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1. 难度:中等


A: Good morning.


A: Do you have a friend here?

B: Yes, I do.

A: 2.

B: Oh. She is my friend, Amy.

A: 3.

B: She comes from the USA.

A: She looks like Judy.

B: 4.

A: Are they in the same grade?

B: Yes. 5.

A: Is Judy your friend, too?

B: No, she isn’t.

A. Who is that girl? B. But they’re in different classes.

C. Where is she?     D. They are sisters.      E. Good morning.

F. Thank you.        G. Where does she come from?



2. 难度:中等


I’m an English girl .My name is Kate. I’m twelve. I have two sisters. My sisters and I are all at school .We go to school from Monday to Friday. We don’t have classes on Saturday and Sunday. My mother is a teacher and my father is a doctor.

I like reading. My favorite subject is English .My favorite teacher is Miss Smith. She teaches us English. My favorite sport is tennis. My favorite school day is Friday because we have two English classes on Friday.

1.Kate is       girl.

A. an American          B. an English

C. a Chinese           D. an Australian

2. Kate and her sisters       on  Saturday and Sunday.

A.go to school          B. don’t have any classes

C. play games            D. watch TV

3.          Is a teacher.

A. Kate                  B. Kate’s father

C. Kate’s mother       D. Kate’s parent

4.What is Kate’s favorite subject?

A. English               B. Chinese

C. Tennis                D. Miss Smith

5.-Why does Kate like Friday best?

-Because        .

A. she like English

B. she likes Miss Smith

C. she has two math classes

D. there are two English classes


3. 难度:中等


Amy is short-sighted, so she wears glasses. But she doesn’t wear glasses when she is with her fried, Jack. When Jack comes to her house to take her out, she takes her glasses off. When she gets back, she puts on the glasses.

One day, Amy’s mother asks her ,”Why don’t you wear your glasses when you are with Jack? He takes you to see many lovely places in his car, but you can’t see anything clearly.” Amy says, “He thinks I look more lovely when I’m not wearing my glasses and I think he looks better, too.”

1.What’s the Chinese for “short-sighted”?

A.大的                B.远的

C.近视的               D.明亮的

2.Amy doesn’t wears glasses when          .

A. she studies at school

B. she is at home

C. she goes shopping with her mother

D. she is with Jack

3.How does Jack take Amy out?

A. On foot             B. By bike

C. By car              D. By bus

4. When Amy gets back, she           .

A. puts on her glasses          B. has a rest

C. helps to do the housework    D. takes off her glasses

5.Amy thinks Jack looks better when       .

A. she sees everything

B. she doesn’t see anything clearly

C. Jack sees everything clearly

D. Jack doesn’t see anything clearly


4. 难度:中等


Peter is a tall boy. He is 1.8  meters tall. He lives in Canada. On Sunday morning he likes to go to see his friend. Her name is Alan. She is a girl. She has a good garden(花园). There are many trees and rose in the garden. They are apple trees oranges trees and other fruit trees. There are lots of fruits on the trees. There are many birds in the garden, too. They are happy. The birds sing in the trees. Peter and Alan listen to the birds and sing songs with them. They draw pictures of birds.

It’s lunch-time. They are hungry. They go to a restaurant. Peter would like some dumplings. Alan wants to have a bowl of noodles. They order them for lunch.

1. Peter        .

A. has a girl friend          B. is a short boy

C. lives in China             D. goes to see Alan in the garden

2. Here are many         in the garden.

A. vegetables                B. cats and dogs

C. fruit and flowers         D. children

3.          Sing in the trees.

A. Peter and Alan            B. Birds

C. Fruit                      D. Roses

4.Peter and Alan         .

A. don’t like songs         B. don’t like birds

C. like birds                D. like new clothes

5.They have lunch           .

A. in school                 B. In Alan’s home

C. in peter’s home         D. in a restaurant


5. 难度:中等


假如你叫Jane, 下面是有关你的朋友Jack的信息。请根据所给信息介绍你的朋友。


Bill Miller













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