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1. 难度:简单

Don’t eat the food that has gone bad, otherwise you will _______.

A. fall ill          B. fall silent        C. fall asleep       D. fall in love


2. 难度:简单

—— Would you please tell the children not to make so much noise?

——Yes. _____________.

A. Thank you      B. I’d rather not     C. I’d like it        D. I’d be happy to.


3. 难度:简单

Tom was late for school ___________________, which, of course, made his teacher very angry.

A. more or less   B. sooner or later   C. here and there    D. over and over again


4. 难度:简单

The style of Lady Gaga _________ a major trend (趋势;趋向) in fashion.

A. entertains       B. focuses         C. represents        D. handles


5. 难度:简单

All schools in our province   new English textbooks to improve students' listening,speaking,reading and writing abilities three years ago.

A .admired         B. admitted       C. adopted           D. afforded


6. 难度:简单

When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it ____.

A. breaks         B. has broken    C. were broken        D. had been broken


7. 难度:简单

 —  The war is very likely to break out in the near future.

—  I _____,if the situation goes as it is.

A.hope so       B.hope not       C. am afraid not       D. am afraid so


8. 难度:简单

 It was suggested that the meeting ______ the next day.

A. be held         B. must be held    C. held              D. should hold


9. 难度:简单

 ---Can I help you, madam?

---I’d like to buy ____eggs.

A. scores of        B. two scores of   C. two dozens of      D. three scores of


10. 难度:简单

I would like a job which pays more, but ____ I enjoy the work I’m doing at the moment.

A. in other words              B. on the other hand 

C. for one thing               D. as a matter of fact  


11. 难度:简单

I don’t think Tom’s remarks are__________; he is not supposed to say so.

A. in peace     B. in place          C. in trouble         D. in surprise


12. 难度:简单

 I recognized her as soon as I met her at the airport though we hadn’t seen each other for ages and she had changed _________.

    A. a large amount                   B. a great many         

C. a great deal                      D. a great deal of


13. 难度:简单

 What ______  will it make whether he knows this or not?

A. sense        B. difference        C. mistake            D. use


14. 难度:简单

 Hua Jianhui was appointed       vice-governor of Anhui province in     place of the former, Wen Haiying.

A. /; /           B. the; /            C. /; the               D. a; the


15. 难度:简单

—— Did you hand in your application for a league member?

——Not yet. If I _____to see my father, I would have.

A. didn’t go    B. haven’t gone      C. wouldn’t have gone      D. hadn’t gone


16. 难度:简单

I’ve always had strong opinions of how love should be expressed, but others had their own ways of showing care.

What I   36   most about visiting my boyfriend’s parents is the loud tick of the clock in the dining room as we   37   ate our meal. With so little conversation I was quick to   38   his family as cold. When we got into the   39   to go home, his father suddenly appeared   40   , he began to wash his son’s windscreen. I could feel he is a caring man through the glass.

I learned another lesson about love a few years later. My father often  41   me early in the morning. “Buy Xerox. It’s a good sharp price,” he might say when I answered the phone. No pleasant   42  or inquiry about my life ,just financial instructions. This manner of his   43  me and we often quarreled. But one day, I thought about my father’s success in business and realized that his concern for my financial security lay behind his   44   morning calls. The next time he called and told me to buy a stock, I

  45   him.

When my social style has conflicted with that of my friends, I’ve often felt   46  . For example, I always return phone calls   47   and regularly contact with my friends. I expect the same from them. I had one friend who rarely called, answering my messages with short e-mails. I rushed to the   48   : She wasn’t a good friend! My anger   49    as the holidays approached. But then she came to a gathering I  50   and handed me a beautiful dress I had fallen in love with when we did some window-shopping the previous month. I was  51   at her thoughtfulness, and regretful for how I’d considered her to be  52  . Clearly I needed to change my expectations of friends.

Far too often, I ignored their  53   expressions, eagerly expecting them to do things in my  54   .Over the years, however, I’ve learned to   55    other persons’ love signs.

1.A. remember       B. enjoy           C. value            D. admire

2.A. excitedly        B. nervously       C. silently           D. instantly

3.A. regard          B. treat            C. take             D. think

4.A. bus            B. train            C. car              D. plane

5.A. punctually      B. carefully         C. proudly          D. coldly

6.A. visited         B. interrupted       C. warned           D. telephoned

7.A. greeting        B. meeting         C. apology           D. explanation

8.A. interested       B. angered         C. encouraged        D. surprised

9.A. long           B. short           C. warm             D. polite

10.A. praised         B. remembered     C. blamed           D. thanked

11.A. content         B. guilty          C. curious           D. disappointed

12.A. in order        B. in turn          C. without delay      D. without difficulty

13.A. feeling         B. suggestion      C. judgment          D. belief

14.A. disappeared     B. grew           C. helped           D. declined

15.A. opened         B. refused         C. hosted           D. invited

16.A. depressed       B. upset          C. fascinated(对…着迷) D. shocked

17.A. uncaring        B. dishonest       C. unhappy          D. uncooperative

18.A. unique         B. common        C. pleasant          D. familiar

19.A. opinion        B. way            C. mind            D. life

20.A. send          B. read            C. give             D. express


17. 难度:简单

In the past, American families tended to be quite large. Parents raising five or more children were common. Over the years, the size of the family has decreased. One reason for this is an increase in the cost of living. On the average, children attend schools for more years than they used to, making them financially dependent on their families longer. Moreover, children nowadays are better dressed and have more money to spend on entertainment. The parents usually take the responsibility for all the expenses. Meanwhile, families are less close than they used to be. More and more American mothers work away from home. The break up of the family occurs when the parents divorce. A lot of children in the U. S. live part of their young lives with only one parent. Broken families usually result in problems for children and parents alike. Children blame themselves when their parents separate. They grow up feeling unsettled as they are moved back and forth between parents. Usually one parent is responsible for raising the children. These single parents must care for the children’s emotional and psychological needs while also supporting them financially. This is very demanding and leaves very little time for the parent’s own personal interests. Single parents often marry other single parents. In this type of family, unrelated children are forced to develop brother or sister relationship. The situations of many American families today are not good. However, recent signs indicate that things are getting better. The divorce rate is declining. The rate of childbirth is rising. Perhaps Americans have learned how important families are.


1.In the past, American families tended to be ____.

A. quite small     B. medium sized      C. quite large      D. small

2.To parents who take the responsibility for children’s expenses, the cost of living increases because ____.

A. children attend school for more years           B. children are better dressed

C. children spend more money on entertainment   D. all of the above

3.According to the author, the situations of American families in the future may ____.

A. become worse                 B. remain the same

C. get better                     D. keep unchanged

4.The title of the article might be ____.

  A. American Children            B. American Families

  C. American Mother              D. American Parents


18. 难度:简单

Finding summer jobs for teenagers has not always been easy, but now you no longer have to worry about what your kid can do to earn their own money. Recently I found some different sites online that offer information about what kids can do. Below is some of that information, along with questions to think about to help you come up with your own ideas.

Ideas for summer work:

● Parks and Recreation Programs.

● Babysitting (当临时保姆) during the day of school.

● Working part-time at a day care for the summer.

● Car washing.

● Working at local vegetable stands.

The easiest way for you to find ways for your child to make money is to think about others’ inconveniences (不方便). Think of things you need done, or would like to have done, and what you would consider paying for these things to get done. Once you have some ideas, you can sit down with your child and talk to them about what they would be interested in doing. Then once you have an idea of what they want to do you can help them come up with fair prices.

Preferably you would want to only have your child working with people you know and trust, or in the least bit you could have your child pick a partner. That way with each of them carrying cell phones, even those without service can call 911, they will be much safer.

       You can find out more information and many more ideas for kids to use to make money during their summer holidays by visiting http://www.kidswantmoney.com.


1.The author wrote the passage to _____.

A. share his discoveries online        B. introduce jobs for teenagers

C. advertise a website for teenagers    D. talk about his summer work experience

2. Which of the following is NOT considered when teenagers look for summer jobs?

A. Who they’d better work for.       B. How much should be charged.

C. Whether the jobs are safe.         D. Where the workplace is.

3.What can we learn about http://www.kidswant-money.com?

A. The author set up the website.

B. It gives information about educating children.

C. People need to pay to visit the website.

D. It offers ideas for children to make money. 


19. 难度:简单

Scientific discoveries have changed man's life a great deal during the past century. First of all, they have greatly improved material well-being in several areas of life. In the field of medicine, cures for life threatening diseases have enabled people to live longer. In communication, the telephone and e-mail have made it possible for us to communicate with anyone in the world without leaving our homes or offices. Advances in transportation allow businessmen to fly across the ocean in the morning and return home the same evening. Space technology has put men on the moon. More efficient ways of using available resources, such as coal and solar power, have been explored.

    Scientific discoveries have also changed man's moral atmosphere. Ethical (伦理的) issues are raised by these discoveries. Should we keep a terminally ill person alive through drugs and machines or should we allow him to die in dignity? With advances in transportation had come the problem of pollution for nearly every major city in the world. If cities become uninhabitable, then such technical advances may come with too great a price to pay. Many people also question the wisdom of sending men to the moon when there are urgent problems that have not been solved on earth. During future years, increasing attention must be given to the moral as well as the practical applications of science.


1.Scientific discoveries have improved man's life in several fields. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?

A. medicine              B. communication and transportation 

C. education              D. space technology

2. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. Scientific discoveries have only changed man's moral atmosphere.

B. Scientific discoveries have only changed man's material well-being.

C. Scientific discoveries have helped people find efficient ways of using available resources.

D. Men are sent to the moon because there are urgent problems that have not been solved on earth.

3.At the end of the passage the author says that increasing attention must be given to _________.

A. the moral applications of science    B. the practical applications of science

C. urgent problems on the earth        D. both A and B

4.The best title for the passage is __________.

A. Science discoveries                B. Science and daily life

C. Advances in transportation          D. City pollution


20. 难度:简单

It’s you and I who are to blame for the state of the earth. No question about it. It’s our life-style that is threatening life on Earth, so we must make the changes. The good news is that many of those changes are really quite simple, even enjoyable, but for every careful step we take as individuals , we must press government and industry to take a big step on our benefit . And we must start now. Tomorrow’s too late.

My aim this year is to persuade as many of my friends and colleagues as possible to choose the train, and leave their cars behind too. My gardens have been pesticide(杀虫剂)–free zones for years and I enjoy seeing more wildlife on my doorstep as a result; I’ve tried to reduce my contribution to water pollution too, by using environment-friendly, phosphate(磷)–free washing powder , and by no longer thinking of the toilet as a suitable waste-disposal(处理) point .

I ran after a young lady through town recently to give her back the piece of paper she had carelessly thrown away. She disappeared into a shop, and when I followed her inside and made my presentation, she was doubly embarrassed--she worked there, and the boss gave her a ticking–off too. I’ve started asking fellow drivers at gas stations why they aren’t using unleaded (无铅的) petrol . These are small things, but we have to start somewhere, and every little does help .


1.To help the environment, the author is trying to do everything mentioned below EXCEPT        .

       A.taking the train instead of a car    

B.throwing away the old cars

       C.avoiding the use of pesticides       

D.running after those who throw articles carelessly

2.The author ran after a woman through town because he wanted         .

A.to find out where she worked

B.to give her back the piece of paper she had lost

C.to tell her not to throw away pieces of paper carelessly

D.to ask her to pay him for picking up the piece of paper.

3.The word “ticking-off ” in the last paragraph probably means         .

A.blaming    B. a piece of paper      C.prize      D. ticket

4.The purpose of this passage is to         .

A. persuade his friends to take the train

B. inform us of the good news

C. make clear who is responsible for the environment

D. try to advise us all to protect our environment


21. 难度:简单


It seems that the Englishmen just cannot live without sports of some kind.  1.    

Wherever you go in this country, you will see both children and grown-ups knocking a ball about with a stick or something, as if in Britain men shall always remain boys and women girls! Still, it can never be bad to get exercise, can it?

Taking all amateur(业余)and professional sports in Britain into consideration, there can be no doubt that football is at the top of the list.  2.  The game originated(起源于)in Britain and was played in the Middle Ages or even earlier, though as an organized game, or “association football”, it dates only from the beginning of the 19th century.

  3.   . It is a kind of football played by two teams of fifteen players than eleven. In rugby, an oval-shaped ball is used which can be handled as well as kicked. It is a pretty rough game.

       In summer, cricket is the most popular sport. In fact, it has sometimes been called the English national game. Most foreigners find the game rather slow or even boring, but it enjoys great popularity among the British.

   4.   . It was introduced into England from France in the 15th century, but it was from England that it spread to practically every country in the world.

Table tennis, or “ping-pong, surely is not played on a great scale as it is in China or Japan.   

5.   . Horse-back riding, swimming, rowing and golf all attract a lot of people.


A. A famous French humorist once said that this is because the English insist on behaving like children all their lives.

B. It is called soccer in the United States

C. The next is rugby, which is called “football” in the United States

D. Tennis rates high on the list, too

E. Basketball and volleyball were introduced into Britain during the late 19th century from America and are gaining popularity

F. people often work out to build up their bodies.

G. not everyone likes ball games  


22. 难度:简单





注意:    1、每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


Wearing a pair of worn-out shoe, he wandered in the street. Though hungry, he could not find a penny in his pockets. Unfortunate, he became homeless, everyone in her family had cut off connection with him. Mild songs from the nearest house remind him of his every particular in acting. Up from now, he has star in more than 80 films, that have entertained many people. He was considered to be a out-standing actor. It was convincing that he would picked out to challenge the Oscar this year. But in now everything has changed.


23. 难度:简单

星期一, 你们开了个班会讨论 “上大学是高中生唯一的出路吗?” 以下图表是讨论结果.


根据图表数据, 写一篇短文,


1. 增长知识,提高素养(quality), 利于择业

2. 成功的路不只一条.

3. 学费(tuition)高,就业难.

4. 你的观点及原因


Is It The Only Way Out To Go To College?



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