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牛津译林版八上Unit 5 Reading Ⅱ课时练习
1. 难度:简单

____ only live in China.

A. Tigers    B. Squirrels    C. Giant pandas    D. Kangaroos


2. 难度:简单

Please remember         the door when you leave the room.

A. to close    B. close    C. closes    D. closed


3. 难度:简单

People should make giant panda reserves bigger ____.

A. protect them    B. to protect them

C. hunt them easily    D. to kill them easily


4. 难度:简单

My teddy bear is red, so this blue one must be ____.

A. else someone’s    B. someone else’s    C. other one’s    D. some other’s


5. 难度:简单

There are ____ giant pandas in  Africa .

A. few    B. a few    C. little    D. a little


6. 难度:简单

You’d better ____ the wild animals.

A. not hurt    B. not to hurt    C. don’t hurt    D. not hurting


7. 难度:简单

I like reading very much because reading can bring me            .

A. happy    B. happily    C. happiness    D. unhappy


8. 难度:简单

—May I have another cake, Mum?   —Sorry, there is        .

A. any more    B. no more    C. some more    D. many more


9. 难度:简单

       does the baby mouse weigh?  —About 20 grams.

A. How    B. What    C. How many    D. How much


10. 难度:简单

India is the home of tigers. Every year tigers kill many people. The tiger, however, does not always eat them. It likes wild animals better. It is only when the tiger is old or wounded that it eats men. But once it has tasted the flesh of men, it goes on killing men for food. When a man-eater  as this is discovered, people are afraid. They have to stop working in the fields.

There are many ways to put an end to such dangerous animals. One way is that some men with long guns ride on elephants while other men drive the tiger towards them.

Another way is for a hunter to sit in a tree near the place where a tiger has eaten somebody. If the tiger returns for another meal, the hunter will kill it in the hiding place. A goat may be tied to the tree for the tiger to kill.

The most dangerous way is to hunt a tiger on foot. But the man must be brave and can shoot well or he would be killed by the tiger.

1.The tiger eats men only             .

A. when it is old or hurt    B. when it is in the forest

C. when it is caught    D. when it is very young

2.Once the tiger has tasted the flesh of men,                 .

A. it does not want to eat men any more    B. it stops eating any other wild animals

C. it becomes afraid of men    D. it keeps eating men

3.How many ways of hunting tigers does the passage tell us?

A. None    B. one    C. two    D. three

4.The most dangerous way to hunt a tiger is                   .

A. to go after the animal on foot    B. to sit on an elephant

C. to hide in a tree    D. to tie a goat to a tree

5.Which of the following state is not true?

A. Tigers eat many people in India each year.

B. Tigers like eating elephants more than eating other wild animals.

C. In order to kill a tiger, sometimes people may tie a goat to a tree.

D. When a dangerous tiger is discovered, people dare not work in the fields.


11. 难度:中等


Camels(骆驼) are amazing animals. They aren’t the most beautiful animals in the world. But they are certainly the most useful animals in the hot areas such as North Africa and the Middle East. They usually help people carry things. Now let’s learn more about camels.

There are two kinds of camels on the Earth. They are Arabian (阿拉伯的) camels and Asian camels. Arabian camels are dromedaries (单峰骆驼), but Asian camels are bactrians (双峰骆驼). An adult camel is about 2 meters tall and weighs about 500 kilograms. Its legs are long. And its feet are big and soft. Most of the camels can live for about 40 years, but they usually stop working when they are about 25.

Camels live alone in the desert (沙漠). They aren’t afraid of the hot and cold weather. They mainly eat grass, leaves and bushes. They can walk for more than 600 kilometers without drinking. They only need to drink water every six or eight days. But when there is water, they can drink up to 90 liters ( ). Camels walk slowly. They don’t like running because it’s too hot. But if they need, they can run at 20 kilometers an hour.


Ships of the desert(沙漠)


Most camels can live for about1.years.
They usually stop2.at 25.


They are Arabian camels and3.camels.


An4.camel is about 2 meters tall.
Its legs are long and its5.are big and soft.
Each weighs about6.kilograms.


They live7.in the desert such as North Africa and the Middle East.
They8.on grass, leaves and bushes.
They only need to drink water every six or9.days.
They can drink up to 90 liters every time.
They walk10., but they can run at 20 kilometers an hour.



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