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1. 难度:中等

As is known to the world,_____30th Olympic Games will be held in London, which is _____pleasure to the English.

A.the ;不填        B.不填;不填        C.the;a            D.a ;a


2. 难度:中等

--Did you sleep well yesterday?

-- Never _____. I fell into a deep sleep the moment I went to the bed.

A.bad              B.worse            C.better            D.best


3. 难度:中等

My friend Alice _________the swimming club----she joined it two years ago.

A.belongs to         B.is belonging to      C.is belonged to.      D.has belonged to


4. 难度:简单

To be honest, it was what he meant ______what he said that made me so angry.

A.more than         B.rather than        C.other than         D.less than


5. 难度:简单

You must be tired now, Bruce. ______ you have been driving non-stop for at least two hours.

A.In all             B.Above all          C.After all           D.First of all


6. 难度:简单

Many wild animals will ________if people are allowed to kill as many as they wish.

A.die out           B.die away          C.die down          D.die off


7. 难度:简单

It was snowing hard and Mother told me to put on a thick coat to ______myself from the cold.

A.Prevent           B.save              C.explore           D.protect


8. 难度:简单

Parents ______importance to education. They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.

A.attach            B. pay              C.link              D.apply


9. 难度:中等

--May I watch TV for a while, Daddy?

--If you _____, remember to turn it down a bit.

A.Should           B.must             C.could             D.might


10. 难度:中等

She opened the handbag but couldn’t find the money _____she was to buy dog food.

A.for which          B.with which         C.by that            D.of that


11. 难度:中等

Tourists were told _____their sunglass to protect their eyes from the strong sunlight

A.to not take off                          B.not to take off

C.not taking off                           D.not take off


12. 难度:中等

--- Have you moved into the new office building?

---Not yet .It ______

A.is decorating                           B.has been decorated

C.is being decorated                      D.has been decorating


13. 难度:中等

Mr. Li lent me a book last week, _____I have learned a lot about earthquakes.

A.to which          B.for which          C.from which        D.with which


14. 难度:中等

_____time goes by, my grandfather’s memory seems to get worse and worse.

A.Though           B.As               C.Because          D.Since


15. 难度:简单

The Dragon Boat Festival, which is celebrated _______QuYuan, falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.

A.in praise of        B.in search of        C.in memory of       D.in want of


16. 难度:中等

Everyone needs water and a diet ___1.___healthy foods. These foods should __2.___some fat, some fiber, a little salt and so on.

People need energy to live. They eat all kinds of foods___3.__change into energy. Our bodies use different __4.___of energy. The energy is measured in calories(卡路里).The more __5.___we take, the more calories we burn. Even when you are _6.___you are using energy ---about 65calories an hour. While you are at school, or walking home, your body is __7.__up 100 calories an hour. When playing football or basketball, you might be using 400 calories an hour. On _8.___Day, during the relay race, you will use most of all, perhaps as___9.__as 650 calories an hour.

The Chinese diet is considered to be the healthiest in the world. It contains a lot of fruit and green vegetables. It is __10.___in fiber and low in sugar and fat. The Chinese eat less sugar than many___11.___countries in the world. That is __12.___lots of people in China have white teeth.

People in the western world do no eat ___13.__healthy foods. They eat too much fat and sugar and don’t take __14.___exercise.Because of this, they _15.___weight very easily. In order to __16.___with the quick pace(步伐)of their life and work , they eat a lot of fast food . They eat a lot of sweets, soft drinks, potato crisp, chocolates, butter and ice cream and so on, ___17.__are called __18.__food by some epicureans (美食家).The result is that many of them become fat. In order to avoid __19.___fat and __20.___it is advisable (明智的)to eat a balanced diet and not eat too many foods that have a high calorie rating.

21.               A.above          B.Of             C.at    D.over


22.               A.include         B.hold           C.contain    D.make up


23.               A.which          B.what           C.Where    D.it


24.               A.numbers       B.amounts        C.plenty D.deal


25.               A.exercise        B.lesson          C.sport D.games


26.               A.waken         B.running        C.working   D.asleep


27.               A.running        B.adding         C.burning   D.wasting


28.               A.Children        B.Work          C.Sports D.Teacher


29.               A.much          B.many          C.few  D.little


30.               A.poor           B.low            C.rich  D.plenty


31.               A.more          B.other          C.rest  D.others


32.A why         B. because  C. because of  D. since

33.A so          B. very     C. much       D. such

34.               A.a number of     B.too much       C.masses of D.enough


35.               A.lose weight      B.put on         C.die   D.stay healthy


36.               A.keep up        B.carry on        C.keep on   D.go on


37.               A.as             B.these          C.which D.they


38.               A.bad           B.disease         C.healthy    D.junk


39.               A.to get          B.becoming       C.to become D.get


40.               A.keep thin       B.keep fit         C.stay calm D.fall ill



17. 难度:中等

A holiday is any day when people lay aside their ordinary duties and cares. The word came from Old English. At first, holidays honored some holy events or persons. People in Great Britain and other countries speak of holidays as Americans speak of vacations.

Every nation has its special holidays. China observes New Year’s Day (January 1), May Day and National Day as legal (法定的)holidays , as it was on Oct.1,1949 that the People’s Republic of China was founded. The Chinese have long celebrated the Chinese lunar year. In the United States, congress has declared several days as legal holidays such as New Year’s Day (January 1), Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday, Washington’s birthday, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day and so on. Some holidays celebrated special events in the development of a country, such as Greece’s Independence Day, Italy’s Liberation Day and India’s Independence Day.

In the United States, banks and schools usually close on a legal holiday. When such a holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday is usually observed. Schools and organizations often observe days known as traditional holidays, although schools and business do not close then. Those holidays include Valentine’s Day and Halloween.

1.From the passage we know that China’s National Day is _______

A.January1                              B.May 1

C.October1                             D.December25

2.In the sentence “China observes New Year’s Day (January 1)’’, observe means ______

A.praises           B.spends            C.celebrates         D.cares

3.From the passage we can infer that _______

A.Chinese will no longer observe the Spring Festival

B.students don’t have to go to school on any holiday

C.Chinese and Americans share at least one holiday

D.Americans can easily draw money from banks on legal days.

4.Which of the following holidays has nothing to do with a country’s development?

A.China’s National Day                    B.Valentine’s Day

C.Italy’s liberation Day                    D.Independence Day

5.If a legal holiday falls on Sunday in the USA, people usually celebrate on ______.

A.Sunday                               B.the following

C.the following Monday                    D.the following Tuesday.


18. 难度:中等

How Americans Began to Eat Tomatoes

People have strange ideas about food. For example, the tomato is a kind of very

delicious vegetable. It is one of useful plants that can be prepared in many ways. It has rich nutrition and vitamin in it. But in the 18th century, Americans never ate tomatoes. They grow them in their gardens because tomato plants are so pretty. But they thought the vegetable was poisonous (有毒的). They called tomatoes “poison apples”.

President Thomas Jefferson, however, knew that tomatoes were good to eat. He was a learned man. He had been to Paris, where he learned to love the taste of tomatoes. He grew many kinds of tomatoes in his garden. The President taught his cook a way for a cream of tomato soup. This beautiful pink soup was served at the President’s party. The guests thought the soup tasted really good. They never thought their president would serve his honored guests poison apples. Jefferson never spoke to his honored (尊贵的) guests about the fact.

1.After you read the passage, which of the following do you think is true?

A.Americans never ate tomatoes after they began to plant them.

B.American didn’t eat tomatoes before the 19th century.

C.Even now Americans don’t eat tomatoes

D.In the 18th century Americans ate a lot of tomatoes.

2.The passage tells us that Jefferson was a President who learned to love the taste of tomatoes.

A.while he was in Paris .

B.when he was a little boy.

C.the President ’s cook.

D.the President’s wife.

3.According to the text, ________cooked the beautiful pink soup at the President ’s party?

A.the President himself.

B.A French cook

C.the President ’s cook

D.the President’s wife

4.The underlined word “cook”in paragraph2 means_______

A.厨房             B.厨师             C.厨具             D.做饭

5.From the passage we know all the honored guests invited by Jefferson were______.

A.people from other countries               B.from France

C.People of his own country                 D.men only


19. 难度:中等

How to Be a Good Sport(开朗的人)

Learning to lose without losing your cool is a skill, like learning to ride a bike.___1.___ and when you can handle losing; people will call you a good sport.

Why must we learn to lose gracefully(文雅地)?Here is the answer:

___2.___But any time two teams or kids are facing each other in a game or contest, someone will lose (unless it’s a tie平局).Kids lose in small ways, like in a game of checkers(西洋跳棋),but they also might face losing in bigger ways, like when their team loses a championship(锦标赛) game.

__3.____So it’s not surprising that kids don’t like it. Adults don’t like it either, but everyone can learn to control how they react to a loss. In other words, what should you do when you lose?

The most difficult thing is that sometimes you might react before you even realize it. For instance, your little league game comes to an end and, in a flash, the other team has won. __4.____Oh dear, you probably don’t want to be crying right now, even though it’s ok that you feel sad.

Kids who are good sports don’t freak out (表现失常)when they lose. __5.___Kids might not be as eager to play with someone who gets angry all the time and won’t ever give the other guy or girl a break.

A.Everyone wants to win.

B.Losing is really a disappointing matter.

C.They are usually unpopular among young people.

D.They will become known as kids who are fun to play with.

E. There they are celebrating on the field and yon burst into tears.

F. You might find it hard to do this at first, but over time it will get easier.

G.. Many people behave badly after losing a game, especially young people.


20. 难度:中等


get away with    play a trick on     dress up   take place 

turn around      make sure  burst into laughter  as usual 

be familiar with   look forward to

1. Great changes _______________in the rural areas in the last two decades.

2 .She is ___________________going home on May Day.

3.They _______and went to the dancing hall together.

4. Our monitor successfully ___________all of us on April Fool’s Day.

5. I don’t know how he managed to _____________stealing the bike.

6. As parents, you must ________ that the children get enough sleep.

7.He looked at his watch, knowing that she was late again__________.

8. As she came to know him better, she _______________him more.

9.When the teacher __________,the students began to make faces and talk .

10 .On hearing the funny story, everybody_______________.


21. 难度:中等


My friend Jack who was always working hardly so that he could earn enough to buy a car of his own. He used to say, “My life will be better when I get a nicer car.” It took him more than three years to make his dreams come true. However, Jack was not satisfied with what he has achieved. He worked even harder, hoping that he would able to buy a big house with a beautiful garden. One day, I told himself that happy is a journey, not a destination. Try to do what you like and enjoy what you can enjoy at the present, and you will feel regretful when you are too old to do anything.


22. 难度:中等


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