满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

We need to get to the root of the proble...

We need to get to the root of the problem ________ we can solve it.

A.while B.after

C.before D.as


C 【解析】 试题句意:在我们解决问题之前,我们需要找到问题的根源。A. while当……时候,而;B. after在……之后; C. before 在……之前;D. as正如。根据句意可知选C。

You won’t find paper cutting difficult ________ you keep practicing it.

A. even though    B. as long as

C. as if    D. ever since



Why don’t you consider a trip to, say, Beijing or Hangzhou?


A.I wouldn’t mind that

B.Then we’ll get there quickly

C.Let’s call it a day

D.It’s not a requirement




In our kitchen, there was a wooden table and three chairs - one for Pa, one for Ma, and one for me. I tried not to look at Pa’s empty place. Pa had gone to the city to look for work. He had been gone for a long time.

Every night, lying awake in bed, I waited for the train to stop, waited for the sound of his work boots dropping on the step, and waited for his voice calling, “I’m home!”

Every night, as I lay there, I stared at the window and the curtains Ma made from empty flour sacks (面粉袋). Sometimes the train stopped - for someone else’s Pa coming home. Not mine, not yet.

Every night, Ma came to kiss me good-night - after the train had gone by. She had been listening, too. “Go to sleep. Your Pa’ll be home soon. Maybe for Thanksgiving.”

How could I be thankful without my Pa?

I went to sleep with the sound of train wheels in my head, whispering, “Maybe tomorrow, maybe tomorrow.”

One morning, the smell of coffee woke me. I ran into the kitchen. There he was! Pa lifted me onto his shoulders. “How’s my boy? You’ve gotten so big that I can barely lift you up anymore.”

He put me down, and I stared at the two sacks on the table. One said FLOUR. I tried reading the other: S-U-G-A-R. Pa whistled admiringly and winked (眨眼) at me. Ma didn’t say no when Pa sprinkled () a bit of that precious white sugar on my bread.

Ma said, “I’m going to bake a pie for your Pa’s homecoming dinner. Go downstairs, Jimmy, and bring me that jar of apples.” She smiled at me with a “mind now” look.

There was no need. I knew how to be careful. It was the last jar - the one we had been saving and saving to welcome Pa home. “When Pa comes home, there’ll be apple pie.” I could hardly remember what pies tasted like.


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。


I took the steps two at a time.



Seeing this, I felt like crying.





1. 推荐礼物;

2. 推荐理由。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。




    Mevan Babakar had a difficult start in life. She and her parents _______Iraq during the Gulf War in the 1990s. They travelled _______Turkey, Azerbaijan, Russia and eventually to the Netherlands, where Babakar and her mother lived for a year in a refugee camp (难民营). Child as she was, she used to think it could be the end of the world every day. Life was _______and future to her, was a dream that would never come true.

However, she never forgot the refugee camp worker all those years ago. That day, watching other children playing and running on the ground in the camp, she, _______, stood there in the old coat and woolen cap, her face smudged with dirt. Their laughter and happiness made her find herself _______to go.

He came into _______, pushing a red, shiny bike on the dirt road. Out of _______, he came to her, saying, “It’s for you.” The five-year-old girl _______with joy. Hardly believing her ears, she giggled _______, covering her mouth with her dirty hands.

The ________gift made a lasting impact. “I remember feeling so special I remember thinking that this is such a big thing to receive, am I even worthy of this big thing?” Babakar said. “This ________became the basis of my self-worth growing up.” From then on, she also believed that there would be hope; there would be chances, maybe very ________, but they would be there.

Mevan Babakar, today aged 29, decided to ________ down the man and posted a faded photo of the two of them in the ________on Twitter, which was among a handful of ________she had from that time. To her surprise, within 36 hours, Egbert, who ________for a nonprofit news site, was located in Germany. When the pair were reunited, they went through the old photos together and ________stories about the refugee camp.

Mevan posted ________photograph: “This is Egbert. He’s been helping refugees since the 90s. The bike was just a small gesture, ________it had brought me back into my life.” Egbert’s kindness continued to ________her. That was the magical thing about kindness: It didn’t cost anything but it changed the world of one person at a time.

1.A.slid B.slipped C.fled D.moved

2.A.across B.through C.among D.from

3.A.complex B.simple C.bright D.tough

4.A.excited B.annoyed C.alone D.interested

5.A.nowhere B.anywhere C.everywhere D.somewhere

6.A.view B.existence C.effect D.contact

7.A.appreciation B.expectation C.curiosity D.kindness

8.A.expanded B.explored C.exposed D.exploded

9.A.clumsily B.shyly C.bitterly D.pitifully

10.A.costly B.generous C.fragile D.worthless

11.A.feeling B.impression C.emotion D.affection

12.A.slim B.equal C.mild D.enormous

13.A.turn B.set C.track D.calm

14.A.village B.school C.field D.camp

15.A.privileges B.belongings C.experiences D.resources

16.A.desired B.arranged C.volunteered D.provided

17.A.spread B.learned C.shared D.created

18.A.other B.another C.others D.the other

19.A.but B.however C.so D.and

20.A.instruct B.reward C.judge D.shape



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