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1. 难度:中等

(2013·福建,21)The “Chinese Dream” is ________ dream to improve people's wellbeing and ________ dream of harmonypeace and development.

Athea  Baa  Cathe  Dthethe


2. 难度:中等

(2013·江西,32) Animals are obviously ________ lower form of life than ________ man.

Aa/  Bthethe  Cathe  D//


3. 难度:中等

(2013·山东,22)It was________cold winter night and the moon was shining brightly across________night sky.

A/a  Bathe  Cthea  Dthe/


4. 难度:中等

(2013·江西,19)Marco Polo is said to have sailed on ________ Pacific Ocean on his way to Java in ________ thirteenth century.

Athea  Ba/  C/the  Dthethe


5. 难度:中等

(2013·浙江,15)People develop ________ preference for a particular style of learning at ________ early age and these preferences affect learning.

Aaan  Ba/  C/the  Dthean


6. 难度:中等

(2013·重庆,32)The parents were shocked by ________ news that their son needed ________ operation on his knee.

Aa/     Bthe; /     Cthe; an      Da; an


7. 难度:简单

(2012·新课标全国)Sarah looked at ________ finished painting with ________ satisfaction.

A/a  Bathe  Cthe/  Dthea


8. 难度:中等

(2012·安徽)Carl is studying ________ food science at college and hopes to open up ________ meat processing factory of his own one day.

A/a  B/the  Cthea  Dthethe


9. 难度:中等

(2011·山东)Take your time—it's just ________ short distance from here to ________ restaurant.

A/the  Bathe  Cthea  D/a


10. 难度:中等

(2011·浙江)Experts think that ________ recently discovered painting may be ________ Picasso.

Athe/  Bathe  Ca/  Dthea


11. 难度:中等

We can never expect ________ bluer sky unless we create ________ less polluted world.(2009·安徽)

Aaa  Bathe  Cthea  Dthethe


12. 难度:中等

It is generally accepted that ________ boy must learn to stand up and fight like ________ man.(2011·全国)

Aaa  Bathe  Cthethe  Da/


13. 难度:中等

First impressions are the most lasting.After all, you never get ________ second chance to make ________ first impression.(2010·北京)

Aathe  Bthethe  Caa  Dthea


14. 难度:中等

Being able to afford ________ drink would be ________ comfort in those tough times.(2012·山东)

Athethe  Baa  Ca/  D/a


15. 难度:中等

I don't think the experiment is ________ failure.At least we have gained ________ experience for future.

A/the  Bathe  Ca/  D//


16. 难度:中等

Italy is ________ most attractive European country and how I wish I would go there for________ second time.

Aaa  B/a  Cthethe  Dathe


17. 难度:中等

I don't know who invented ________ telephone, but it's really ________ most wonderful invention.

Athea  B/the  Cathe  D/a


18. 难度:中等

George couldn't remember when he first met Mr. Anderson, but he was sure it was ________ Sunday because everybody was at ________ church.

A/the  Bthe/  Ca/  D/a


19. 难度:中等

As is known to all, ________ People's Republic of China is ________ biggest developing country in the world.(2011·陕西)

Athe/  B/the  Cthethe  D//


20. 难度:中等

—I am so sorry to have come late for the meeting.

—It is not your fault.With ________ rushhour traffic and ________ heavy rainit is no wonder you were late.

Aaa  Bthethe  C//  D/a


21. 难度:中等

What I need is ______ book that contains ________ ABC of oil painting.

Aa/  Bthe/  Cthean  Dathe


22. 难度:中等

The biggest whale is ________ blue whalewhich grows to be about 29 meters long—the height of ________ 9story building.

Athethe  Baa  Cathe  Dthea


23. 难度:中等

Obama has been elected ________ first black President of the United States, and the international society expects to have ________ new USA under his leadership.

A/the  Bathe  Cthea  Dthethe


24. 难度:中等

________ China's growth is not ________ threat to others.On ________ contrary, it will bring more opportunities to the world.

AThea/  BThe/the  C/a/  D/athe


25. 难度:中等

Last Sundaywe took ________ guided walk around by ________ signs of the famous town.

Athethe  Ba/

Cthe/  Dathe


26. 难度:中等

Eggs are sold by ________ dozen while the meat is charged by ________ weight.

Athethe  Bthe/  C/the  D//


27. 难度:中等

Sam has been appointed ________ manager of the engineering department to take ________ place of George.(2012·重庆)

A//  Bthe/  Cthethe  D/the


28. 难度:中等

Some people fear that ________ air pollution may bring about changes in ________ weather around the world.(2009·江西)

A/the  Bthe/  Canthe  Dthea


29. 难度:中等

It's ________ good feeling for people to admire the Shanghai World Expo that gives them ________ pleasure.

A/a  Ba/  Cthea  Dathe


30. 难度:中等

Many lifestyle patterns do such ________ great harm to health that they actually speed up ________ weakening of the human body.

Aa/  B/the  Cathe  D//


31. 难度:中等

Dr.Peter Spence, ________ headmaster of the school, told us, “________ fifth of pupils here go on to study at Oxford and Cambridge.”

A/AB/The  CtheThe  DaA


32. 难度:中等

The bus to the Forbidden City runs on ________ hour by ________ hour.

Athethe  Banthe

Cthe/  Dan/


33. 难度:中等

The Smiths don't usually like staying at ________ hotelsbut last summer they spent a few days at a very nice hotel by ________ sea.

A/a  Bthethe  C/the  Dthea


34. 难度:中等

(2013·南昌外国语学校月考)________ M(m)oney plays an important role in ________ material world.But you can't expect it to give you real happiness.

AAthe  B/a  C/the  DThethe


35. 难度:中等

(2013·西城一模)My friend's birthday is coming soon.I would like to go to ________ storeor some places close by to buy him ________ present.

Athethe  Bathe  C/a  Dthea


36. 难度:中等

(2013·安徽示范高中摸底考试)— How did you do in your essay?

—I got ________ okay gradebut Mr.Jones gave Sarah top marks.She's ________ teacher's petyou know.

A/a  Ban/  C/the  Dana


37. 难度:中等

(2013·邯郸一模)It is said that ________ wool produced in Australia is of ________ high quality.

A//  Bthe/  Cthea  Dthethe


38. 难度:中等

(2013·福建四地六校联考)—Which of the twin brothers is easier to get on with?

—________ younger one.He is ________ most humorous man.

AAa  BAthe  CThea  DThe/


39. 难度:中等

(2013·合肥一中二模)I don't know who invented ________ iphonebut I think it is ________ useful invention.

Athea  Bthethe  Canthe  Dana


40. 难度:中等

(2013·南阳两校联考)Keeping a diary is ________ good habitby which you'll make ________ great progress in writing.

Aaa  Ba/  Cthea  Dthe/


41. 难度:中等

(2013·咸阳二模)—Have you seen ________ penI left it here this morning.

—Is it ________ black oneI found it in the corner.

Aathe  Bthethe  Caa  Dthea


42. 难度:中等

(2013·昆明二模)The operation is ________ success and the patient is now out of ________ danger.

Aathe  Ba/  C/the  D//


43. 难度:中等

(2013·西安一中月考)As ________ unemployment is very high at the momentit's very difficult for people to find ________ work.

Athe/  B//  Cthea  Danthe


44. 难度:中等

(2013·无锡一模)The education of ________ young is always ________ hot and serious topic.

A//  Bthea  C/the  Dthe/


45. 难度:中等

(2013·泰安一中月考)—John has put forward ________ most challenging question for us to answer.

—Yesit really is.I have never heard ________ harder one.

Athe/  B/the  Cthethe  Daa


46. 难度:中等

(2013·泰州二模)In the marketvegetables are sold by ________ kilogramI meanby ________ weight.

Athe/  B//  Cthethe  D/the


47. 难度:中等

(2013·嘉兴一中月考)Many people agree that ________ knowledge of English is a must in ________ international trade today.

Athean  Ba/  Cthethe  D/the


48. 难度:中等

Everything comes with ________ pricethere is no such ________ thing as a free lunch in the world.

Aaa  Bthe/  Cthea  Da/


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