满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When Bruce was young,he was always energ...

    When Bruce was young,he was always energetic. But at age 30,he ___himself to taking drugs. Within months,he was reduced to sleeping under a bridge,which happened to be on the ___of the Boston Marathon. He would watch the runners speed past,longing to take part and pull his life together.

After a lot of therapy(治疗)and love,the 54-year-old man has so far____the marathon finish line 32 times. Without doubt,his most recent race was the most___. Early one morning,Bruce___ the subway bound for the Chicago Marathon. Before long,he noticed a man who seemed to be ___moving from passenger to passenger,asking for spare change.  His behavior __ Bruce as"really absurd”especially the way he glared at anyone who he felt hadn't given him___.

Then at the Cumberland station,several stops before the one for the marathon,most of the passengers suddenly____the train,shouting that the man asking for money was,in fact,__ and robbing people.

___he might throw himself in danger,worried that man would hurt innocent people, Bruce rushed to the man and fought for the gun____,he pinned him against the door and grabbed the gun. Then the police crowded into the train and Bruce let them _____

I just happen to be at the right place at the right moment,"he says. "I've lived a hard life, but I believe change starts __yourself. It's a great experience for an imperfect man to find the __ way to give back. "

1.A.awoken B.advanced C.abandoned D.applied

2.A.point B.avenue C.basis D.route

3.A.crossed B.extended C.marked D.beaten

4.A.unbelievable B.abnormal C.memorable D.forgettable

5.A.missed B.approached C.boarded D.transformed

6.A.homeless B.violent C.desperate D.disabled

7.A.thought B.struck C.regarded D.described

8.A.change B.money C.trust D.enough

9.A.fled B.withdrew C.avoided D.skipped

10.A.equipped B.armed C.injured D.prepared

11.A.While B.Before C.Unless D.As

12.A.Surprisingly B.Eventually C.Hopefully D.Undoubtedly

13.A.take in B.take up C.take on D.take over

14.A.within B.beyond C.against D.above

15.A.excellent B.perfect C.satisfactory D.amazing


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.B 11.A 12.B 13.D 14.A 15.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。记叙了曾经沉溺于吸毒的布鲁斯,收到马拉松参加者的鼓舞,振作了自己的生活,这位54岁的男子已经32次越过马拉松终点线。最近他在一辆地铁上制服了一个想持枪抢劫的流浪汉,用自己的方式回报了社会。对一个不完美的人来说,找到完美的回报方式是一段很好的经历。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:但在30岁时,他沉溺于吸毒。A. awoken唤醒;B. advanced前进;C. abandoned抛弃;D. applied应用。根据后文himself to taking drugs.可知此处考查短语abandon oneself to dong sth.表示“沉溺于做某事”。故选C。 2. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:几个月后,他不得不睡在一座桥下,而这座桥下正好是波士顿马拉松比赛的必经之路。A. point要点;B. avenue大街;C. basis基础;D. route路线。结合后文of the Boston Marathon可知指的这座桥是波士顿马拉松比赛的必经路线。故选D。 3. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:经过大量的治疗和关爱,这位54岁的男子已经32次越过马拉松终点线。A. crossed越过,交叉;B. extended延长;C. marked标记;D. beaten打败。根据后文the marathon finish line可知是越过马拉松终点线。故选A。 4. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:毫无疑问,他最近的一次比赛是最令人难忘的。A. unbelievable难以置信的;B. abnormal反常的;C. memorable难忘的;D. forgettable易被忘记的。Bruce参加了许多次比赛,但是文章唯独提到最近的一次比赛,说明这次比赛很令人难忘。故选C。 5. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:一天清晨,Bruce搭乘开往芝加哥马拉松赛的地铁。A. missed错过;B. approached靠近;C. boarded搭乘;D. transformed转换。根据后文the subway可知是搭乘地铁。故选C。 6. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:不久,他注意到一名似乎无家可归的男子从一个乘客换到另一个乘客身边,要零钱。A. homeless无家可归的;B. violent暴力的;C. desperate绝望的;D. disabled残疾的。根据后文asking for spare change可知这是个流浪汉,无家可归的人在要钱。故选A。 7. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他的行为让Bruce觉得“非常荒唐”,尤其是他瞪着那些他认为没有给够他钱的人的方式。A. thought认为;B. struck打击;C. regarded看作;D. described描述。后文提到流浪汉瞪着那些没给够钱的人,这一行为给Bruce留下了“非常荒唐”的印象。strike sb as表示“给某人以……印象”。故选B。 8. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他的行为让Bruce觉得“非常荒唐”,尤其是他瞪着那些他认为没有给够他钱的人的方式。A. change改变;B. money钱;C. trust信任;D. enough足够的。结合上文the way he glared at anyone who he felt hadn't given him可知对方没给足够的钱,所以流浪汉瞪着别人。故选D。 9. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在距离马拉松赛终点还有几站的坎伯兰车站,大多数乘客突然逃离了地铁,大声说那个要钱的人实际上手里有枪,随时可能向人们开枪并抢劫的人。A. fled逃走;B. withdrew收回;C. avoided避免;D. skipped跳跃。根据后文and robbing people可知要钱的人是个抢劫犯,所以乘客突然逃走了。故选A。 10. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在距离马拉松赛终点还有几站的坎伯兰车站,大多数乘客突然逃离了地铁,大声说那个要钱的人实际上手里有枪,随时可能向人们开枪并抢劫的人。A. equipped装备;B. armed准备发射;C. injured受伤;D. prepared准备。根据后文fought for the gun可知要钱的人有枪,随时可能向人们开枪。故选B。 11. 考查连词辨析。句意:布鲁斯担心这个人会伤害无辜的人,虽然他可能会把自己置于危险之中,但他还是冲向那个人抢枪。A. While当……时候,虽然;B. Before在……之前;C. Unless除非;D. As因为。此处为让步状语从句,表示“虽然”应用while。故选A。 12. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:最后,他把他按在门上,抢下了枪。A. Surprisingly惊人地;B. Eventually终于;C. Hopefully有希望地;D. Undoubtedly确实地。根据后文he pinned him against the door and grabbed the gun.可知最后布鲁斯制服了流浪汉,抢下了枪。故选B。 13. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:然后警察拥上火车,布鲁斯让他们接管了这个地方。A. take in吸收;B. take up占据;C. take on呈现;D. take over接管。结合上文Then the police crowded into the train可知警察来到了现场,所以布鲁斯将警察接管了。故选D。 14. 考查介词辨析。句意:我的生活很艰难,但我相信改变从你自己开始。A. within在……里面;B. beyond超过;C. against反对;D. above在……上面。根据第一段中He would watch the runners speed past, longing to take part and pull his life together.可知布鲁斯的改变是从自己内心开始的,自发的。故选A。 15. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:对一个不完美的人来说,找到完美的回报方式是一段很好的经历。A. excellent卓越的;B. perfect完美的;C. satisfactory满意的;D. amazing令人惊异的。此处与上文for an imperfect man形成对照,表示一个不完美的人找到完美的回报方式是一段很好的经历。故选B。

    Due to the COVID-19 pandemic,more than 1. 5 billion children have been affected by school closures worldwide. 1. The guidance below outlines what can be done to handle online risks and promote positive online learning experiences for children.

2.Schools should be aware that children especially the younger ones could unintentionally hurt others in their communication. And schoolyard bullying(欺凌)among classmates may easily change into online bullying. Also school authorities need to adapt anti-bullying rules and policies for online spaces and make them clear to students and parents.

Continued access to school-based advisory services should be ensured. In the absence of the face-to-face contact with advisers,children in depression need to have safe and secret means of reaching out to advisers. 3.Thus schools should promote more helplines or online advisory platforms. Guidelines regarding digital safety should be provided for children to create a positive long-distance learning experience. 4. Specific safeguards may include wearing appropriate clothing in front of cameras, avoiding using private messaging services in teacher-student communication and not connecting to virtual classrooms from bedrooms.

Potentially harmful information and inappropriate use of data should be avoided. Increased online activity may expose children to age-inappropriate and potentially harmful content. 5. Additionally,the shift of children's lives online may result in the added collection and processing of children's personal data by companies. Therefore,schools should seek digital protection mechanisms to ensure only authorized individuals are able to access the online learning platforms.

A.Good online manners should be promoted and monitored.

B.It is necessary to provide online resources for school children.

C.They can also be the target for a large quantity of online marketing.

D.They should be encouraged to use their voices online to support others.

E.Many of them are now taking classes as well as socializing more online.

F.They should be taught how,when and where online classes can be carried out.

G.Disabled children experiencing increased anxieties may require additional support.



    Over the past months,dozens of carmakers have launched models online,and tens of thousands of dealerships across the country are selling cars via livestreaming(直播).

As Chinese customers always have their smartphones at their side,they have been accustomed to shopping online. Moreover,the sales are made better received by virtual showrooms where customers can see the vehicles and interact(互动)in real-time about their prices and equipment.

To cater to the new trend,car salespeople need new skills in this world. Good product knowledge remains the basis,but if you want to be successful,you have to appear in livestreams like a type of TV presenter.

“Car salespeople are becoming entertainers,"said Michael Mayer,head of sales and marketing for Volkswagen brand in China. “The competition is tough,"he added. "Those who want to be found must always offer something new. "

The contest soon escalated. In March,British brand Land Rover came up with a 30-hour livestreaming event,during which its new Discovery Sport was launched. GM' s Cadillac invited online celebrities(名人)to help sell vehicles in April.

In China,a young man named Li Jiaqi is believed to know lipstick better than anyone else.  Almost every night,millions of girls and ladies wait for him to appear online and introduce new lipsticks. Li was invited in April to help market Cadillac' s CT4. Despite the huge number of online viewers,none of them placed an order on the vehicle priced around 200,000 yuan.

Another online celebrity named Weiya helped attract orders for Roewe RX5 plus:4,180 were sold in 30 seconds. The key,said industry insiders,was the discount.  Christine,a marketing manager of an international carmaker tells China Daily that she believes livestreaming with online celebrities won't help sales. "In fact,if you give dealers the same discount,they may sell even faster,"she said. "A lipstick is affordable for anyone,while a car is different. But bosses do not want their brands to remain silent,especially when others are seemingly having a good time. "

Some bosses decided to try it themselves. Nio Chairman Li Bin explained products. The 40-minute live show on May 18 brought in a total of 320 orders,5,288 test-drive appointments and sales valuing 128 million yuan. Orders continued to grow after the show and sales reached  nearly 150 million yuan by the next day. WM President Shen Hui rapped unskillfully. Its online launch on May 10 obtained 1,400 million views. In two days it received over 4,000 orders,and more than 30,000 people showed interest in the model.

He Xiaopeng,founder of Xpeng Motor,said“Many people ask me when Xpeng will do livestreaming. I am worried that it will become a data-falsifying show. Everyone knows that the data is exaggerated(夸张)。But if you do not do it,you will feel you fall behind. "

Mayer said digitalization will continue,but that does not mean Volkswagen will make online sales the standard. He said it is more important to digitalize further process steps and thus work in a more customer-friendly and cost-effective manner.

1.Why is selling cars via livestreaming so popular according to the passage?

A.It is an avoidable trend that all car companies applaud.

B.Companies can make the biggest profit via livestreaming.

C.Vehicles sold online work in. a more customer-friendly manner.

D.Real-time interaction via livestreaming caters to customers' needs.

2.As car salespeople,what basic skill should they own?

A.Entertaining audience well.

B.Knowing the cars for sale well.

C.Making themselves famous.

D.Appearing like TV presenters.

3.The underlined word"escalated”in Paragraph 5 probably means

A.became less serious

B.sprang up everywhere

C.became increasingly fierce

D.disappeared gradually

4.All of the following have done livestreaming EXCEPT


B.Xpeng Motor

C.Land Rover


5.What can be inferred from Christine's words?

A.Discount rather than celebrities counts in selling cars.

B.Car salespeople can sell better than online celebrities.

C.The lipstick and the car share the same target customers.

D.She thinks highly of livestreaming with online celebrities.



    Shortly before Christmas last year,Brazilian piano player Joao Carlos Martins invited his friends to a bar near his home. He wanted to show them the best gift he had received in many years:a new pair of gloves. They are not just any gloves,however. The specially made bionic(仿生)devices are letting the 79-year-old play with both hands for the first time in more than 20 years.

Martins 'health problems could be traced back to 1965. He suffered nerve damage in his arm from a soccer injury. And while he was on tour,a robber hit him over the head with a metal pipe in Bulgaria. Even his close friends believed that his career as a pianist would come to an end.

By his retirement last March,he had undergone 24 medical procedures to try to reduce pain caused by a series of accidents. As a result,he had been forced to work mostly as a musical conductor since the early 2000s.

However,one designer believed Martins 'retirement had come too early. That designer, Ubirata Bizarro Costa,created special bionic gloves for Martins 'hands. The gloves help move his fingers up after they press on the piano keys. Costa said he created early models based on images of Martins' hands,but that those models were“far from ideal”.  He then decided to tell Martins about his efforts and they together spent several months testing different models. The perfect match came in December,and cost only$125 to build.

These days,Martins never takes off his new magic gloves-even when he goes to sleep.  Martins said he had received more than 100 devices in the last 50 years as possible solutions to his hand problems. None worked well or long enough. "But these gloves do,"he said.

The new gloves have given Martins a new goal. He hopes to play the piano at New York's Carnegie Hall in October. He has already been preparing a concert celebrating the 60th anniversary of his first appearance there.

1.Which of the following is true about Joao Carlos Martins?

A.A designer who created special gloves for himself.

B.A musician who prefers conducting to playing the piano.

C.A pianist whose career was restricted by health problems.

D.A soccer lover who was hit over the head during a match.

2.What is special about Martins' s new gloves?

A.They have been around for a long time.

B.They are considered to be far from ideal.

C.They enable Martins to play with two hands.

D.They are developed mainly for the disabled.

3.In the process of creation,Costa did the following EXCEPT that

A.he perfected the gloves together with Martins.

B.he spent several months testing different models.

C.he made early models based on images of Martins 's hands.

D.he insisted on building the new gloves despite the high price.

4.What's the best title for the text?

A.Technology Improves People's Life

B.Martins Receives the Best Christmas Gift

C.Costa Creates the Special Gloves for Martins

D.Magic Gloves Let Brazilian Pianist Play Again



    Scientists estimate that over 500 million species have died out throughout evolution. Here is a list of 4 incredible extinct animals.

Pinta Island Tortoise

The giant tortoise of Pinta lived on the island Pinta of the Galapagos Islands,Ecuador. By the end of the nineteenth century,most of the Pinta Island tortoises had been wiped out due to hunting. The last known individual was a male named Lonesome George who died on 24 June 2012. In his later years,he was considered the rarest animal in the world.

Falkland Islands Wolf

The Falkland Islands wolf was the only native land mammal of the Falkland Islands. The animal was hunted for his beautiful fur,and the shepherds(牧羊人),considering it a threat to the sheep,poisoned him. On the islands,there were no forests in which the species could take shelter,and its lack of fear towards man made it easy prey to kill. The last known individual died in the late 19th century on the western island.


Caucasian Wisent

The Caucasian wisent which went extinct in 1926 inhabited(栖息)the Caucasus mountains. In 1910 their numbers were estimated in the hundreds. When state authority collapsed after the First World War,the remaining population fell victim to hunters. The decline can also be contributed to an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease that was introduced with cattle. 

The Javan tiger is an extinct subspecies of the tiger that was native to the Indonesian island of Java. Very little data was gathered about their behavior before they were driven to extinction. The reduction of its two main prey species,and the modification of its habitat led to the extinction of the subspecies in the 1980s.




1.According to the passage,which shows the correct order of the animals' extinction?

Pinta Island tortoise                Falkland Islands wolf

Caucasian wisent                  Javan tiger

A.②③①④ B.②③④①

C.③②④① D.③④②①

2.Which of the following is NOT the reason for extinction of the animals?

A.Pollution. B.Disease.

C.Hunting. D.Habitat loss.

3.Where does this article probably come from?

A.A travel brochure. B.A news report.

C.A nature magazine. D.A biology textbook.




In 1989, fresh out of high school, I was faced with a difficult choice of a career path before college started in three months. In those days in Pakistan(巴基斯坦),there were limited choices: becoming a doctor or an engineer, or entering the financial world after getting a business degree. I wasn't interested in engineering, so that I was left with medicine or business. I couldn't decide.

My uncle suggested that I do a work placement(实习工作)to experience it for a month in an international company followed by a month in a hospital. After that, I could make a decision. It seemed like a good idea.

I was accepted for a month's placement at a foreign bank in Karachi. I got a feel for how the world of finance worked, made new friends, and generally enjoyed the mostly easy-going work environment.

The month passed rapidly, and soon I began working at a leading hospital in Karachi. The experience was quite different. The hospital days started earlyat 7 am, compared with 9 am at the bank, and were filled with endless duties. And the night calls! This was crazy, working all day, through the night, and again in the next day.

I began thinking about my two experiences. The bank had offered a more relaxing atmosphere, better working hours and less stress. The hospital had an intense(严肃紧张的)environment, and the studying and training was difficult. It seemed that business was a better choice.

Near the end of my month at the hospital, I was driving home after a very busy night call. In front of me was a public bus, with some boys sitting on the top. As the driver weaved through(穿梭)traffic, I could see the boys shaking from side to side.

Paragraph 1;

Suddenly, a boy fell off the back of the bus.


Paragraph 2:

The next day, when I went to hospital to see the boy, all his family got up, with grateful smiles on their faces.




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