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1. 难度:中等

---What ________ useful book it is!

---Yeah, it tells us how to play ________ piano.

A. an, the    B. a, /    C. a, the    D. an, /


2. 难度:中等

There ________ two bottles of juice and some milk in the fridge.

A. is    B. are    C. have    D. has


3. 难度:中等

The teacher is standing ________ the blackboard.

A. in front of    B. in the front of    C. at front    D. in front


4. 难度:中等

Koalas ________ from Australia and pandas ________ from China.

A. are, comes    B. comes, are    C. is, are    D. come, are


5. 难度:中等

Tom often ________ us interesting stories.

A. talks    B. tells    C. speaks    D. says


6. 难度:中等

We all had fun ________ in the supermarket ________ a sunny morning.

A. shop, on    B. shopping, in    C. shopping, on    D. shopping, /


7. 难度:中等

Jim doesn’t like beef, potatoes ________ cabbages.

A. or    B. and    C. but    D. /


8. 难度:中等

---Let’s go and see a movie.

---Great! The TV shows are too ________.

A. cheap    B. interesting    C. exciting    D. boring


9. 难度:中等

---________?---It was cloudy.

A. How is the weather    B. What is the weather like

C. How was the weather like    D. How was the weather


10. 难度:中等

I often watch my sister ________ in the bedroom. Look, she ________ in her room.

A. dances, is dancing    B. dancing, dances    C. dance, is dancing    D. dance, dances


11. 难度:中等

---Did you play football last Friday?


A. No, we don’t.    B. No, we didn’t.    C. No, we aren’t.    D. Yes, we are.


12. 难度:中等

________ people come to the meeting. ________ the people ________ about 50.

A. A number of, The number of, are    B. The number of, A number of, is

C. The number of, The number of, are    D. A number of, The number of, is


13. 难度:中等

Each student in our class ________ homework every day.

A. is doing    B. doing    C. do    D. does


14. 难度:中等

There are ________ apples in the kitchen. You can have one.

A. a few    B. a little    C. few    D. little


15. 难度:中等

---Don’t wake up your sister, Ben. She needs a good sleep.       ---________.

A. OK, I don’t.    B. Yes, I do.    C. OK, I won’t.    D. Yes, I will.


16. 难度:困难

In America, the school day usually starts at 9 a.m. and finishes at about 4 p.m. The school subjects are different from __________. In China, we always __________ Chinese, math, English, P.E. and so on. But in America, students have more(更多) __________, such as cooking and driving lessons. Their school life isn’t just __________ study. They also have __________ things to do than(比) Chinese students. There are many clubs in American schools, too. If the students are interested in __________, they can join different sports clubs. American students also have art clubs, language clubs and some __________ clubs. From 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m., they do __________ things in different clubs.

Maybe you think English is very popular in the world, so American students don’t need to learn any other language. __________ that’s not true. American children from the age of seven __________ learn a foreign language. For example, they learn French or Chinese.

1.A. our    B. ours    C. us    D. we

2.A. have    B. speak    C. think    D. has

3.A. clubs    B. sports    C. lessons    D. friends

4.A. about    B. around    C. of    D. with

5.A. much    B. many    C. a lot    D. more

6.A. art    B. sports    C. music    D. language

7.A. other    B. another    C. others    D. the others

8.A. lucky    B. interested    C. difficult    D. different

9.A. Because    B. So    C. But    D. And

10.A. have to    B. don’t have to    C. had to    D. didn’t have to


17. 难度:困难

A young man was traveling. It was getting late in the day, and he was thirsty. When he met an old man on the road, he asked him, “Where can I get water?”

The old man told him, “Walk along the road and you’ll see a small river.” Later, the old man said, “If you pick up some pebbles(鹅卵石) from the river bed, you will be both happy and sad.”

The young man thanked the old man and went on his way. When it got dark, he found the river and took a drink. He thought it was wrong to pick up pebbles, but he still picked some up. He then found a place to sleep.

The next morning, the young man found those pebbles became beautiful, bright jewels(宝石). Quickly he ran back to the river to get more, but there were only pebbles.

Looking at the beautiful jewels, he felt so sad that he did not pick up more. At the same time, he was happy that he picked up some.

1.Why did the man want to get water?

A. Because he was traveling.    B. Because it was getting late.

C. Because he met an old man.    D. Because he was very thirsty.

2.Where did the old man let the man get water?

A. A small river.    B. A place to sleep.    C. His home.    D. A lake.

3.What did the young man pick up after he took a drink?

A. Nothing.    B. Some pebbles.    C. Water.    D. Some jewels.

4.The next morning, the young man found ________.

A. there were no pebbles    B. there were no jewels

C. the pebbles became jewels    D. the jewels became pebbles

5.What is the best title(题目) of the passage?

A. Jewels    B. How to get water    C. Pebbles    D. Both happy and sad


18. 难度:困难


1.At the post office station, people can take ________.

A. Subway Line One    B. Subway Line Two    C. Subway Line Three    D. A and C

2.Mr. Wang is at the Apartment. How many stations are there on the way to the Airport?

A. 4    B. 5    C. 7    D. 8

3.Jane is at No. 2 High School. Now she is going to the Bus Station. Which station is not on her way?

A. Supermarket.    B. Gym.    C. Park.    D. Post office.

4.Li Lei is at No. 1 High School. He wants to see his friend Han Mei at Children’s Hospital. First, he takes subway Line Two, and he should change(改变) to Line Three at the ________.

A. Railway Station    B. Bus Station    C. Police Station    D. Library

5.If you want to go from the Bank to the Zoo, you should take ________.

A. Subway Line Three → Subway Line One

B. Subway Line Three → Subway Line Two

C. Subway Line Three → Subway Line Two → Subway Line One

D. Subway Line Two → Subway Line Three


19. 难度:困难

There are many ways for us to know about the weather. We can surf the Internet to know the weather in 5 to 7 days by using the phone. Many people think it is a quick and easy way. At home, we can also turn on the TV and watch the Weather Show. If you are driving, you can listen to the radio to get the weather report. Sometimes we can call at 121 for the weather. When it’s cold, we need to wear warm clothes and scarves(围巾). When it’s raining, we need raincoats or umbrellas with us.

When it’s hot, we need a cool place and want a cold drink.

61题完成句子;62-63题简略回答问题;64题找出本文的主题句;65 题画线句子译成汉语。

1.There are ____________ ways for us to know the weather.

2.What do many people think of the way to know the weather on the Internet?


3.How do you know the weather when you are driving?





20. 难度:困难

People eat different things in different parts of the world. In some 1.(国家), people eat rice every day. The Japanese eat lots of fish. They live near the sea. So it is easy for them 2.(get) fish. In Britain and America, potatoes are very i3.. People there can cook potatoes in any different ways. They eat potatoes almost every day.

Some people only eat fruit and vegetables. They do not eat meat, fish or 4. (something) from animals. They eat food only from plants. They think food from plants is good 5. our hearth. These people are called vegetarians(素食者).


21. 难度:中等


1.bank,   here,   is,   a,   there,   near


2.house,   have,   in,   many,   my,   I,   too,   rules


3.message,   I,   him,   a,   can,   for,   take


4.school,   never,   I,   be,   for,   late


5.do,   she,   last,   go,   where,   weekend _____________________________________________________________________?


22. 难度:压轴


















提示词:grades成绩;分数        Youth Award青年奖

Dear Sir/Madam,

I want to recommend Ricky for this year’s Youth Award. _____________________________



Yours faithfully,

Wang Lei


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