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1. 难度:中等

You don’t necessarily have to own _____ latest everything, but you should have _____rough idea of what is changing.

A. the; a              B. a; 不填          C. 不填; the               D. the; the


2. 难度:简单

Tom is similar ____ height ____ Peter though they are of different ages.

A. to, in         B. to, to           C. in, in                 D. in, to


3. 难度:中等

Yangzhou high school ___________ since 1902. 

A. has come into existence  B. has been existed  C. has been in existence   D. began to exist


4. 难度:中等

A new kind of drug ___ ___ to cure H7N9 bird flu by the scientists and they are hopeful that they will succeed in a couple of weeks.

A. has been developed   B. is being developed    C. is developing    D. has developed


5. 难度:中等

 — Shall we have our Christmas tree decorated?

—_____ . I think it’s fine as it is.

A. Why not?                  B. I can’t agree more    C. Not exactly.       D. Better not.


6. 难度:中等

By the time I see you again, I _______ from that school.

A. have graduated    B. graduated    C. will have graduated D. graduate


7. 难度:中等

 The teacher set such difficult problems ______ nobody could work out _____ none of us passed the test.

A. as; that         B. that; as             C. /; that                        D. as; as


8. 难度:中等

--- In what way will you use your portable computer?

--- I’ll use it _____ for giving lectures at home and abroad. 

A. approximately         B. mostly                     C. almost                            D. most


9. 难度:中等

 You’d better take a map with you when you go to a strange place ___ you get lost.      

A. even though      B. according to     C. due to          D. in case


10. 难度:中等

 ---- Please don’t call me between 8:00 and 10:00 when we will be having a meeting.


A. Make it          B. Got it          C. Take it         D. Remember it


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