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1. 难度:中等

--- So you gave her your phone ?

--- _____ ,she said she’d return it to me when she could afford her own.

A. Not exactly    B. My pleasure     C. No wonder    D. All right


2. 难度:中等

She has already tried her best. Please don’t be too ______ about her job.

A. curious       B. special         C. particular      D. responsible


3. 难度:中等

 There are many mistakes in his essay, ______ his failure.

A. which results   B. leading to      C. led to         D. that led to


4. 难度:中等

 If he ______ my advice, he wouldn’t have lost his job.

A. followed       B. should follow   C. had followed    D. would follow


5. 难度:中等

 The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without _____  his notes.

A. looking down    B. bringing up     C. trying on      D. referring to


6. 难度:中等

To improve the quality of our products, we asked anyone ____________ had used the products for suggestions.

         A.whoever    B.who          C.which          D.whichever


7. 难度:中等

 --- Do you want anything else for your birthday?

--- Nothing else. I’m very ______ with what you’ve bought for me.

A. satisfying     B. honest         C. content          D. disappointed


8. 难度:中等

Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture, but when and where ____ yet.

   A. hasn’t been decided     B. haven’t decided

C. isn’t being decided       D. aren’t decided


9. 难度:中等

 It is good ______ for an Arab to stand ______ to his friend when they are talking.

   A. manners; close       B. manner ; close

   C. manners ; closely     D. manner; closed


10. 难度:中等

 When Jason failed to pay his bill, the network company ______ his Internet connection.

   A. cut down           B. cut up           C. cut off           D. cut out


11. 难度:中等

The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle ______ .

  A. to be heard         B. to have heard      C. hearing          D. being heard


12. 难度:中等

 The factory used 65 percent of the raw materials, the rest of which _____ saved for other purposes.

A. is                 B. were          C. was               D. are


13. 难度:中等

--What do you think made Mary so upset ?

    ---______  her new bicycle.

A. As she lost         B. Lost          C. Losing             D. Because of losing


14. 难度:中等

From his _____look , we could see that he hadn’t expected that we could raise such ______

questions to him.

     A. confusing; confusing               B. confused; confused

     C. confusing; confused                D. confused; confusing


15. 难度:中等

Was it in the village ____we used to live _____ the accident happened?

A. that; where      B. which; that    C. where; that     D. which; where


16. 难度:中等

Let me take you back a couple of years. Come with me as we relearn a lesson, one that has stuck with me, in my present memory, and   36   me yet. We walked into Elida Road Hardware, an old-fashioned hardware    37___ . No automatic door, not a computer in the building. It was one that I went to fairly often. As we entered the door, two sounds    38   us. The sleigh bells of last year made that sweet, peaceful tinkle as we opened the door. The other sound was the electronic beeper that reminded Andy of our   39    .

 “Good afternoon, Ryan,”     40     the cheerful greeting. Andy was a very   41    sort of owner. He was of medium build and height, and the smile on his face welcomed us.

We walked across the old wood floor. Andy asked us what he could help us with. I told him we were      42    a spring(弹簧). He very patiently replied, “l have lots of springs. You’re going to need to be more specific.”

“Just a spring for an old-fashioned screen door.”

“That’s it. A screen door spring, right down there. ” We   43   where he was pointing, and sure enough, there they were. And knew his store, and his products. That was why I came here instead of Meijer. The service couldn’t be beaten. The price; Yes. But service and   44    ;No.

I picked up one and followed him to the    45   .

He figured up the price, doing the math in his head, “ $1.88,with tax comes to $1. 99. ”

 “ Put it on my dad’s account. ”

He nodded and smiled, “ Good dad’s account. ” He smiled. “I don’t know what you boys would do    46    dad’s account! ”

He handed me the ticket and as I    47    it, I asked, “You really trust my signature?”

His reply surprised,_   48    delighted me. “ When I can’t trust Jerry Hoover’s boys, I can trust nobody! ”

We left, and the brain immediately started to forget things, in order of importance. But what Andy said that day rang in my ears. And it rings in my ears today. That’s a tall order to live up to. It’s a high standard of    49    .My father made a fame for that name, and I get to enjoy the benefits. But on account of this, I must maintain that fame. And that’s     50     business.

1.A.inspires             B.excites         C.shocks           D.amazes

2.A.restaurant           B.store           C. park            D.factory

3.A.hugged            B.greeted          C.heard            D.sensed

4.A.presence           B. dependence      C. importance      D. absence

5.A.shouted            B.said             C.went            D.came

6. A. special            B. ridiculous        C. friendly         D. appropriate

7.A. looking up         B. looking for       C. looking into      D. looking after

8.A. turned to          B. got to            C. stuck to         D. referred to

9.A. description         B. determination     C. satisfaction      D. imagination

10..A.corner              B.counter          C.bank            D.door

11.A.without             B.within           C.by              D.for

12.A.saw                B.wrote            C.signed          D.touched

13.A.yet              B.still              C.even           D.also

14.A. honesty         B. fortune           C. consideration   D. devotion

15.A. serious          B. optimistic         C. silent         D. successful


17. 难度:中等

2010 was the year the Earth struck back.

   Earthquakes, heat waves, floods, volcanoes, super typhoons, blizzards (暴风雪), landslides and droughts killed at least a quarter million people in 2010 – the deadliest year in more than a generation. More people were killed worldwide by natural disasters this year than have been killed in terrorism attacks in the past 40 years combined.

   “It just seemed like it was back-to-back(接二连三) and it came in waves,” said Craig Fugate, who heads the US Federal Emergency Management Agency. It handled a record number of disasters in 2010.

“The term “100-year event’ really lost its meaning this year.”

And we have ourselves to blame most of the time, scientists and disaster experts say.

Even though many disasters have the ring of random chance, the hand of man made this a particularly deadly, costly, extreme and strange year for everything from wild weather to earthquakes.

Poor construction and development practices make earthquakes more deadly than they need be. More people live in poverty in vulnerable buildings(危房) in crowded cities. That means that when the ground shakes, the river floods, or the tropical cyclone hits, more people die.

Disasters from the Earth, such as earthquakes and volcanoes “are pretty much constant,” said Andreas Schraft, vice president of catastrophic perils for the Geneva-based insurance giant Swiss Re. “All the change that’s made is man-made.”

The January earthquake that killed well more than 220,000 people in Haiti is a perfect example. Port-au-Prince has nearly three times as many people – many of them living in poverty- and more poorly built shanties(棚户区) ,than it did 25 years ago. So had the same quake hit in 1985 instead of 2010; total deaths would have probably been in the 80,000 range, said Richard Olson, director of disaster risk reduction at Florida International University.

Climate scientists say Earth’s climate also is changing thanks to man-made global warming, bringing extreme weather, such as heat waves and flooding.

The excessive(过多的) amount of extreme weather that dominated 2010 is a classic sign of man-made global warming that climate scientists have long warned about. They calculate that the killer Russian heat wave – setting a national record of 111 degrees – would happen once every 100,000 years without global warming.

Data show that 18 countries broke their records for the hottest day ever.

“The Earth strikes back in response to bad human decision-making,” said Debarati Guha Sapir.” “It’s almost as if the policies, the government policies and development policies, are helping the Earth strike back instead of protecting from it. We’ve created conditions where the slightest thing the Earth does is really going to have a surprising impact.” White House science adviser John Holdren said we should get used to climate disasters or do something about global warming. “The science is clear that we can expect more and more of these kinds of damaging events unless and until society has sharply reduced the amount of heat-trapping gases and particles(颗粒).”

1.From paragraph 1 to paragraph 3, we learn   ___________________________.

   A. what natural disasters mean to the people all over the world

   B. how terrorism attacks struck in the past four decades

   C. how the Earth struck back in 2010

   D. why the world saw so many disasters in 2010

2.The author gives the example of the big earthquake in Haiti to show that     ___________ .

   A. poor construction largely accounts for more deaths than expected

   B. man’s behaviours are to blame for the constant occurrence of natural disasters

   C. the extreme weather mainly contributes to the disaster of the quake

   D. the country’s poverty and over- crowdedness results in the disaster

3. Which of the following would Debarati Guha Sapir most probably agree with?

   A. Environment protection should be taken into account in policy-making.

   B. Natural disasters are causing increase.

   C. The earth wouldn’t strike back but for the destruction by man.

   D. Conditions should be created to rid the influence of disasters.

4. According to John Holdren, the best way to cut back on the number of natural disasters is    __________________ .

   A. to forecast the happening of natural disasters accurately

   B. to build stronger houses that can stand severe earthquakes and floods

   C. to make better decisions and policies of city development

   D. to send out much fewer greenhouse gases and particles

5.What is the real concern of the writer of this article?

   A. The major causes of natural disasters.

   B. The human unawareness of environment protection.

   C. The harmonious relationship between humans and nature.

   D. The serious results of global warming and earthquakes.


18. 难度:中等

Have you got a Facebook account? Are you thinking of getting one? Jamie Simmonds has just signed up. Let’s see how she’s getting along.

My Diary

MONDAY: I’m officially a Facebooker. I find a few people I used to know and I’ve soon got seven friends. I’ve never felt so popular! I wonder if my old university flatmate Steve is on here…What do you know! He is! Maybe Facebook has its uses.

TUESDAY: I’ve received lots of nice welcoming messages on my wall. Later, I meet up with Steve for a drink after not seeing him for five years. We get on really well! Then, he uses his Facebook app for iPhone to suggest me as a friend to some other former classmates. Some of them even come to the pub and it’s just like old times – possibly a bit too much like old times. During the night, photos are uploaded to Facebook.

WEDNESDAY: Disaster! My mum’s on Facebook! Has she seen the photos of me dancing on the table from last night? Has she shown them to dad? Oh. And I have a friend request – mum again!

THURSDAY: There’s a message from my boyfriend, “so, it’s over then, ;is it?” Evidently I haven’t changed my settings to show I’m “in a relationship”, and I haven’t even added him as a friend. Ah, well, I wonder what my ex-boyfriend is doing… Whoops! I accidentally type his name into my status box instead of the search ‘ and now every one can see it on their news feed.’

FRIDAY: Time to update my status:“Work is boring. Can’t wait for the weekend!” Yeah, that about sums it up. Oh, look, I’ve received a comment! Someone must feel the same way. Lots of my friends now“like” this status.

SATURDAY: Good news! I’ve got 100 friends But wait! Someone’s “un-friended” me! I look through my “friend list” to try to work out who it was. Why did they do that? Am I really such a terrible person? I never knew Facebook could be this cruel.

SUNDAY: Wake up. Check my Facebook page. Make coffee. Check my Facebook page again. Get ready to leave. Change my mind and check my Facebook page … again. I am becoming addicted to it! I think it’s time to end it all before it takes over my life. I delete my account. Back to good, old, simple e-mails. Oh, look, I’ve got a message: A friend invited you to join Twitter. . .

In July 2010, Facebook had more than 500 million active users. The average Facebook user has 130 friends. Facebook is translated into more than 70 different languages. The world spends 700 billion minutes a month on Facebook. Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook page says he’s a Harvard graduate, even though he actually dropped out to focus on Facebook. The site is valued at between $7.9 and $11 billion.

1. Why did Jamie’s boyfriend ask her whether she had broken up with him?

    A. He had seen photos of Jamie dancing on the table.

    B. She showed in her facebook that she was still not dating anyone.

    C. Her boyfriend was angry that she refused to add him as her friend.

    D. He saw the name of her ex-boyfriend on his news feed.

2.Which of the following is conveyed in this article?

    A. Visiting Facebook website took up a large part of Jamie’s time and energy.

    B. Jamie is enthusiastic about her present job.

    C. Facebook was created by a Harvard graduate, Mark Zuckerberg.

    D. Compared with Facebook, Twitter is a better choice for Jamie.

3.What does the word“un-friend” mean in“Someone’s ‘un-friended’ me!”?

    A.  Being unfriendly to others.

    B.  Having a quarrel with somebody.

    C.  Removing a name from the friend list.

    D.  Ending friendship with somebody.

4.Which of the following is true according to the passage ?

   A. Steve was Jamie’s boyfriend in the university.

   B. People all over the world spend 700 billion minutes a week on Facebook.

   C. Jamie’s mother has seen the photos of her dancing on the table.

   D. Jamie felt enthusiastic about Facebook at first.

5.It can be learned from the passage that the writer’s attitude towards Facebook is ______  .

    A. approval          B. objective           C. negative        D. positive


19. 难度:中等

From the health point of view we are living in an amazing age. We are free from many of the most dangerous diseases. A large number of once deadly illnesses can now be cured by modern medicine. It is almost certain that one day medicines will be found for the most stubborn remaining diseases. The expectation of life has increased greatly. But though the possibility of living a long and happy life is greater than ever before, every day we witness the unbelievable killing of men, women and children on the roads. Man vs the motor-car! It is a never-ending battle which man is losing.

    Thousands of people all over the world are killed or horribly killed each year and we are quietly sitting back and letting it happen.

    It has been rightly said that when a man is sitting behind a steering wheel(方向盘), his car becomes the extension of his personality. There is no doubt that the motor-car often brings out a man’s very worst qualities. People who are normally quiet and pleasant may become unrecognizable when they are behind a steering-wheel. They say, they are ill-mannered and aggressive, willful as two-year-olds and completely selfish. Their hidden angers and disappointments seem to be brought to the surface by the act of driving.

    The surprising thing is that society smiles so gently on the motorist and seems to forgive his behavior. Everything is done for his convenience. Cities are allowed to become almost uninhabitable because of heavy traffic; towns are made ugly by huge car parks; the countryside is ruined by road networks; and the deaths become nothing more than a number every year, to be easily forgotten.

    It is high time a world rule was created to reduce this senseless waste of human life. With regard to driving, the laws of some countries are unbelievable lenient(宽容的) and even the strictest are not strict enough. A rule which was universally accepted could only have an obviously beneficial effect on the accident rate. Here are a few examples of some of the things that might be done. The driving test should be standardized and made far more difficult than it is; all the drivers should be made to take a test every three years or so; the age at which young people are allowed to drive any vehicle should be raised to at least 21; all vehicles should be put through strict tests for safety each year. Even the smallest amount of alcohol in the blood can damage a person’s driving ability. Present drinking and driving laws(where they exist) should be made much stricter. Speed limits should be required on all roads. Governments should lay down safety specifications for car factories, as has been done in the USA. All advertising stress power and performance should be banned. These measures may not sound good enough. But surely nothing should be considered as too severe if it results in reducing the number of deaths. After all, the world is for human beings, not motor-cars.

1.What is the main idea of this passage?

  A. Traffic accidents are mainly caused by motorists.

  B. Thousands of people all over the world are killed each year.

  C. The laws of some countries about driving are too lenient.

  D. More strict traffic laws can prevent accidents.

2.What does the author think of society toward motorists?

  A. Society laughs at the motorists.

  B. Huge car parks are built in the cities and towns.

  C. Victims of accidents are nothing.

   D. Society forgives their rude driving.

3.What does the author mean by saying “his car becomes the extension of his personality” in

Paragraph 3?

A. Driving can show his hidden qualities.

B. Driving can show the other part of his personality.

C. Driving can bring out his character.

D. Driving can represent his manners.

4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way against traffic accidents?

  A. Perfect the road network.

 B. More strict driving tests.

  C. Test drivers every three years.

  D. Raise age limit and lay down safety specifications.

5. The author’s attitude towards the traffic situation is ______.

  A. confused        B. discontented       C. appealing       D. doubtful


20. 难度:中等


66. Not everything you see is what it appears to be.

67. He who loses freedom loses all.

68. Misfortune tests true friendship.

69.Union gives strength.

70.Precious things are for those that can prize them.



21. 难度:中等






22. 难度:中等

单词拼写 每题1分,满分10 分)

1.When i_____________ to the strangers, I felt a bit shy.

2.Many of us know the famous saying “F________ is the mother of success.”

3.On National Day the Summer Palace is c_________ with people every year.

4.People t________ the world celebrate New Year in various ways.

5.People don’t like children who b__________ badly in their daily life.

6.I have made great progress this term so my parents are s___________ with me.

7.With the boy leading the way, we had no d____________ in finding his house.

8.Everything taken into c_______________, he has done a good job this time.

9.As Christmas is a___________, we are getting ready to celebrate it.

10.T__________ to your help, we accomplished the task ahead of schedule.


23. 难度:中等









Time is valuable but limit. There’s a famous saying, “Time is money”, this shows the


important of time. When time has gone, it will never return back. It’s a pity when many people


make poorly use of time. They spend their precious time oversleeping, drinking and traveling.


They don’t realize wasting time is equal to waste part of their life. They always regret having


made a little achievement so far. Therefore, we should form the habit of valuing time. Don’t put off


that can be done today until tomorrow. Laziness will not only bring us failure, but also lead us on


poverty and even death.



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