of the story you’ve seen or read. In an interview with TIME FOR Kids, Osnes pointed out that many people are familiar with the Disney movie version. There are some differences between that movie and the Broadway show. For one thing, the stepmother and the sisters are not as cruel in the show as in the movie. Also, in the Broadway version, when Cinderella escapes from the dancing party, she picks up her shoe after dropping it. So how does the prince find Cinderella again? You’ll have to see the show to find out!

I just think anyone would enjoy this play, including both kids and adults. The attention to detail is amazing. In my opinion, this play deserves a double thumbs-up!

1.The author was excited because    .

A. he has grown up knowing the story of Cinderella

B. he could see Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella on stage

C. the lights became dark and the orchestra started to play

D. the stage had a magical appearance with the tree on it

2.Which of the following shows that the Broadway experts agree with the author?

A. They all agree the musical is more beloved than the story.

B. They all agree the story is more complicated than the musical.

C. Broadway experts have given the show nine Tony nominations.

D. Laura Osnes has been nominated for the Tony for best actress.

3.What is one of the differences between the Disney movie and the Broadway show according to the passage?

A. Cinderella picks up her shoe after dropping it in the movie.

B. The stepmother and the sisters are crueler in the movie.

C. The prince doesn’t find Cinderella in the show.

D. Cinderella doesn’t escape from the dancing party in the show.

4.According to the author, this show is suitable       .

A. only for grown-up

B. only for children.

C. for both grown-ups and children

D. for either grown-ups or children


17. 难度:中等

Global Positioning Systems(GPS) are now a part of everyday driving in many countries. These satellite-based systems provide turn-by-turn directions to help people get to where they want to go. But, they can also cause a lot of problems, send you to the wrong place or leave you completely lost. Many times, the driver is to blame. Sometimes a GPS error is responsible. Most often, says Barry Brown, it is a combination of the two.

We spoke to Mr. Brown by Skype (网络电话软件). He told us about an incident involving a friend who had flown to an airport in the eastern United States. There he borrowed a GPS-equipped car to use during his stay. BARRY BROWN: “And they just plugged in an address and then set off to their destination. And, then it wasn’t until they were driving for thirty minutes that they realized they actually put in a destination back on the West Coast where they lived. They actually put their home address in. So again, the GPS is kind of 'garbage in garbage out'.”

Mr Brown says this is a common human error. But, he says, what makes the problem worse has to do with some of the shortcomings, or failures, of GPS equipment. BARRY BROWN: “One problem with a lot of the GPS units is that they have a very small screen and they just tell you the next turn. Because they just give you the next turn, sometimes that means that it is not really giving you the overview that you would need to know that it’s going to the wrong place.”

Barry Brown formerly served as a professor with the University of California, San Diego. While there, he worked on a project with Eric Laurier from the University of Edinburgh. The two men studied the effects of GPS devices on driving by placing cameras in people’s cars. They wrote a paper based on their research. It is called “The Normal, Natural Troubles of Driving with GPS.”

It lists several areas where GPS systems can cause confusion for drivers. These include maps that are outdated, incorrect or difficult to understand. They also include timing issues(时机问题) related to when GPS commands are given.

Barry Brown says, To make GPS systems better we need a better understanding of how drivers, passengers and GPS systems work together.”

1.In paragraph 2, Mr. Brown mentioned his friend in the conversation to _______.

A. build up his own reputation

B. laugh at his stupid friend

C. prove the GPS system is only garbage

D. describe an example of human error

2.What is the disadvantage of small screens in GPS equipment according to the text?

A. They just provide the next turn.

B. They are harmful to eyes.

C. They make drivers tired easily.

D. They often break down suddenly.

3.Which of the following statements would Barry Brown most likely agree with?

A. GPS units are to blame for most GPS service failures.

B. We should introduce higher standards for the driving license.

C. Cameras are badly needed to help improve GPS systems.

D. Drivers, GPS systems and passengers should unite to improve GPS systems.

4.What is Mr. Brown’s attitude towards GPS?

A. Unconcerned.   B.subjective.

C. Objective.      D. Critical.

5.Which of the following statements can best describe the main idea of the passage?

A. Driving with GPS can be difficult.

B. Driving confusions can be caused by small screens.

C. Driving without GPS should be much more convenient.

D. GPS equipment in driving to be given up or improved


18. 难度:中等

We’ve all felt discouragement at one point or another in our lives. However, when this emotion bleeds into other aspects of our life, it can sometimes be inappropriate or even harmful.

I was personally discouraged by an adult during my high school. After telling her what university I wanted to attend, she plainly told me I would not get in. I was completely shocked and angry at her statement. The adult may have not intended to hurt me with her words, but it had an after effect. The meeting made me think she had no belief that I could possibly succeed in the future. After that it caused me to try to avoid any future meeting with adults until absolutely necessary.

We are all human; therefore, we can all understand that some days are more challenging. But when people allow situations of stress to consume(充满) them, they cannot perform their best. People should pay attention to how their reactions could affect the person they are interacting with. People have the potential to perform their best when they are indulged in the task at hand, but adults who come off in a rude and aggressive way through communication have an effect on teenagers’ mind.

Adults whether in schools, or any other institutions should work to tear down walls gently and create a safe space for the person they are serving. These adults should also help and contribute to a person’s academic, personal and professional growth. High school is an important time when young people need someone to believe in them.

In conclusion, I would like to add that it is not completely up to adults only. Students are responsible for seeking help from adults who are in authority(权威) positions. They are also responsible for the way they approach adults in their academic surroundings. Students can expect to be treated in a respectful way when they express at the beginning. Generally the responsibility lies on both parties. When both sides can communicate in a polite manner then the complete environment of the school has the potential to develop well.

1.The passage is mainly about ______.

A. the adults’ roles in school

B. the skill to encourage students

C. the way to communicate with children

D. the importance of personal professional growth

2.Who are responsible for children’s development at school according to the writer?

A. Students.    B. Teachers.

C. Headmasters.  D. Both students and teachers.

3.The underlined phrase probably “are indulged in” means “______”.

A. are weak in        B. are amazed at

C. are interested in  D. are unbearable with

4.The writer once tried to avoid meetings with adults because ______.

A. he was very busy

B. he thought highly of himself

C. he was once hurt by an adult

D. he couldn’t get high marks at school


19. 难度:中等

Are you a problem shopper? The answer is “Yes”, if you or someone else thinks that you sometimes get carried away with shopping. In other words, do you or does someone else think you are busy in extreme shopping? If people have regrets later about their shopping, or have an “out-of-control” feeling about the quantities of what they buy or the amount of money they use, they may be considered to be problem shoppers.

Extreme shopping can lead to a more serious problem addictive shopping. Addictive shoppers feel driven by the desire to shop and spend money. They experience great tension which drives them to shop and spend money and they feel a “rush” during the time they are occupied with the shopping activity.

Extreme or addictive shopping may result from long-time unpleasant feelings, of which anxiety, pain and shame are common ones. When we feel bad inside, we often do something to make ourselves feel better. In this case, we often go shopping.

A few people shop to relieve their boredom or emptiness. For some people, the motivation is a desire for status, power, beauty or success. Some love to shop as it makes them feel valued in the eyes of the shop assistants. Others shop simply because it makes them forget, at least temporarily, tension, fear or unhappiness in their life.

Besides, shopping malls are designed to encourage continual shopping. For instance, there are some malls where you can’t see clocks displaying the time because they don’t want you to become too aware of the time you spend there. What’s more, food courts, coffee shops and restrooms are provided, so you don’t have to leave the mall because of your physical needs.

Therefore, once you become aware of how market forces work, you will certainly come to control your shopping behavior. For example, how much time you will spend and what areas you will visit can be decided before you enter the mall. Keep a written account of what items you will buy and how much money you will spend. Make a plan for what you are going to buy before you feel the urge to shop and then stick to it. That is vital for gaining self-control.

1.Which of the following people may not be problem shoppers?

A. Those who cannot control the amount of money they use.

B. Those who just walk around the shopping malls.

C. Those who are occupied in too much shopping.

D. Those who feel sorry for their shopping.

2.According to the passage, what may not result in addictive shopping?

A. The awareness of how market forces work.

B. The desire for status, power, beauty or success.

C. Boredom, emptiness, tension, fear or unhappiness in people’s life.

D. Long-time bad feelings of anxiety, pain and shame.

3.What does the author suggest to control our shopping behaviour?

A. Never going to the shopping malls because there are many tricks.

B. Applying for a credit card before we go shopping.

C. Making the shopping time as short as possible.

D. Making a shopping list before we go shopping.

4.The author writes this passage to _______.

A. inform the shopping malls how to attract more shoppers

B. provide solutions to the problem shopping

C. scold the problem shoppers

D. tell a shopping story


20. 难度:中等

She turned up at the doorstep of my house in Cornwall. No way could I have sent her away. No way, not me anyway. Maybe someone had kicked her out of their car the night before. "We're moving house.'; "No space for her any more with the baby coming." "We never really wanted her, but what could we have done? She was a present." People find all sorts of excuses for abandoning(放弃) an animal. And she was one of the most beautiful dogs I had ever seen.

I called her Goldie. If I had known what was going to happen,I would have given her a more creative name. She was so unsettled during those first few days. She hardly ate anything and had such an air of sadness about her. There was nothing I could do to make her happy, it seemed. Heaven knows what had happened to her at her previous owner's. But eventually at the end of the first week she calmed down. Always by my side, whether we were out on one of our long walks or sitting by the fire.

That's why it was such a shock when she pulled away from me one day when we were out for a walk. We were a long way from home, when she started barking and getting very restless. Eventually I couldn't hold her any longer and she raced off down the road towards a farmhouse in the distance as fast as she could.

By the time I reached the farm I was very tired and upset with Goldie. But when I saw her licking () the four puppies (幼犬) I started to feel sympathy towards them. "We didn't know what had happened to her," said the woman at the door. "I took her for a walk one day, soon after the puppies were born, and she just disappeared." "She must have tried to come back to them and got lost," added a boy from behind her. '

I must admit I do miss Goldie, but I've got Nugget now, and she looks just like her mother. And I've learnt a good lesson: not to judge people.

1.In her first few days at the author's house,  Goldie        .

A. felt worried     B. was angry

C. ate a little    D. sat by the fire

2.Goldie rushed off to a farmhouse one day because she       .

A. saw her puppies

B. heard familiar barking

C. wanted to leave the author

D. found her way to her old home

3.The passage is organized in order of ­        .

A. time         B. effect

C. importance   D. Complexity


21. 难度:中等


accuse…of      draw a conclusion     be back on one’s feet      make sense

consist of       put forward      concentrate on        fall ill

to one’s credit      make a difference       a variety of         break away

sweep up        dispose of    squeeze out


1.When do you need to use your knowledge about first aid? When somebody suddenly_________ or has an accident.

2.It is difficult to __________ because the situation is confusing.

3.Only by discovering what we do best can we hope to reach our goals and truly__________.

4.Well, now we can see a system where the waste is _______ using the principles of ecology.

5.Father has bought his little son ________ toys which have almost filled the son’s bedroom.

6.The police ______ him _____ murder.

7.Are you serious in _______ such a view?

8.Life mainly _______ happiness and sorrow(悲伤) while happiness and sorrow lie in struggle.

9.A quarrel broke out last Sunday, and he _______ from his family.

10.__________, she gave a hand to an old lady in the rain.

11.She had been ill seriously, but after resting for a long time, she_________ gradually.

12.When we flew in the space capsule, we were ________ into the sky so quickly that I didn’t even have time to fasten my safety belt.

13.With so much noise outside, she can’t _________ her work.

14.Can you _________ of what this writer is saying?

15.The lemon looks dry, but you may be able to _____ a few drops of juice if you try.


22. 难度:中等

I want to make the most of every day. And, like most people, I've    that the best way to do it is to let go of past failures. But that's not all. One can never fully       today while thinking too much about past successes, either. People never     while resting comfortably on their laurels (荣誉). The       is that sometimes our successes hold us back more than our failures!

I once   a story about the Oscar owner, actor Clark Gable. A friend       Gable one afternoon at the actor's home. She brought along her          son, who was playing happily with toy cars on the floor. He          he was racing those cars around a great track, which in        was an imaginary circle around a golden statue (雕像). The small statue the boy played with was actually the Oscar Clark Gable       for his performance in the 1934 movie It Happened One Night.

When his mother told him the time had come to       ,the little boy asked the actor, “Can I have this?”     to the Oscar.

“Sure,” he smiled. “It's yours.”

The horrified mother     . “Put that back immediately!”

Giving the child the golden statue, Clark Gable said, “Having the Oscar around doesn't mean anything to me;        it does.” The actor seemed to know that past success could be a    hammock (吊床) upon which he may be tempted to         , rather than a springboard setting him to begin a new start.

You may have learned to let go of past           and mistakes in order to free the present. But will you forget past successes and achievements in order to free the     ?Will your past be a springboard or a restful hammock?

“I like the            of the future better than the history of the past,” said Thomas Jefferson. I        . After all, the future, not the past, is where the rest of your life will be lived.

1.A. discovered.B. inferredC. hopedD. worried

2.A. spendB. liveC. understandD. enjoy

3.A. struggleB. workC. succeedD. learn

4.A. storyB. factC. ideaD. news

5.A. wroteB. toldC. knewD. heard

6.A. sawB. recognizedC. metD. visited

7.A. carefulB. smallC. lonelyD. clever

8.A. pretendedB. believedC. insistedD. suggested

9.A. realityB. caseC. turnD. need

10.A. caredB. askedC. wonD. looked

11.A. actB. leaveC. playD. wait

12.A. runningB. gettingC. pointingD. shouting

13.A. objectedB. noticedC. sufferedD. breathed

14.A. sellingB. keepingC. earningD. sharing

15.A. specialB. comfortableC. expensiveD. necessary

16.A. restB. cheatC. stopD. sit

17.A. difficultiesB. eventsC. failuresD. achievements

18.A. timeB. futureC. bodyD. brain

19.A. ideaB. meaningC. dreamsD. thoughts

20.A. obeyB. permitC. wishD. agree


23. 难度:中等

Dear Mum and Dad,

The College Entrance Examination is around the corner, I wish I c 1. have a heart-to-heart talk with you.  Thanks to your 2.     (鼓励) and unselfish love, I have been  m  3.        great progress in my studies. It will be less than three weeks before I take the exam, 4.       makes me under great pressure.  Therefore, good studying conditions and timely help will  5.       me a lot of good. My dream is the very one you always have. In order to make f 6.        use of the time, I decide to make a few detailed study     7.        (计划) for the exam. What’s m 8.       , it’s also necessary that I do some physical exercise once in a while so that I can keep f 9.       .  All in all, I have   10.        (自信) in my future life and   I do wish you good health and a happy life.


Li  Hua


24. 难度:中等
















Dear friends,

May I have your attention, please? Now I’d like to make a speech here.

With the improvement of living standard, there are a lot of waste on campus. For example, the students_____________________________________________________________







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