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人教版初三英语下册Unit 10 You’re supposed to shake hands.习题巩固练习
1. 难度:中等

You are supposed _____ hands when you meet for the first time.

A. to shake    B. shake    C. shaking    D. shook


2. 难度:简单

Mary is used to       a T-shirt and jeans.

A. wear    B. put on    C. wearing    D. putting on


3. 难度:中等

I think _____ very important for students to study by themselves in the school or at home.

A. it    B. this    C. that    D. its


4. 难度:困难

—Will you come to the dinner party?

—I won’t come unless Jenny __________, too.

A. will be invited    B. was invited    C. invited    D. is invited


5. 难度:困难

We go to school every day _____ Saturday and Sunday.

A. beside    B. besides    C. except    D. except for


6. 难度:中等

There is not too much homework on weekends now, so many of us feel very ____ and happy.

A. relaxed    B. relaxing    C. relax    D. to relax


7. 难度:中等

(题文)In this countryit’s________to stick your chopsticks into your food

A. right

B. polite

C. rude

D. kind


8. 难度:中等

(题文)It is bad________to talk with your mouth full

A. health

B. ways

C. manners

D. hobbies


9. 难度:中等

The host family went out of________way to make us feel at home

A. they

B. them

C. their

D. theirs


10. 难度:中等

—What does Mr Smith think of the result?

—He doesn’t mindIn facthe is________with it

A. please

B. pleasant

C. pleased

D. pleasure


11. 难度:中等

(题文)This computer can’t work________It needs to be fixed

A. mostly

B. normally

C. hardly

D. usually


12. 难度:中等

—I haven’t worked the problem out yetWhat am I supposed to do?

—Try again!It’s only________difficult

A. a lot

B. a bit

C. too much

D. too many


13. 难度:中等

—I hear you are in my town________any time you like

—I’ll if I have time

A. Drop by

B. Come out

C. Show up

D. Run off


14. 难度:中等

—You must________the bottle before you take the medicine

—OKI will

A. break

B. shake

C. cover

D. throw


15. 难度:中等

(题文)—You’ve given us a wonderful Chinese dinnerMrs Wang


A. I’m glad you enjoyed it

B. OhI’m afraid I didn’t cook very well

C. Come again when you are free

D. It’s not necessary for you to say so


16. 难度:中等

This food is free. You don't have to _________ it.

A. look for    B. pay for

C. ask for    D. wait for


17. 难度:简单

—Nathan likes his job because he ______enjoy the beauty of nature.

A. can    B. must    C. should    D. is supposed to


18. 难度:困难

Is the art of conversation dying? The other day,my wife _____ two teenage children did something we haven’t ______ for ages.It didn’t require the Internet,a TV screen,batteries...or anything else for that matter.But we all _____ it so much we’re thinking of doing it again sometime.

We had a conversation,the kind of real,live conversation that was _____ when I was growing up,which seems all too rare these days.Today we have chat rooms,text messages,e-mails...but we seem to be losing the _____ of communicating face-to-face.We all know _____ young people are out for a date(约会) these days,they spend most of that time _____ their mobile phones.And teenagers nowadays seem to _____ communicating with their friends by sending text messages to actually _____ to them.

If we carry on like this,in the future.we’ll lose the use of our ______.What do you think? E-mail me,and who knows? Maybe we could even have a real conversation about it!

1.A. and    B. or    C. but    D. after

2.A. made    B. known    C. done    D. seen

3.A. acted    B. blamed    C. decided    D. enjoyed

4.A. common    B. careful    C. extra    D. enough

5.A. name    B. art    C. attention    D. aim

6.A. because    B. how    C. when    D. unless

7.A. buying    B. collecting    C. repairing    D. answering

8.A. dislike    B. prefer    C. admire    D. believe

9.A. writing    B. introducing    C. speaking    D. hurrying

10.A. eye    B. voice    C. mouths    D. hands


19. 难度:困难

Social customs and ways of behaving change all the time. Things that were considered impolite many years ago are now acceptable. Just a few years ago, it was considered to be impolite behavior for a man to smoke on the street. No man who thought of himself as being a gentleman would make a fool of himself by smoking when a lady was in the room.

Customs also differ from country to country. Does a man walk on the left or the right of a woman in your country? Or doesn’t matter? What about table manners?

The Americans and British people not only speak the same language but also share a large number of social customs. For example, in both America and England, people shake hands when they meet each other for the first time. Also most Englishmen will open a door for a woman or offer their seats to women, and so will most Americans. Promptness(准时) is important both in England and in America. That is, the dinner guest either arrive close to the time that has been made or calls up to explain his delay(耽误).

The important thing to remember about social customs is not to do anything that might make other people feel uncomfortable—especially if they are your guests. There is an old story about a man who gave a very formal dinner party. When the food was served, one of the guests started to eat his peas with a knife. The other guests were amused or greatly surprised, but the host calmly picked up his knife and began eating in the same way. It would have been bad manners to make his guest feel foolish or uncomfortable.

1.The underlined phrase make a fool of himself in the first paragraph means      .

A. make himself strong

B. make himself rich

C. make himself comfortable

D. cause himself to seem like a fool

2.According to the passage, the American and the British       .

A. don’t speak the same language

B. don’t have social customs in common

C. do share a lot of social customs

D. do have the exactly same social customs

3.If a dinner invitation is for six o’clock, the guest is supposed to arrive at _____ six.

A. nearly or a minute later than

B. a quarter past

C. a quarter to

D. much later than

4.The last example in the passage shows       .

A. the correct way to use a knife at table

B. that it is good manners not to make your guest feel foolish or uncomfortable

C. that social customs and ways of behaving change too fast

D. that different counties have different customs

5.The best title of the passage is      .

A. Different Customs

B. Social Customs

C. Customs are Changing Fast

D. Different Countries, Different Customs


20. 难度:困难





2.things used for eating

3.eating etiquette(like whether people can make some noise when eating)


difference,prefer,steak(牛排),make a loud noise,rude...





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