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人教版七年级上同步练习2Unit 6 Do you like bananas 单元测试卷
1. 难度:中等

—Let’s have some___________.

—OK. I like fruit.

A. bananas    B. hamburgers

C. eggs    D. chicken


2. 难度:中等

—_________you like hamburgers?

—No, I__________.

A. Are; am not

B. Do; am not

C. Are; don’t

D. Do; don’t


3. 难度:中等

I like eggs, and I eat____________ for breakfast.

A. it    B. they    C. them    D. us


4. 难度:简单

Do you like basketball?

Yes, I play it ____.

A. nice       B. good           C. well             D. fine


5. 难度:中等

My parents like chicken, but my sister        it.

A. likes    B. like    C. is like    D. doesn’t like


6. 难度:中等

My mother eats too many hamburgers. She doesn't have a healthy eating ________.

A. class    B. sport    C. game    D. habit


7. 难度:中等

—Does your brother like chicken?

—_________. He eats it for every meal.

A. Yes,he is

B. No, he isn’t

C. Yes, he does

D. No, he doesn’t


8. 难度:中等

I like fruit,______________ he doesn’t.

A. and    B. but    C. or    D. for


9. 难度:中等

—_________ does your sister have____________ dinner?

—Chicken and bananas.

A. What; for    B. How; for

C. How; /    D. What; /


10. 难度:中等

Bruce’s parents want him__________ healthy food.

A. eat    B. eats    C. to eat    D. eating


11. 难度:中等

There is__________ apple and___________ egg on the table.

A. a; a    B. a; an

C. an; a    D. an; an


12. 难度:中等

I often have___________ breakfast at half past seven.

A. a    B. an    C. the    D. /


13. 难度:中等

I’m hungry. I want to eat some____________.

A. bread    B. milk    C. water    D. tea


14. 难度:中等

—Mom, can I have some____________ now?

—Yes, it’s on the desk.

A. banana    B. carrot    C. bread    D. apple


15. 难度:中等

Carrots are ____________ food. They are good for our

A. health; health    B. healthy; health

C. health; healthy    D. healthy; healthy


16. 难度:中等

My name is Sandra. I have a brother. _____ name is Tom. We like different sports. I like playing ______. It is fun. I like tennis, too. _____ I don’t like basketball. It is _______My brother ________ basketball. He has four basketballs. He ____ basketball every day. We like different___, too. I like eggs, apples and hamburgers ______ breakfast and dinner. For dessert, I like ______. Tom likes oranges, chicken and carrots. We are______, because we often play sports and eat healthy food.

1.A. He    B. She    C. Her    D. His

2.A. volleyball    B. basketball    C. the piano    D. the violin

3.A. And    B. With    C. But    D. Of

4.A. fun    B. difficult    C. interesting    D. fine

5.A. likes    B. don’t like    C. like    D. doesn’t like

6.A. looks    B. knows    C. plays    D. has

7.A. foods    B. books    C. colors    D. classes

8.A. in    B. on    C. for    D. at

9.A. hamburgers    B. chicken    C. rice    D. ice-cream

10.A. boring    B. healthy    C. great    D. relaxing


17. 难度:中等

Jane is a schoolgirl. She is twelve. She studies in a middle school. She is in Grade Seven. She is a good girl. Jane gets up at seven in the morning. Then she has her breakfast. For breakfast she has eggs and a cup of milk. She doesn't have tea for breakfast.

After breakfast Jane goes to school. At twelve she goes home from school. She has lunch with her mother. For lunch she has hamburgers and salad. She likes salad,but she doesn’t like hamburgers. At seven she has supper with her father and mother. They have chicken and vegetables. Her father likes chicken, but Jane doesn’t.

1.Jane is a schoolgirl in a___________

A. primary school

B. middle school

C. university

D. college

2.Jane has_________ for breakfast.

A. eggs and a cup of milk

B. eggs and tea

C. tea and milk

D. vegetables

3.Jane goes home           

A. in the morning

B. at noon

C. at night

D. at2:00

4.Jane likes to eat___________ for lunch.

A. hamburgers    B. milk    C. salad    D. eggs

5.Jane has dinner with           

A. her friend    B. her teacher

C. her father    D. her parents


18. 难度:中等

Craig is an English boy and he is 10 years old. He has a nice family: his father, mother, sister and he.

Do you know what they eat every day? For breakfast, Craig has some milk and an egg. His mother only has an apple and some oranges. His father likes fried food. He eats two fried eggs and some vegetables. Craig’s sister likes fruit and milk. Craig and his sister don’t eat lunch at home. They eat lunch at school, but they eat dinner at home with their parents.

Craig doesn’t like sports. He thinks basketball and ping- pong are too difficult for him. But he sometimes(有时) plays soccer with his cousin John. He likes playing games and watching TV, too.

1.        people are in Craig’s family.

A. Two    B. Three    C. Four    D. Five

2.What does Craig eat for breakfast?

A. Some milk and an egg.

B. Some milk and an apple.

C. Some eggs and an orange.

D. Some milk and vegetables.

3.Where does Craig’s mother have lunch?

A. At home.    B. At school.

C. In a club.    D. We don’t know.

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Craig is twelve.

B. Craig has a sister.

C. Craig has lunch at home.

D. Craig has dinner at school.

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Craig thinks playing ping-pong is difficult.

B. Craig’s cousin plays soccer.

C. Craig doesn’t play games.

D. Craig likes watching TV.


19. 难度:中等

Do you eat healthy food every day? It's good for your health. What do you need? Well, you need apples, oranges and bananas. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Do you need ice-cream? No, you don’t. It’s not good for your health. You need salad and tomatoes? but you don't need hamburgers.

What? You eat hamburgers every day? Oh, no, no!

You can have one every five or six days, but not every day. Er, let me see…Oh,vegetables! You can’t be very healthy without (没有)vegetables.

My friend Jane eats well. She has bread and milk for breakfast. And she has lunch at school. After lunch, she always plays sports. For dinner, she only has some rice and vegetables. Jane is in good health(健康).

Make a list of the food you have every day. Are they good? Do you eat healthy food?



1.Why don’t we need ice-cream?


2.Are hamburgers good for us?


3.Does Jane do sports?


4.Where does Jane have lunch?




20. 难度:中等


1.—What f___________ does your sister like?

—She likes apples.

2.Tom eats lots of fruit and vegetables. He is very h______________.

3.The teachers in our school have breakfast at home but have l_________ at school.

4.Do you want to ask your teacher about the q_____________?

5.She is very f___________. She wants to be thin (瘦的)


21. 难度:中等

healthy, star, strawberry, carrot, hamburger

1.—Do you like___________?

—Yes, I like all vegetables.

2.Jackie Chan is a great movie______________. We all like him very much.

3.What food do you like?

—I like___________ and French fries.

4.Apples, bananas and___________ are fruit.

5.Fruit and vegetables are___________ food.


22. 难度:中等

A:Hi, Mary! Do you like oranges?

B:Yes, I do. What other fruit do you like?

A:I like bananas.1.Does your mother like bananas?

B:2.My mother likes apples and bread. What about your father?

A:He likes chicken and milk.3.

B:Yes. And my father likes salad.

A:Does he like carrots?

B:Yes, he does. 4. But I like tomatoes. 5.

A:Yes, very much. Let's eat some tomatoes for dinner.

A.He doesn’t like tomatoes.

B.Does your father like them?

C.And my mother likes them, too.

D.Do you like tomatoes?

E.No, she doesn’t.


23. 难度:困难

hamburger, health, star, well, eat, banana, like, chicken, tomato, have

Jenny is my cousin. She is an English girl. She 1.sports. She 2.two ping-pong balls and one tennis ball. Her favorite(最喜欢的)3. is Li Na. She plays tennis very 4..Jenny is very 5. . She only 6. healthy food. For fruit, she has apples and7.. For vegetables, she has carrots and8.. For meat(肉),she has 9.. She doesn’t have 10.or ice-cream. She thinks they are not good for her health.


24. 难度:困难










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