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1. 难度:中等

Dale is studying in_______university and he wants to be______engineer.

A.a;a        B.an;an        C.a;an      D.an;a


2. 难度:中等

Mom,the desk is too_________to_________.

A.heavy;move    B.heavily;moving 

C.heavy;moving  D.heavily;move


3. 难度:中等

Xiao Ming is________young,but Xiao Zhang is_________younger.

A.very;very     B.very;much     C.much;very     D.much;much


4. 难度:中等

My best friend is a good listener.He is always there________carefully.

A.to listen     B.listen     C.to speak      D.speak


5. 难度:中等

Here is Jeff’s school ID card please________.

A.give it to him    B.get it him

C.gave it to him    D.got it him


6. 难度:中等

In the village,ninety percent of the trees_______green and ninety percent of the air________clean.

A.is;is       B.are;are       C.is;are      D.are;is


7. 难度:中等

—Who sang________in the competition,Tom,Kate or Bob?

—I think Bob did.I almost slept at that time.

A.least clearly    B.most clearly

C.more clearly    D.less clearly


8. 难度:中等

I’m________with the book because it’s very________.

A.bored;bored   B.bored;boring

C.boring;boring D.boring;bored


9. 难度:中等

—Do Nelly and Eliza like reading books?

—Yes,________of them do.

A.all       B.none      C.both       D.every


10. 难度:中等

Though my son failed the exam,_______he tried his best.I’m very proud of him.

A.at first      B.at last      C.at most     D.at least


11. 难度:中等

We_______spend so much time playing computer games.It’s bad for our eyes.

A.needn’t      B.need      C.shouldn’t      D.should


12. 难度:中等

—What do you think of playing games?

—I think it is_______.We should spend more time on our schoolwork.

A.less important than schoolwork

B.more important than schoolwork

C.as important as schoolwork

D.the most important thing


13. 难度:中等

—Why don’t you get Lucy a dress?

—Oh,I think it’s too________.We are not so close.

A.cheap      B.personal      C.beautiful     D.serious


14. 难度:中等

We will go to the park________the weather is good.

A.as long as     B.as much as

C.as good as     D.as well as


15. 难度:中等

—Did the reporter say________?

—Yes,from Yunnan.

A.how did the beautiful flowers come

B.where did the beautiful flowers come from

C.how the beautiful flowers came

D.where the beautiful flowers came from


16. 难度:中等



    Last Saturday, my daughter and I went shopping together. When we left home, we saw a    in front of the house. I picked it up, and found    to contact (联系) the person who lost it. My daughter wondered if we' d get a reward (酬金), and I said it was just right to do it. We shouldn' t     a reward. We returned the wallet, and the person was thankful.  

    Only 5 days later, I took a business trip and had a very happy    ride. The taxi driver' s home was very far from mine. We           our different cultures, and shared our common experiences    different places. He said it was    to be a taxi driver with the slowing economy. But I thought the taxi ride was interesting. However, I    my phone in the taxi that day. He called my home to send me the phone. Then knowing his friend would come to my town, he gave it to his friend.

    His friend and I    ,and I got   phone back. I remembered something when I was a child. My morn was saved when she fell down in the road, and my dad helped someone whose car broke down at night. We all benefit (受益) from even the simplest acts of caring.

1.A. ticket     B. wallet C. phone       D. notebook

2.A. howB. whereC. when       D. why

3.A. expect      B. chooseC. order       D. describe

4.A. busB. subway       C. taxi D. train

5.A. cared about  B. talked about    C. thought about  D. wondered about

6.A. with        B. on  C. for  D. in

7.A. impossible   B. fresh C. difficult       D. comfortable

8.A. brought     B. left C. reached       D. got

9.A. disagreed    B. changed       C. caredD. met

10.A myB. his C. her D. Your


17. 难度:中等



American football is one of the most popular sports in the US.

    The American football playing-field (场地)of today is about ll0 meters long and about 50 meters wide. The game has four quarters, fifteen minutes long each. The first two quarters are the first half. The players usually have twelve minutes to relax between the two halves.

    In an American football game, each team has eleven players. They wear helmets (头盔) to keep their heads and faces safe and pads (软垫) to keep their arms and legs safe. Players must wear these things because they may touch each other in the game. To keep the game going on, every player must follow the rules of the game.

    The football in the game is brown in color. It isn't as round as a soccer ball. There are eight stitches (针脚) on the top of the football. These stitches help the players to take the ball in hand in the game.

    The most famous American football game of the year is the Super Bowl in January or February.Lots of people all over the world watch it.


1.Which of the following looks like the playing field of American football?


2.In an American football game, the players can relax after playing for________ minutes.

A. 15B. 20        C. 25      D. 30

3.The underlined word "safe" in Paragraph 3 means“________” in Chinese.

A.灵活的     B.安全的     C.强壮的     D.柔软的

4.Why are there stitches on the top of the ball?

A. Because the ball is very old.

B. Because the ball is easy to break.

C. Because they can make the ball easy to see.

D. Because they can make the ball easy to take.

5.Which is the best title for the passage?

A. My favorite sports

B. Rules of American football

C. Facts about American football

D. The most popular sports in the world


18. 难度:中等




1.What should you do if you see a bear?

A. Shout to make the bear go away.

B. Stay as far away as possible.

C. Run as fast as you can.

D. Throw things.

2.The underlined word "threatened" probably means________.

A. surprised      B. excited      C. scared     D. serious

3._______ may make the bear lose interest in you.

A. Wearing old clothes

B. Feeding the bear

C. Climbing tree

D. Playing dead

4.Bobby Bear tells us _______.

A. where to visit bears

B. why bears attack people

C. how to make friends with bears

D. how to save yourself from bears' attack

5.You may find this passage      .

A. in a guide book      B. on a blackboard

C. on the Internet        D. in a diary


19. 难度:压轴

One day, a little monkey and a little fox went out to play. They saw an apple tree on the other side of the river. There were many big and red apples on it. But there was no bridge over the river. The monkey thought hard and had an idea. They pulled down a tree and put it over the river as a bridge.

    The monkey said, "My old friend, you go there first." But after the fox went to the other side, he kicked (踢) the tree into the river and ran to the apple tree. "How can I get 'there without the tree?" cried the monkey. The fox laughed and said, "You just stand there and watch me eating the apples." The monkey was very angry.

    Suddenly it began to rain. The water level (水位) in the river rose and the tree flew away with the water.

    "You can eat all the apples. But you can't come back," shouted the monkey.

    The fox stopped eating and looked at the monkey sadly.


1.The little monkey and the little fox wanted to________on the other side of the river.

A. build a bridge

B. eat the apples

C. pull down a tree  

D. play games

2.The fox kicked the tree into the river because he wanted to________.

A. eat all the apples by himself

B. share the apples with the monkey

C. get the apples first    

D. play a joke on the monkey

3.The fox could not come back because_______.

A. the monkey took away the tree

B. the tree flew away

C. it began to rain    

D. he was angry with the monkey

4.The fox was sad because________.

A. the monkey was laughing

B. he couldn' t reach the apples

C. he couldn' t go back 

D. the monkey went home first

5.The story tells us that_______.

A. the fox was strong

B. the monkey should go first

C. the fox was cleverer than the monkey

D. one shouldn' t care only about himself


20. 难度:中等

Many years ago, Norman Cousins got a very serious disease (疾病). The doctors said he only had six months to live.  1.  Norman thought his negative emotions (消极情绪) had something to do with his disease. He wondered, "If negative emotions can make  me sick, can positive (积有乐观的) activities make me healthy?"

     He decided to have a try.  2.  He watched funny movies, read funny stories and did anything that would make him laugh. Surprisingly, he got well again.  3. 

     Some studies also show that laughing is good for people' s health. 4.  If you are well, laughing helps you stay that way. So, if you like laughing, go on enjoying it. If you don't like laughing, why not have a try?

     Do anything that makes you laugh— watch movies, sitcoms; read books, cartoons and jokes; hang out with friends. Laugh!ongand loud   5.  But they'll join you in the end.

     Some diseases may be contagious(接触传染的)but none is as contagious as the cure (疗法)—laughing.


A. If you're not well, laughing helps you get well.

B. He was often worried, unhappy and angry before he got the disease.

C. People around you may think you're strange at first.

D. Laughing was one of the most positive activities he knew.

E. He lived another 20 happy and healthy years.








21. 难度:中等




    An old man was sitting on the train with his son. The son seemed to be over 20 years old. The train started and the young man looked very  1.  . He was sitting close to the window. He put one hand out of the window to feel the  2.  He shouted, " Dad, see all the trees are going  3.  !" The old man looked at his son and smiled.

    There was a woman next to the young man.She was just sitting and listening to the talk 4. the father and son. Possibly she thought it was a little strange (奇怪的) because the young man was behaving (表现) like a(n)   5.  .

Suddenly the young man  6. again, Dad, see the river and animals. Clouds are moving with the train. 'The woman watched the young man and 7.  embarrassed (尴尬的) at his behavior. Then it started raining and some raindrops 8.   the young man' s hand. He became much more excited. He shouted again, "Dad, it' s raining! Water is touching me! See, Dad."

The woman couldn' t  9.  it any longer and asked the old man,. "Why don' t you take your son to the doctor?" The old man said, "We just came from the  10. . Today my son has eyesight (视力) for the first time in his life."


22. 难度:中等



A: Where do you plan to go this weekend?

B: I plan to the countryside. I like enjoying my time quietly there.

A: 1.    ?

B: Yes, I often go there.

My uncle lives there and I often feed hens and pigs on his farm.

A: Sounds interesting. But I want to go to Town Movie Theater. "

B: Oh, I can't stand that place.

A: 2.________________________________?

B: Because there are always so many people there.

A: But the tickets there are the cheapest.

B: But you have to wait for a long time.

A: 3.______________________________?

B: I love coffee house. It' s a good place to relax.

A: 4.      ?

B: Shangdao Coffee House is the best.

A: Why do you think so?

B: Well, it has the best environment (环境).

A: OK. I' 11 go there this weekend. Thank you for your advice ( 建议 ).

B: 5.__________________________.


23. 难度:中等


     假如你们班本周英语墙报“交流园地”栏目需要题为“Why am I so popular in our class?”的稿件,请你写一篇70词左右的英语短文将自己受欢迎的原因与大家分享,刊登在你班墙报上。

Why am I so popular in our class?








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