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1. 难度:简单


第一节:单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分, 满分20分)


-----What do you think of the song?  


A. I like music very much        B. I like it, too 

C. With pleasure               D. It sounds sweet 


2. 难度:简单

Our goods with a (an) ________of colors and patterns can meet the demand of customers at different levels.






3. 难度:简单

He has always dreamed of getting________money and does not work hard at all.






4. 难度:中等

-----The room is so dirty. ________we clean it now?







5. 难度:简单

All of people in the world should enjoy equal treatment, ________race, religion or sex.

A.instead of

B.because of

C.regardless of

D.as a result of


6. 难度:简单

Your pen________smoothly. Where did you buy it?


B.is written


D.was written


7. 难度:简单

All ________is needed for life on board the submarine comes from the ocean.






8. 难度:简单

In 1965, a new Voting Rights Bill became law, ________all black people had the right to vote from then on.

A.by which


C.by what



9. 难度:简单

. -----I don’t suppose the police know who did it.

-----Well ,surprisingly they do. A man has been arrested and________now.

A.has been questioned

B.is being questioned

C.is questioning

D.has questioned


10. 难度:简单

The water in the ocean also keeps the temperature of the earth steady by absorbing and _____heat.

A.giving away

B.giving up

C.giving back

D.giving off


11. 难度:简单

-----Hurry up, you ______ on the phone.

------Oh, I'm coming. Thank you.  

A.are wanted

B.are being wanted


D.are wanting


12. 难度:简单

----Do you think the weather is good for an outing?

-----Yes,you couldn’t hope for________at the time of the year.

A.the nicer day

B.a nicer day

C.the nicest day

D.a nice day


13. 难度:简单

_____from the moon ,our earth with water ____70% of its surface, appears as a “blue ball”


B.seeing; covering


D.to see; to cover


14. 难度:简单



I started to win competitions. We had very little money. My father had to borrow$5000 to pay for a 21 to the International Young Pianists Competition in Germany when I was 12. I realized later how 22 pressure (压力)he was under as I looked at the invitation to the competition. Tears streamed 23 his face when it was announced that I ’d won—— earning enough money to pay  24  the money we borrowed .

It was soon clear that I couldn’t  25 in China forever. To become a world-class 26 , I had to play on the world’s big stages. So later, my father and I  27 to America, so I could attend a famous university to study  28 . the school paid for my apartment and even lent me a piano . At night, I would stay in the living room just to touch the keys.   

29 I was in America, I wanted to become famous, but my new teachers 30 me that I had a lot to learn, I spent two years practicing, and by 1999 , I had worked hard enough for opportunity to come, one morning later, I got a  31 .The great pianist Andre Watts, who was to 32 at Chicago’s Ravinia Festival, had become ill. I was asked to  33 him. That performance was for me at the moment. After violinist Isaac Stern  34 me, I played Tchaikovsky’s (柴可夫斯基的)Piano Concerto No. 1. My father’s mouth hung  35 throughout the whole song.

Afterward, people celebrated—maybe they were a bit  36 –and asked me to play another one . I played until 3:30 a.m. I felt that something big was going to_37_. Sure enough, gigs(短期表演)started pouring in.

My father and I had often practiced a piece of music called “Horses”, a fun piece for piano and erhu. One night in Carnegie Hall, after I played Chopin(肖邦), I brought Dad out on the stage , and we played our special music. People 38 crazy—they loved it. My father couldn’t sleep for days. He was too happy to sleep.

There have been lots of 39 in Carnegie Hall, but for me, playing there was especially sweet. Together, my father and I worked to 40 the lucky place where a good chance caught sight of me , and let me shine. At last I made it.

21.A. trip                 B. travel            C. tour              D. voyage

22.A. many         B. old              C. much          D. long 

23.A. on            B. down            C. across           D. through 

24.A .for            B. back            C .off            D .over

25.A. study        B. work            C. play           D. stay

26.A musician     B. physician          C. politician       D. singer

27.A. moved      B. removed         C. settled            D. fled

28.A. performance B. instruments       C. music               D. dance

29.A. Even if               B. Such as           C. Now that           D. Only if 

30.A. reminded     B. requested          C. asked              D. ordered

31.A. performance B. chance            C. visit                  D. ticket

32.A. perform    B. join               C. appear       D. attend 

33.A .act           B. take             C. replace       D. place

34.A.visited               B. told               C. asked             D. introduced

35.A .open           B. closed           C. covered       D. round

36.A .upset          B .drunk            C. confused       D. anxious

37.A. break         B. come             C .end             D .happen

38.A. grew                B. went              C. became          D. was

39.A. people       B. guests             C. concerts        D. dramas

40.A .arrive        B. get                C. win            D. reach


15. 难度:中等




Three lawyers and three engineers are traveling by train to a conference. At the station, the three lawyers each buy tickets and watch as the three engineers buy only a single ticket.

"How are three people going to travel on only one ticket?" asked one of the three lawyers.

"Watch and you'll see," answers one of the engineers.

They all board the train. The lawyers take their seats, but all three engineers cram into a restroom and close the door behind them. Shortly after the train has departed, the conductor comes around collecting tickets. He knocks on the restroom door and says, "Ticket, please" The door opens just a crack and a single arm emerges with a ticket in hand. The conductor takes it and moves on. The lawyers saw this and agreed it was quite a clever idea.

So after the conference, the lawyers decide to copy the engineers on the return trip and save some money. When they get to the station, they buy a single ticket for the return trip. To their astonishment, the engineers don't buy a ticket at all.

"How are you going to travel without a ticket," asks one perplexed lawyer.

"Watch and you'll see," says one of the engineers.

When they board the train the three lawyers cram into a restroom and the three engineers cram into another one nearby. The train departs. Shortly afterward, one of the engineers leaves his restroom and walks over to the restroom where the lawyers are hiding .He knocks on the door and says, "Ticket, please." By copying the engineers, one lawyer put out a single arm with a ticket in his hand. The engineer came back to his restroom with the ticket. Then the conductor was coming this way...

41. The engineers and the lawyers travel together________.

A. to attend a meeting                                              B. to test who are clever

C. to see how clever the engineers are                        D. to save money

42. How many tickets do they buy on the two-way trip?         .

A. 4        B. 5               C. 7                      D. 8

43. The underlined word “perplexed” can be replaced by ________.

A. excited          B. surprised           C. puzzled             D. touched

44. Which of the following would be the best title for the joke?

A. Three Lawyers and Three Engineers              B. Train Tickets    

C. In the Restroom                           D. Tickets, Please


16. 难度:简单


An “apple-polisher” is one who gives gifts to win friendship or special treatment. It is not exactly a bribe(贿赂), but is close to it.

“Apple-polishing” is as old as human society, but the phrase itself is recent, about 50 years old. It comes from the schoolroom. For a long time, some schoolboys would leave a shiny(有光泽的,发光的) apple on the teacher’s desk. They would rub and polish the apple to give it a bright shine, so as to make it look more tasty. Such a gift, the students hoped, might make the teacher shut her eyes to their poor work and give them a good mark.

All sorts of people are apple-polishers, including politicians and people in high offices—almost everybody.

There are other phrases meaning the same thing as “apple-polishing”— “soft-soaping” or “buttering-up”. A gift is just one way to “soft-soap” somebody, or to “butter him up”.

Another way that is just as effective as apple-polishing is flattery, giving someone high praise — telling him how good he looks, or how well he speaks, or how wise he is. Flattery, of course, is the cheapest kind of “apple polishing”.

To flatter another costs you nothing and you can give it as freely as you want. And you can always find somebody eagerly looking for it.

53. An “apple-polisher” is one who ________.

A. tries to please someone to get favor   

B. bribes with money to get something

C. is really friendly to everyone around him

D. plants apple trees and polishes his apples every day

54. Why did the students polish the apple for their teacher?

A. They hoped that she would not pay attention to them.

B. They didn’t want her to wash the apple by herself.

C. They wished to draw her attention.

D. They longed for her giving them a good mark.  

55. According to the passage, the cheapest way to please someone is ________.

A. to flatter him                                               B. to bribe him

C. to talk freely with him                             D. to play jokes on him

56. The author seems to suggest that ________.

A. nobody likes to be flattered                    B. very few people apple-polish others

C. apple-polishing is a kind of bribe            D. many people like to be soft-soaped


17. 难度:简单


The San Francisco book, a quarterly magazine published by San Francisco Convention &Visitors Bureau , lists seasonal performance schedules(日程表)for live theaters, concerts, dance performances and cultural festivals, as well as detailed information on museums and special exhibits. Read the following content and then answer questions.

10……………The Heart of San Francisco .

Welcome to San Francisco ,where there’s always something waiting over the next hill.

18……………Time for Events.

What ‘s up for the next six months; festivals, street fairs, football games, movies and holiday celebrations.

22……………Visitor Information

Everything you need to know: geography, population, climate, important phone numbers and rules.


Where to go ,and what you’ll find on the bridges, the ships, the different parks, the whole nine yards.

53……………Show in the Open

What to do ,and how to get into the great outdoors for your favorite activity .

59……San Francisco Visitor Information Center .

We’re here to help! And we’re on the 3W .too (WWW.SFVISITOR.ORG)


What’s for dinner –and lunch and breakfast and snacks(小吃), too.


What’s for after dinner.

111……………Shopping centers.

123……………Trains and Buses.

How to get about in and around the Coast Area.

57. If you want to know how many people there are in San Francisco, you ‘ll check_____.

A. Page 10         B. Page 22           C. Page 38         D. Page 111

58. What do you think 3W stands for ?

A.Where What When          B.Wonderful Wealthy Windy.

C.Who Whom Which.         D.World Wide Web

59. In the magazine, you are likely to find information about the following except____.





60. According to the content , which of the following statements is not true?

A San Francisco is a mountainous city.

B. San Francisco is located on the sea.

C. 4 issues of The San Francisco Book are published every year.

D. The San Francisco Book is mainly for visitors.


18. 难度:简单



第一节: (共10小题。每小题1.5分,满分15分。)


66. You are only allowed to take some hand ______ (行李)onto a plane.

67. He advised me to g________this opportunity to go abroad for a further study.

68. He left his country for________reasons.(政治)

69. Harry Potter is a fantasy literature but not science f___________.

70. Life in the oceans r________from the tiniest plankton to giants like sharks and whales.

71. Nuclear science should be developed to________ (受益)the people rather than harm them.

72. Chinese history is filled with great________achievements.(科学)

73. W________a scholarship gave him the chance to go to college.(赢得)

74. The final will be played between France and Brazil. It must be a f________for your eyes.

75 There is no absolute________in any country ;you have to obey the law.(自由)


19. 难度:简单







That afternoon we didn’t go out, we didn’t take a walk as usually.               76. ________       

We stayed at home because of the weather was rainy, windy and cold.                     77. ________        

We sat in the living room. My aunt had her child around her.                      78. ________       

Mary, Tom and John sat near their mother, that was resting on                        79. ________       

a couch. I sat alone. They don’t want me near them. My aunt had                   80. ________       

never liked me. She let me live with her, but she was always                          81. ________        

unkind to me. Her children—my cousins—were cruel for me.                         82. ________      

I was a poor orphan, only ten years old. I had friends. Nobody                       83. ________      

wanted me. I went into the next room. Here there was a bookcase

full of interested books. I chose a book that was full of pictures.                            84. ________       

I began to read. Read made me forget all my troubles.                                          85. ________       


20. 难度:简单







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