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1. 难度:中等

A group of men, highly successful in their jobs, went to visit their old teacher. Soon they began to     about the stress in work and life.

The old teacher went to the kitchen and returned     a pot of coffee and different kinds of cups: glass, plastic; nice-looking ones, ugly ones; some     , some cheap. He told them to help     to the coffee.

When all the students were holding a cup of coffee, the teacher said: “I’ve found that all the nice-looking expensive cups were     and you’ve left behind the ugly and cheap     . While it is     for you to take only the best for yourselves, your problems and stress come along.

You know that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee, what you     wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you     went for the best cups.

Now think     this: life is the coffee. The jobs and money are the cups. They are just outlooks of our life, and the type of cup does not     the quality of life. Sometimes, we care     about the cup, and we fail     the coffee that life offers us. Life hands us the coffee, not the cups. Please enjoy your coffee!”

The happiest people don’ t have the     of everything. They just make the best of everything.

So please speak kindly, live     , and love deeply.

1.A. think       B. complain     C. worry     D. say

2.A. by          B. at           C. with       D. for

3.A. expensive   B. good       C. beautiful  D. strange

4.A. yourself   B. yourselves   C. them       D. themselves

5.A. taken      B. changed      C. broken    D. lost

6.A. one       B. cup          C. ones       D. coffee

7.A. necessary  B. usual      C. normal     D. often

8.A. first      B. true        C. really     D. just

9.A. still      B. only       C. unless     D. though

10.A. for       B. of          C. to         D. about

11.A. make      B. improve      C. change     D. have

12.A. much too   B. a little   C. too little D. too much

13.A. enjoy      B. enjoying    C. enjoyed    D. to enjoy

14.A. worst      B. better      C. best       D. worse

15.A. shortly   B. quickly     C. simply    D. clearly


2. 难度:中等

You ought to have fun when you study English. That way, you’ll want to spend more time using the language. One way to do this is to watch amusing TV shows in English.

Chuck is an action comedy TV series about a character named Chuck. One day Chuck receives a classified (机密) e-mail from an old friend who is working at the CIA. The e-mail contains an entire database filled with classified U.S. government information. Chuck is the kind of person who naturally commits large amounts of information to memory, and all of the spy secrets are accidentally embedded in his mind. So Chuck becomes the most important person to the government. As a result, Chuck hides his identity (身份) and works as a computer expert at a store called Buy More. There are two secret agents who protect Chuck from danger. To ensure his safety, they also take undercover jobs as his girlfriend and a store employee.

Without a doubt, watching Chuck is going to provide you with hours of rib-tickling laughter while you learn English.

1.Watching amusing TV shows is a _______ way to study English.

A. useful    B. hard       C. fun            D. quick

2.Two secret agents protect Chuck from danger because ________________.

A. Chuck works at the CIA

B. Chuck is a computer expert

C. Chuck is their friend

D. Chuck knows all of the spy secrets

3.This passage is probably taken from __________ in a newspaper called 21st Century.

A. Story land   B. Learning Desk

C. Magic World  D. School Time


3. 难度:中等

It was once thought that only time could mend a broken heart, but now scientists think taking a couple of aspirin might be the best way to get over a break-up.

Previous studies have shown that people experience feelings of romantic rejection (失恋) in the same way that they experience physical pain. And Psychology Professor Water Michel, of Columbia University, also believes that the psychological pain of ending a relationship is similar to physical pain, and should be treated like any other injury. “When we speak about rejection experiences in terms of physical pain, it is not just a metaphor the broken heart and emotional pain really do hurt in a physical way," he said. “When you look at a picture of the one who broke your heart, you experience a pain in a similar area of the brain which is activated when you burn your arm.

Research shows that people who are given a simple painkiller, like aspirin, are able to handle feelings of rejection better than those given a placebo (安慰剂) .

‘Take two aspirins and call me next morning’ would be a cold-hearted response to a friend’s late-night report of fresh heartbreak, but it has a solid basis in the research.

1.The aspirin is a kind of _________.

A. wine     B. fruit   C. dessert          D. medicine

2.According to the passage, maybe taking aspirins can ______.

A. mend a broken heart        B. burn your arm

C. make people feel pain      D. help people get over a break-up.

3.The underlined word “those” in Paragraph 3 means ______.

A. pains    B. hearts    C. people         D. areas

4.The best summary for the passage would be “Broken-hearted? _______________ !”.

A. Just take an aspirin or two

B. Just call me at any time

C. Just wait for a long time

D. Just eat as much as you can


4. 难度:中等

Imagine a world where air pollution is no longer a problem. Clean air is all around us. People don’t have to worry about polluting the air every time they take the bus.

A city in California has got some new buses. They cost $490,000 each. The new buses are different from the old ones. These new buses are better for the environment. They are called hybrid buses. They run on diesel (柴油的) and electric power. This will help keep the air cleaner.

The man drove the new bus on Wednesday and noticed a difference right away. “I get to have clean air for a change”, said driver Melvin Day. “I’m smelling diesel all day long when I drive the old ones.”

The company that builds the buses had many good things to say about them. For example, they said they use a lot less fuel (燃料). They also said that they are 90% cleaner for the environment. The buses are very quiet, too.

The buses have a diesel engine in the back and batteries (电池) on top. When the engine starts up, it is powered by electricity. Then the diesel power takes over.

Over time the city would like to use the new hybrid buses instead of all 50 of their buses. They hope to do this over the next three years. The city will give money to help buy the new kind of buses.

One other bit of good news: the price of the bus ticket will not rise because of the new buses.

1.Why are the new buses better for the environment?

A. Because they’re cheaper than the old ones.

B. Because they’re very quiet.

C. Because they run on diesel and electric power.

D. Because they are new.

2.The underlined word “hybrid” in Paragraph 2 means ______ in Chinese.

A. 混合动力的     B. 前卫的       C. 新颖的     D. 节约的

3.Which one is NOT true about the new buses?

A. The buses are very quiet.

B. They use a lot less fuel.

C. They will keep the air cleaner.

D. They can drive faster than the old ones.

4.How many buses does the city have now?

A. 50       B. 90       C. 45       D. 490


5. 难度:中等

No matter where the dads and their children go, that location immediately becomes a tourist destination. This has become a pattern for Hunan TV’s reality show Where Are We Going, Dad? And last week the show was heading overseas for a special international episode. The entry has taken place in New Zealand, which was expected to become a popular travel destination for Chinese fans of the show. If you don’t know much about New Zealand but would like to explore it, check out our travel guide to see what kinds of activities might interest you.

Nature and wildlife encounter

New Zealand was the last country on Earth to be settled by humans. As such, it’s a paradise for exotic birds. You’re also able to watch dolphins and whales on boat tours.

Possible itinerary (旅行指南)

1.Auckland: fly in and visit Tiritiri Matangi conservation project (bellbirds spotting); 2.Waipoua Forest: huge kauri trees; 3.Kaikoura: whale watching by boat or air seal watching, hike the Kaikoura Peninsula Walkway, join a dolphin encounter tour; 4.Wellington (Matiu/Somes Island): red-crowned parakeet, blue penguins, weta, skinks and tuatara; 5.Stewart Island: kiwi bird spotting; 6.Te Anau: takahe and kea; 7. Queenstown: fly to Auckland and finally ___43___.

Landscape lover

Landscape lovers may have heard that New Zealand is brimming with natural wonders like active volcanoes (火山), snowy mountaintops, glaciers perched near beaches and caves infested with glowworms. Indeed, you can’t see many of these wonders anywhere else in the world.

Possible itinerary

1.Auckland: fly in; 2.Whangamata: beach resorts and The Coromandel Forest Park (short walks, mountain bike trails); 3.Waitomo: underground caves and glowworm caverns; 4.Rotorua: geothermal areas; 5.Abel Tasman: golden sand beaches (taking water taxi, sea kayaking, hiking, and snorkeling); 6.Fox Glacier and Franz Josef: biggest glaciers in the country (hiking and guided glacier walks); 7.Queenstown: crystal clear Lake Wakatipu (bungee jumping, sky diving, horse trekking and cycling); 8. Milford Sound: fjord (boat cruises, sea kayaking, diving and flightseeing); 9.Christchurch: fly back.

1.New Zealand is ____ for Chinese fans after the show Where Are We Going, Dad?

A. more beautiful    B. more famous

C.  more popular    D. cleaner

2.Which is the best expression to fill in the blank (空白处) in the passage?

A. have dinner    B. fly back

C. go sightseeing  D. ride horses

3. How is the passage organized? (Par = Paragraph)

A. Par 1→Pars 2~4→Par 5 ~9

B. Pars 1~3→Par 4 ~7 →Pars 8~9

C. Par 1→Pars 2~5→Pars 6~9

D. Pars 1~3→Pars 3~4→Par 5 ~ 9

4. From the passage, we know that New Zealand is a travel destination for ______.

A. landscape lovers          B. nature lovers

C. wildlife lovers          D. different kinds of travel lover


6. 难度:中等


Dear Ada,

My favorite Chinese festival is the Spring Festival. It is celebrated in   1.  (冬天), usually in January or February.  2.  (在…期间) this festival, we do lots of things.

Before the festival, we usually clean our house and make it more   3.  (漂亮的) with chunlian. On New Years Eve, families get   4.  (一起) and enjoy a big meal. The traditional 5.  (食物) in the north is jiaozi and niangao in the south. On the first day of the New Year, we wear new clothes and visit our 6.   (亲戚) and friends. We say Happy New Year to each other 7. (愉快地). Children can receive   8.  (幸运的) money from the elders. Thats one of my favorite parts of this festival.

Its my favorite festival because I enjoy   9.  (度过) time with my families. It   10.  (使) me feel very happy.

Yours truly,




7. 难度:中等


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S1: Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?

S2: Sorry, I can’t. I have __1. to go to the cinema that afternoon.

S3: I’m afraid not. I have a _2._. I have to see a dentist.

S4: Sorry, I’m not __3._ until Saturday evening. I am going to hang out with my cousin.

S5: I’m sorry, I’m tired. I just _4._ home this morning after a long journey. I want to rest.

S1: OK. Maybe another time. What about you?

S6: Sure, I’d love to.

S1: 5.__! Catch you on Saturday afternoon!


8. 难度:中等


The subway train moved _1._ _ (slow) into the city. It was filled with bored, tired passengers.

Suddenly a little boy stood up and walked in between grown-ups’ legs. While his father stayed by the door, the boy sat next to the window with a group of unfriendly people.

As the train went on moving, something unexpected happened. The little boy got up from his _ 2._ _ and put his hand on my leg. For a moment, I _ 3._ _ (think) that he wanted to go past me and return to his father, so I moved my leg. But _4. _ of moving on, the boy came near me and kissed me softly on the cheek.

I was _5._ _. What happened? A kid kissing an unknown grown-up on the train, is that right? To my _ 6._ _, the kid went on kissing all my neighbors.

Nervous and confused, I looked questioningly at his father.

“He’s so happy to be alive,” the father said. “He’s been very sick.”

The train _ 7._ _ (stop). Father and son got off and disappeared into the crowd. On my cheek I could still _ 8._ _ the child’s kiss- a kiss that set me to think.

How many grown-ups go around kissing each other from the joy of being _ 9. _ (live)? How many even give much thought to the privilege(特权)of living? How many of us will start being _ 10._ _ (we)?


9. 难度:中等



New-skin Facial Mask with rich cream and vitamin C will give your face refreshing and moisturizing feeling.

Directions: 1.Watch your hands first;

2. Clean your face thoroughly;

3. Dry your face with a towel;

4. Put New-skin Facial Mask on your face;

5. When the facial mask is dry, wash off with water.

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10. 难度:中等


许多人喜欢在除夕夜观看春节联欢晚会(Spring Festival Gala),但有些人提出要取消春晚。请根据提示,用英语写一篇短文,向央视投稿,告诉他们你希望今年的春晚继续还是取消,并阐述理由。


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I ________ the Spring Festival Gala on CCTV

As for the Spring Festival Gala, there has been a heated discussion among the public.





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