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Jack, _______ eat in class. It is not polite.

A. don’tB. doesn’t

C. no    D. not


--- Hey, guys. Do you often have a good time ________ after-school activities?

--- Of course, we do. And we always have a lot of time ________ soccer.

A. to do; to practice  B. doing; practicing

C. to do; practicing  D. doing; to practice


You had better________ wine because you have to drive back home.

A. not drink  B. don’t drink

C. not to drink    D. to not drink


---What took you so long?

---I got lost. I have no ________ of direction.

A. feeling           B. ability

C. knowledge         D. sense


--- What do you think of summer in Nanjing?

--- Well, it’s sometimes ______ hot and sometimes there is ______ rain.

A. too much, much too   B. too much, too much

C. much too, much too   D. much too, too much


--- I hear Tom is good at ______, isn’t he?

--- Are you joking? Tom is weak at it. He doesn’t even know where Japan is.

A. Geography    B. Languages

C. Science     D. Art


The best way to make sure that you can keep fit is to ________ healthy eating habits.

A. find B. develop

C. shapeD. prepare


          other good students, the teacher thinks, Hank is           student.

A. Compared with; the most satisfied

B. Comparing with; the most satisfied

C. Comparing with; the most satisfying

D. Compared with; the most satisfying


          woman with          baby in her arm is my aunt.

A. The, 不填B. The, a

C. A, a        D. A, 不填


随着扬州经济的发展,私家车的数量不断攀升,同时我们的空气污染越发严重。去年冬天雾霾(the thick haze)天气接二连三出现,生活环境日趋恶化。就此,你班展开讨论美丽扬州应该从何做起。请根据下面提示写一篇短文,向报社投稿。


















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