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2015-2016学年七年级上 6单元第1课时课时测试英语试卷(解析版)
1. 难度:中等

This morning I have       art lesson, art is        easy subject..

A. a, a               B. an, an

C. a, an             D. an, a


2. 难度:中等

-- Who is your English teacher, Helen?

-- ____________ is.

A. John Tom             B. Smith Linda

C. Brown Kate            D. Paul Green


3. 难度:中等

Some milk           in the cup, and the bread           on the table.

A. are; is              B. are; are      

C. is; are              D. is; is


4. 难度:中等

-- Let me go to the party with Linda, Mom.

-- OK. ­­__________________ .

A. Thanks                     B. I’m fine

C. Good evening, Linda        D. Have a good evening


5. 难度:中等

John           an apple and milk          dinner.

A. has; with             B. have; for

C. has; for              D. has; at


6. 难度:中等

-- Do you want to read this book ?

-- No, let’s go to the park. The book has some nice pictures, but it’s __________ .

A. interesting           B. relaxing

C. easy                 D. boring


7. 难度:中等

Kate likes English, but Frank           .

A. isn’t              B. hasn’t

C. doesn’t              D. can’t


8. 难度:中等

-- Look at the sofa, Tom! Your school things are on the table.

-- Come on, Mom. I want to take _________ to school now.

A. it                B. them

C. him                 D. you


9. 难度:中等

—Do you like fast food?

—No, I don’t. I         go to KFC.

A. always              B. usually

C. seldom               D. often


10. 难度:中等

Dad, I'm going for Jim's birthday party.


A. Be careful.           B. Come home early.

C. Have fun.             D. Wish you good luck


11. 难度:中等


Dear Tom,

I go on a trip to Beijing with my father Rick. On the first day, we visit (参观) the Palace Museum. It is in the centre of Beijing. There are many rooms in it. You can see “No photos!” in some places. If so, you need to follow the instructions (指示). On the second day, we visit the Summer Palace. It’s great fun to boat there. I can swim, so I’m not afraid of water. Tomorrow we will go to the Great Wall.

I also make a new friend Tony who comes from Australia. When he leaves, he gives me his e-mail address and telephone number. After the six-day trip, we can go back to New York by plane. I hope to see you soon.


1. This is a letter for ________.

A. Tom                 B. Bill

C. Tony                 D. Rick

2. Why isn’t Bill afraid of water?

A. Because he can take photos.

B. Because he can swim.

C. Because he can draw pictures.

D. Because he has a new friend.

3.How many days does Bill stay in Beijing?

A. For three days.       B. For four days.

C. For five days.        D. For six days.

4.What does Bill do before he writes the letter?

visit the Palace Museum   visit the Summer Palace

visit the Great Wall     make a new friend

A. ①②③             B. ②③④

C. ①②④             D. ①③④

5.We can know that __________.

A. Bill comes to Beijing with his mother

B. Bill will go back to New York by ship

C. it’s fun for Bill to boat in the Summer Palace

D. Bill sees “No talking!” in the Palace Museum


12. 难度:中等


We all know a healthy lifestyle (生活方式) is important for us. Here are three students’ lifestyles. Whose lifestyle do you think is the healthiest (最健康的)?

Peter is very fat because he always eats a lot(许多). Every day,1..For dinner, he usually has three hamburgers and some ice-cream. He doesn’t likes doing exercise. He does exercise less than two hours a week. That’s why he is so fat.

Kate doesn’t eat too much food every day. Her breakfast is only an egg and 2., She usually

has some vegetables and milk for dinner. She doesn’t eat meat because 3..

Su Jun, a Chinese boy, has an another name Early. He gets up early every morning and then 4.. He also enjoys swimming and goes to the Swimming Club three to five times a week. He looks strong and healthy. He likes to eat noodles or dumplings with some vegetables for lunch. He often eats salad but 5. .

Now, what’s your answer?


13. 难度:中等


假如你叫Jane, 下面是有关你的朋友Jack的信息。请根据所给信息介绍你的朋友。


Bill Miller













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