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1. 难度:中等

        Jane helping her mom clean the house?

A、Does      B、Is      C、Do


2. 难度:简单

Our math teacher is strict        us.

A、with      B、to     C、in


3. 难度:中等

One of the students        .

A、gets lost     B、get lost         C、gets lose


4. 难度:中等

Don’t        so many trees.

A、cut off       B、put off    C、cut down


5. 难度:简单

I think the animals are         scary.

A、kinds of     B、kind      C、kind of


6. 难度:中等

Look! The children       football on the playground.

A、play           B、are playing      C、playing


7. 难度:中等

The elephants are        great danger in Africa.

A、in      B、with     C、on


8. 难度:中等

This is        boy.

A、an eighteen-year-old 

B、a eighteen-year-old

C、an eighteen-years-old


9. 难度:中等

The apples taste      .

A、well           B、good         C、to be good


10. 难度:中等

You have to keep your hair       .

A、be short         B、shorting      C、short


11. 难度:中等

Rose       school very early every day.

A、gets      B、gets to    C、arrives


12. 难度:中等

I don’t like doing the dishes, my brother doesn’t like it        .

A、also           B、either         C、too


13. 难度:中等

My home isn’t far from here. It’s only        walk.

A、ten minutes’    B、ten minute’s   C、ten minutes


14. 难度:中等

It’s difficult       him.

A、to make friends with 

B、to make friends about 

C、making friends with


15. 难度:中等

She has to       a school uniform at school.

A、put on      B、wears     C、wear


16. 难度:中等

Dear Alice,

  Thank you    the letter of July 1 and the photos of London. Here    some photos of my family and some photos of Beijing. In the    photo, my    is playing    a dog. She is only four    old. She    dogs. In the second photo, I’m    my classmates. We    soccer on our school playground. In the next photo, all my family    eating a big dinner on the last night of the year.     the last photo, my father and I    spending holidays in the seaside city, Qingdao. The boy in the sea    fast. Guess   he is! Yes, your’re right. It’s   .

1.A、for     B、at     C、on

2.A、is     B、comes    C、are

3.A、one      B、first           C、two

4.A、brother     B、sister           C、mother

5.A、with     B、from              C、by

6.A、year      B、a year             C、years

7.A、like      B、is like         C、likes

8.A、in                B、for            C、with

9.A、playing         B、are playing           C、plays

10.A、are     B、is           C、have

11.A、On      B、In          C、At

12.A、are      B、is           C、am

13.A、is swiming    B、swimming          C、is swimming

14.A、who    B、who           C、how

15.A、I     B、me           C、my


17. 难度:中等

We have twenty minutes’break(休息) time after the second class in the morning. Look! Most of us are playing durinng(在…期间) the break time. Some students are on the playground(操场). They are playing basketball. Oh! A boy is running with the ball. And another(另一个) is stopping(阻止) him. They look so cool. And there are some girls watching the game. Some students are in the classroom. They are talking. Some of them are reading and doing homewrok. Look! A girl is looking at the birds in the tree in front of the classroom. She must be thinking of something interesting because she is smiling(微笑).

What are the teachers doing? Some of them are working in the office. And some are talking with students. Everyone is doing his or her things, busy but happy!

1.Where are the students playing basketball?

A、In front of the tree. 

B、In front of the classroom.  

C、On the playground.

2.A girl is looking at the birds. She is          .

A、happy     B、cool     C、interesting

3.What are the teachers doing?

A、Working or talking with students.

B、Having a basketball game.

C、Playing with the students.

4.There are       students in the classroom.

A、no      B、some     C、many

5.The passage is mainly(主要) about        .


B、a basketball game

C、break time activities


18. 难度:中等

In our city there is a zoo. There are many kinds of animals. Some animals are very friendly. But some are not. Tigers, bears and some snakes() are dangerous. That’s why they must stay in cages(笼). But I don’t think it’s good for animals to stay in cages. They should be free. The animals in cages cannot be happy.

Tigers usually live in forests(森林) and mountains(高山). They can run very fast(快地). They catch(捕捉) and eat small animals like rabbits(兔子) and deer(鹿), but now they live in small rooms. They have nothing to do every day. So they walk round and round in the cages, and they want to get out. When they are tired, they sleep. I feel sorry for them.

1.Why do tigers, bears and snakes have to stay in cages?

A、Because they are very dangerous.

B、Because they are very friendly.

C、Because they should be free

2.Where do tigers usually live?

A、In cages. 

B、In forests and mountains

C、In the zoo.

3.What do tigers usually do in forests?

A、They have nothing to do.

B、They want to sleep.

C、They catch and eat small animals.

4.Tigers want to      when they are in cages.

A、get out      B、eat animals   C、run fast

5.Why does the writer feel sorry for the tigers in cages?

A、Because the writer thinks tigers should eat food.

B、Because the writer thinks tigers are dangerous.

C、Because the writer thinks tigers should be free.


19. 难度:中等

Time is different all over the world. What are people in different cities doing right now? Let’s have a look.

Li Dong is in Shanghai. It’s twelve o’clock at noon. He is having lunch with his parents at home.

Julie is in Sydney. What time is it? It’s 2∶00 in the afternoon. She is shopping in the supermarket with her friends.

Peter is watching a basketball game on TV. Where is he? He’s in Vancouver(温哥华). It’s 8∶00 in the evening.

It’s twelve o’clock at night. Emma is sleeping at home. Where is she? She’s in New York.

Mrs. Smith is an English teacher in Moscow. It’s 8∶00 in the morning. She’s having an English class in the classroom. Her students are listening to her carefully.

What is Mr. Brown doing? Oh, he’s exercising in the park. It’s five o’clock in the morning in London. He usually gets up early in the morning.

1.—What time is it in London?

—It’s        .

A、two o’clock in the afternoon

B、eight o’clock in the evening

C、five o’clock in the morning

2.Peter is        .

A、sleeping at home

B、watching a basketball game on TV

C、exercising in the park

3.Mrs Smith is a/an        teacher.

A、English      B、math    C、music

4.Mr Brown is in        .

A、New York      B、London   C、Moscow

5.Li Dong is having lunch with      at home.

A、his parents     B、his friends   C、his classmates


20. 难度:中等



A:Hello, the Basketball Club. 1.   

B:Yes, please. I want to join the Basketball Club.

A:All right. 2.    

B:Lucy Smith.

A:How old are you?


A:OK. 3.  



B:Yes, I can. But I can’t play it very well.

A:Any hobbies(爱好)?

B:I like drawing and playing the piano.


B:Yes. It’s lucy912@126.com.

A:Thank you. Bye!


21. 难度:中等



  My name is Scott and I am a teacher. I live twenty kilometers from the school. I take the subway to school every day. The subway is quick and cheap(便宜的), and there are hardly(几乎不) any delays(延迟). The subways run every twenty minutes and run until(直到) 12∶00 pm. The subway station is not far from my home. I usually walk to the subway station. It takes about twenty minutes from my home to school. Lisa is my cousin. She is a salesgirl(售货员) and she works in a big supermarket in the downtown(市中心). But she lives on an island(岛). It’s about thirty kilometers from the city. First, she takes the boat from the island. The boat leaves every half an hour. Then she gets to the supermarket by bus. It usually takes her about fifty minutes to get to the supermarket. Sometimes when the weather(天气) is bad, she is late for work.

1.What does Scott do?

2.How far is it from Scott’s home to school?

3.How does Scott get to the subway station?

4.Who is Lisa?

5.Is Lisa sometimes late for work when the weather is bad?


22. 难度:困难




There is a zoo near my house. I like to go there. In the zoo we can see many  1.  . Look! There  2.  a koala in the tree. He  3.  leaves(树叶). Isn’t he cute? But he is  4.  of shy. The giraffe is over there.   5.  neck(脖子) is long. She is tall. She is smart. And she is 6.  to people. The elephant is interesting. Look! He  7.  with his long nose. I like pandas a  8.  . They are  9.  China. Do you like 10.  ?


23. 难度:中等



father:read a book; mother:watch TV;grandfather:listen to the radio;grandmother:clean the room;Kate:do her homework;Bettey:play computer games


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