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1. 难度:简单

Good news! We'll have     one-day holiday. Let's go on a spring outing.

A. a    B. An    C. the    D. /


2. 难度:简单

---What do you think of the vegetable soup?

        ---Well, it     a little salty.

A. looks    B. smells    C. sounds    D. tastes


3. 难度:中等

If we don't pay much attention to the     , the pollution will get worse and worse.

A. Development    B. environment    C. government    D. treatment


4. 难度:中等

—The stuntman is planning to walk on the wings of a flying plane.

—What?! I've never heard of         idea before.

A. a crazier    B. the crazier

C. a craziest    D. the craziest


5. 难度:中等

--_Jane won the first prize in the English speech contest.

    --_    big progress she has made! She used to be weak in English.

A. How    B. How a    C. What    D. What a


6. 难度:中等

--Which of these skirts do you like best?

  --I’ll take ____. They are both expensive and out of fashion.

A. neither    B. either    C. none    D. both


7. 难度:中等

Before the match, make sure you know      your competitor's advantages and disadvantages.

A. hardly    B. exactly    C. luckily    D. nearly


8. 难度:中等

--_As a nurse, her work goes      taking care of her patients.

    ---Yes, she always thinks of others.

A. beyond    B. beside    C. behind    D. between


9. 难度:简单

     he isn't rich, he keeps on giving money to charity.

A. Unless    B. If    C. Though    D. Since


10. 难度:简单

Before Julie left, Mrs. Griffin said,"You'd better take an umbrella with you.

    Look at the dark clouds in the sky. It      rain."

A. can 't    B. need    C. mustn 't    D. might


11. 难度:中等

Did you watch the fashion show on TV last night?

I wanted to, but my mother    her favorite TV programme.

A. watched    B. was watching

C. is watching    D. has watched


12. 难度:中等

How was your May Day holiday?

Just so-so. We drove to Suzhou and tried to find a place for parkingbut they were all      .

A. turned up    B. taken up

C. stayed up    D. put up


13. 难度:简单

—What else should we pay attention to ________ building the bridge?

—The change of the weather, I think.

A. finishing    B. finished

C. to finish    D. finish


14. 难度:中等

-__What did Tom say to you just now? John?

    -__He asked        

A. Why I am so happy today    B. What will I do for the weekend

C. Who did I play football with after school    D. if I could go to the movies wih him tonight.


15. 难度:中等

---So you gave her your mobile phone?

    ---      , She said she'd return it to me after she had hers fixed.

A. My pleasure    B. Not exactly    C. With pleasure    D. No problem


16. 难度:中等

When I was in Grad e 3 in primary school, I was chosen to be the princess in a school play. I could say my lines ____ at home, but as soon as I was on the stage, every word ____ my mind.

    Finally, my teacher had to ask me to change my __.I became a narrator. (解怳员)

    I didn't tell my mother what had happened when went home for lunch that day.__ she sensed my unhappiness and asked___ I wanted to take a walk in the yard.

    It was a lovely spring day. My mother bent down for some dandelions."I think I'm going to dig up all these weeds, "she said."From now on, we'll have only roses in the garden."

    "But I like dandelions, (蒲公英) I said."All flowers are beautiful---___dandelions."

    My mother looked at me seriously."Yes, every flower is beautiful, isn't it?"sheasked. I __,"And that is true of people too,"she added."Not____can be a princess, but it's not a shame."

    She had sensed my pain. I started __ and told her what had happened. She listened and smiled.

    "But you will be a beautiful narrator," she said."The part of the narrator is as ___as the part of the princess."

    Over the next few weeks, with her encouragement, I learnt to take __ in the roie and worked hard to read over my lines.

    A few minutes____the play, I felt very nervous and then my teacher came over to me. "Yow mother asked me to give this to you,"she said,__ me a dandelion, one of the little flowers in my garden. As soon as I saw it, I __ and became confident. After the play, I took home the flower and pressed it __ two sheets of paper in a dictionary.

1.A. slowly    B. quickly    C. easily    D. quietly

2.A. went away from    B. came into    C. went through    D. ran to

3.A. mind    B. role    C. way    D. job

4.A. So    B. And    C. Or    D. But

5.A. why    B. if    C. what    D. when

6.A. even    B. still    C. yet    D. also

7.A. answered    B. nodded    C. agreed    D. shook

8.A. anybody    B. somebody    C. nobody    D. everybody

9.A. cry    B. crying    C. laugh    D. laughing

10.A. necessary    B. beautiful    C. important    D. good

11.A. part    B. interest    C. pride    D. chance

12.A. before    B. during    C. after    D. while

13.A. handed    B. handing    C. hand    D. to hand

14.A. came down    B. calmed down    C. put down    D. fell down

15.A. around    B. among    C. behind    D. between


17. 难度:中等

MONDAY 19:00—20:30 English learning Prof.G. White Would you like to improve your English? This is for middle school students. (2 weeks) TUESDAY 17:30—19:00 Photography(摄影) Mr. Green Learn to take good pictures. Bring your own camera with you. (4 weeks) WEDNESDAY 18:00—19:00Office 2000 Prof. Wang Lan Learn how to use the new software. (10 weeks)  FRIDAY 19:00—20:30 Painting Miss Yang Jing Would you like to learn painting? Itis for beginners only. (16 weeks) SATURDAY 15:00—16:30 Cambridge Young Learner’s English Prof. J. Brown This course is for the children at primary school(小学). (20weeks) SUNDAY 10:00—12:00 Swimming, club Coach: Liu Xin Want to swim as fast as a fish? (9 weeks)

1.You cannot go to Happy Children's Palace to learn some skills on

A. Monday    B. Wednesday    C. Thursday    D. Sunday

2.If you want to improve your English, you'd better learn it from

A. Miss Yang    B. Prof. J. Brown    C. Prof. Wang Lan    D. Prof. G. White

3.If you are interested in painting and want to be an artist, you can have the classes

A. from 19 : 00 to 20 : 30 on Friday    B. from 17 : 30 to 19 : 00 on Tuesday

C. From 19 : 00 to 20 : 30 on Monday    D. from 18 : 00 to 19 : 00 on Wednesday

4.If you don't have enough time, and you want to lean a skill in a month, you'd better learn     

A. Swimming    B. painting

C. how to take pictures    D. how to use the new software

5.Which of the following statements is TURE?

A. pro. G. White gives a talk about English Learning for students on Monday morning.

B. You can learn how to use office 2013 from Prof. J. Brown.

C. If you want to learn swimming, you should go to the swimming club on Sunday afternoon.

D. Prof. J. Brown teaches children English from 15 : 00 to 16 : 30 on Saturday.


18. 难度:中等

As a parent, it's necessary to know how to best support your child in school. Today we'll talk about how you can support your child.

    1) Your child will be tired. The new school year means a while new schedule(进度表), so with the period may come a bit of fatigue.

    You should

    · Make sure your child get enough sleep.

    · prepare and pack in the evening for the next day of school.

    2) Your child may feel nervous. Everything is new! Everything is different!

    You should

    · Talk, talk, talk! Ask about the day and ask how he is feeling.

    · Know your child. Maybe he needs a bit of time after school and wants to talk in the evening, or maybe he's tired in the evening and wants to chat after school. Find it out an follow!

    3) Your child wants to do well. He really does. Remember that no matter what last    year looked like, this year is a fresh and new start!

    You sho uld

    · Make it clear that you want to help him.

    · Celebrate successes!

    4) Your child really needs you. No matter what he says, your child needs you.

    You should

    · Be there when he needs you.

    · Know what is going on. Know what your child needs for class and get it for him.

1.What does the underlined word "fatigue" mean in Chinese ?

A. 疲倦    B. 亢奋    C. 尴尬    D. 孤独

2.What should parents do if their child feels nervous ?

A. Tell him to get enough sleep.    B. Have a relaxing chat with Mm.

C. Tell him to be independent.    D. Get everything ready for him.

3.What can be the best title for the passage ?

A. Learn to let go    B. Schoolchildren are not easy

C. Problems of schoolchildren    D. , Ways to support schoolchildren

4.We can probably find the reading in a (n) magazine.

A. travel    B. business    C. education    D. sports

5.Who might be interested in this reading ?

A. Students.    B. Parents.    C. Teachers.    D. Doctors.


19. 难度:中等

A report from the United Nations (UN) says the world needs another 69 million teachers by the year 2030. The UN agency LJNESCO made a promise in 2015 that every child in the world is to receive primary and secondary education within the next 14 years. Now there are 263 million who do not go to school. Around 25 million of these might never get an education The agency says a lot of work needs to be done to find enough teachers for schools. The most teachers are needed in sub-Saharan__撒哈拉沙漠以南的) Africa and Southern Asia.

    The UN report warns that there are not enough teachers in countries with rising populations. This makes it harder to find enough teachers. It says,"Without quick and continuing action, the situation will become worse in the face of rising need for education." UNESCO is also worried about the quality (质量) of teachers in some countries. In countries like Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone, fewer than 60 percent of teachers in primary schools have been trained. There are also worries about class sizes. The LIN says, "In countries like Malawi, it is common to find over 100 children in one class. This has been a problem for many years."

1.How many children around the world might never get an education?

A. More than 69 million.    B. About 25 million.

C. About 263 million.    D. Less than 14 million.

2.From the underlined sentence, we can learn that sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia        

A. are full of teachers    B. are popular with teachers

C. are very short of teachers    D. will invite more teachers

3.It's difficult to find enough teachers in some countries because        

A. people don't like to be teachers    B. the governments pay no attention to education

C. they are too poor to call in teachers    D. there are more and more children being born.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A. 300 million children do not go to school at present.

B. It's not very difficult to find enough teachers for schools.

C. In Liberia, more than 60% of teachers have been trained.

D. There are too many students in a classroom in Malawi.

5.The writer ° s purpose for this passage is to        

A. let people know the educational situation    B. advise people to become teachers

C. encourage people to help poor children    D. tell people the importance of education


20. 难度:中等

We have always been interested in the Moon. 2, 000 years ago people already knew it circles around the Earth and it is in different places in the sky at different times of the year. At that time, everything about the Moon was learned by watching it carefully in the sky.

    When scientists could use telescopes (望远镜) to study the Moon more clearly.. Their ideas began to change. They could see that there were lots of rocks on the surface of the Moon. Most scientists thought Moon rocks would be different from the rocks on the Earth.

    in 1969, moon rocks were finally brought to the earth and studied. much to their surprise, scientists found that, except for water, the Moon and the Earth were made of the same things. Once again new ideas came out according to the new information.

    After years of study, most scientists now think that the Moon was once part of the Earth. They believe about 4 million years ago, something of the same size as Mars hit the Earth. This sent billions of rocks into space around the Earth. These rocks slowly joined together and at last became the Moon.

    In the future, our ideas about the Moon may change again. However, we will still be interested in the Moon.


Scientists' 1. about the Moon

2, 000 years age


People already knew the Moon moves around the Earth and it's in different places in the sky at different times of the year.

People watched the Moon carefully to 2.about it.

When scientists could use telescopes

They 3.lots of rocks on the surface of the Moon.

They believed there would be 4.between Moon rocks and the rocks on the Earth.

In 1969


moon rocks were finally brought to the earth for5.

Scientists found that except for the Moon, 6.. And the Earth were made of the same things.



Most scientists think that the Moon was once part of the 7.

It's 8.that 4 million years age, something hit the Earth and billions of rocks were sent into space.

Then the rocks slowly joined together and 9. the Moon formed.

In the future

10. may take place in people's mind about the Moon again.




21. 难度:中等

The Venice Historical Regatta

    Every year, on the first Sunday of September, the Historical Regatta takes place in Venice. It has been one of the most important festivals in Venice since 1315. In the beginning, the event was organized to celebrate the return of Catherine Carnaro, the queen of Cyprus. Today, it is a celebration of joy and friendship.

    The Historical Regatta  · is made up of two parts : a parade and a rowing boat competition. The celebration starts with a parade of boats on water. The boats in the parade are colourful, and many of them have golden painting on both sides. People on these ancient-style boats wear clothes from the sixteenth century.

    After the parade, there is a competition on the Grand Canal. It is watched by thousands of people. The Regatta is the most important event for every rower. For them, winning on that day means to become part of the history of this sport and of Venice. So rowers all over Venice look forward to joining in and winning this competition.

Traditionally, the 1st place winner was awarded a red flag, while the 2nd, 3rd and 4th place winners received white, green and blue flags. Some other awards were given along with the flags. One of them was a little living pig. But since some animal protection organizations object to this, the pig award has been cancelled.

    When the Regatta is finished, the city is full of people celebrating among all the noise.

There are exciting performances in the important squares of Venice.

1.When does the Historical Regatta take place every year?


2.What is the Historical Regatta made up of? (In no more than seven words)


3.How many people is the competition on the Grand Canal watched by? (In no more than three words)


4.What was the 1st place winner awarded? (In no more than three words)


5.Why has the pig award been cancelled?



22. 难度:简单

A. 根据句意和中文提示完成句子。

1.Grandma went to the market and bought some meat, eggs and ______ (西红柿) for lunch.

2.Reading is important, for it can open up an______(未知的) world to us.

3.Many countries speak_______高度地) of china's high-speed railway technologies.

4.John______(后悔) not attending the important conference the day before yesterday.

5.Any person who does something.______ (违反) the law will be put into prison.


23. 难度:简单

B. 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1.______(luck) she fell into the grass, or she might have hurt her head.

2.To everyone's surprise, Alice______(success) in finding a job in less than three days.

3.The father is quite in ______(agree) with what his son says.

4.The survey, carried out in that university9 shows that three ______(five) of the teachers wear glasses.

5.Please cheer______(you) up with songs and games during the journey, boys and girls!

C. 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整,每空限填一词。


24. 难度:中等

An old carpenter was ready to retire. His boss was s1.To see the good worker go, He asked the carpenter if he could build just one more house. The carpenter said yes, but his m 2.was not on his work any more.

    He used poor materials and worked on the house c--3.--. When the carpenter finished his work, the boss handed the front-door key to him."This is your house,"he said. "A g 4. for you."

    What a surprise! What a shame! I 5. He had known he was building his own house, he would have done it differently. Now he had to live in the home he had poorly built. So it is with us. S-6., we build our lives carelessly. At important points we do not try our best. Then with a shame we look at the situation we have c-7.. We find that we are now living in the house we have poorly built. But we don ° t have a chance to make it all over a8.·

    Think of y9. as the carpenter. Think about your life. Build it wisely. It is the only life you will ever build. Life is a do-it-yourself project.

    Your life today is the r 10.of your attitudes and choices you made in the past.Your life tomorrow will be that of your attitudes and choices you make today.


25. 难度:中等








My Unforgettable School Life

    How time files! My colorful middle school life is nearly ending. Here is what I think

of about myself.



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