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牛津译林版9上Unit3 Grammar 2 随堂测试
1. 难度:困难


1.Shall we ________(take) a taxi to the airport? Our plane is taking off in one hour.

2.Why not ________(leave) a message on her desk?

3.--Happy April Fool's Day! Why don't we _________(do) something fun?

--Good ideal

4.What about ______________(wear) a dress for the dinner party?

5.Some teenagers have difficulty ___________(get) along well with others.


2. 难度:困难

--Is Li Mci good at English?

--Yes, she can express __ in English.

A. her    B. hers    C. herself    D. myself


3. 难度:困难

--          going boating on Xuanwu Lake tomorrow?

--The radio says it will rain tomorrow. ______ go to the city library and read some books?

A. What about; Let's    B. Why not; How about

C. How about; Why not             C.Shall we; Why don't we


4. 难度:困难

--Let's go to Wal-Mart to do some shopping this evening.

--            I need to buy some food and drinks for tomorrow's party.

A. Sorry., I'm too busy.    B. What about going there this weekend?

C. Why not?    D. I don't think that's a good idea.


5. 难度:困难

--Shall we go to Lin Junjie's concert this weekend?

--                 , but I'll have to prepare for the monthly exam next week.

A. Sorry', I can't    B. No, thanks    C. No problem    D. I'd like to


6. 难度:困难

--Let's take a DIY course  _______ ?

--Good idea. DIY is great fun.

A. will you    B. shall we    C. don't we    D. isn't it


7. 难度:中等

-Dad, can you tell me  _______ in one hundred years?

--Sorry, that's too difficult to imagine. The world is changing so fast!

A. what life is like    B. what life will like

C. what will life be like    D. what life will be like


8. 难度:困难

--How about           cold?

--Good idea. It's too hot. Let's drink some iced tea.

A. drink something    B. drink anything

C. drinking anything    D. drinking something


9. 难度:困难

When I don't know how to _____ something, Mr Wu is always the first person that I _____advice.

A. deal with; ask for    B. do with; ask for

C. deal with: ask about    D. do with; ask about


10. 难度:困难


1.Why don't you bring an umbrella with you? (同义句)

_________  ___________ bring an umbrella with you?

2.It took the children the whole day to visit the museum. (同义句)

The children ___________ the whole day ____________ the museum.

3.I'm not sure whom I should ask for help. (同义句)

I'm not sure _______  _______   _________   for help.

4.How long has Mike been a League Member. I wonder. (合并成一句)

I wonder__________________________________________________

5.When does the first class begin? Could you tell me? (合并成一句)

Could you tell me  ________________________________________?


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