满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was yesterday ____ I saw her and it w...

It was yesterday ____ I saw her and it was almost 10 o’clock ____ she arrived.

A.when; when       B.that; that          C.when; that         D.that; when


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查强调句型和时间状语从句。本题的第一空是一个强调句型,强调句型的基本结构为:It is/was…that/who…;其最大的特点是去掉it is/was…that/who…句子仍然成立。本题第一空是强调yesterday;第二空是一个时间状语从句,指:当她到达的时候,几乎已经10点钟了。句意:就是在昨天我才看见她。当她到达的时候,几乎已经10点钟了。 考点:考查强调句型和时间状语从句。


1.Dealing with such a ____________(复杂的) problem calls for patience and skill.

2.This is a technical problem. You ’d better seek __________(专业的) advice .

3.She bought an ever-green plant as a _________________(装饰) in her new house .

4.Would you make me an overcoat out of this heavy __________(羊毛制的) cloth .

5.Some Mexicans were arrested for entering America __________(非法地)

6.He has __________(积累) great wealth by hard work and wise investment .

7.The clothes he designed were always fancy and _________________(令人耳目一新的) 。

8.After a 5-hour talk , the company and the workers finally reached a ___________(一致意见、共识) on the proposed pay rise .

9.We are advised to eat more vegetables rich in ______________(纤维质) and less meat .

10.How could you have ____________(忽视) such important  information .




增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(^  ),并在其下面写出该加的的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(/ )划掉。




Christine was just a girl in one of my classes. I never knew much about her except for that she was strange. She did not talk many .Her hair was black and purple , and she worn black sports shoes and a black sweater , although in the summer .she was , in fact ,rather attractively , and she never seemed care what the rest of us thought about her .Like the rest of my classmate , I did not really want to get closest to her . It was only when we did their chemistry project together that I begin to understand why Christine dressed the way she did .




It is said that there are about 40,000 different kinds of jobs in the world. 1.“Finding a job ”is not the same as “choosing a job”. Many young people end up in a job which they are not suitable for . 2. Here are a few steps to help you think about jobs which you might enjoy doing after school or university.

First , it is important to realize what kind of person you are, which special qualities make you different from everyone else and what you are interested in . 3.If you like art and enjoy looking at pictures, this is an interest. But if you can draw a horse that looks like a horse instead of a big dog, that is a skill.

Then ask yourself this question: in the following three areas----skills with people, skills with  information and skills with things-----which are your best skills?

After examining your skills, the next step is research. To find out as many different kinds of jobs as possible, go to the library and read books, magazines and newspapers. 4.

Finally, trust your own ideas and your own thinking! 5.

A.It is your own life, so find something that you enjoy doing.

B.Choosing the right one itself is a difficult job.

C.We must know what our ideal jobs are.

D.There is a difference between an interest and a skill

E. Ask your friends about the work they they do.

F. “Chance” may play a more important part than “decision”.

G. Your parents may also give you some useful advice.



Some researchers claim that people’s personalities can be classified by their blood types

If you have blood type O, you are a leader. When you see something you want , you strive to achieve your goal. You are passionate, loyal, and  self-confident, and you are often a trendsetter(标新立异的人)。Your enthusiasm for projects and goals spreads to others who happily follow you. When you want something ,you may be ruthless(不留情面的)about getting it or blind to how your actions affect others .

Aother blood type A, is a social , “people” person . You like people and work well with them . Y ou are sensitive , patient , compassionate , and affectionate .You are a good peacekeeper because you want everyone to be happy .In a team situation , you resolve conflicts and keep things on a smooth course . Sometimes type As are stubborn and find it difficult to relax. They may also find it uncomfortable to do things alone.

People with type B blood are usually individualist who like to do things on their own . You may be creative and adaptable, and you usually say exactly what you mean . Also you can adapt to situations , you may choose to do so because of your strong independent streak. You may prefer working on your own to being part of a team .

The final blood is type AB . If you have AB blood , you are a natural entertainer. You draw people to you because of your charm and easy-going nature .ABs are usually calm and controlled , tactful(圆滑的) fair. On the downside ,though , they may take too long to make decisions. And they may procrastinate, putting off tasks until the last minute.

1.People with type O will do the following things except__________

A.manage businesses                      B.self-control

C.be considerate                         D.set the fasion

2.Which of the following is not the feature of type A?

A.Stubborn          B.Sensitive          C.reserved          D.Patient

3.The best profession for a type AB is __________

A.athlete           B.peacekeeper       C.actor             D.country leader



Thousands of people began pouring into Pennsylvania from other states. They wanted to buy lottery(彩票) tickets. The tickets cost only $0.9each. But that small spending could bring them a reward of $90 million. That was the second largest lottery jackpot(积累奖金) in history。

More than 87 million tickets were bought for the Pennsylvania lottery drawing . Those who bought tickets had to choose seven numbers from 1 to 80 The chance of winning was one in 9.6 million. But that little chance certainly did not affect tickets sales. In the last few days before the drawing , tickets were selling at the unbelievable rate of 500 per second .

Experts say many people buy lottery tickets because they just want to have a piece of the action .Others say the lottery is a stock market for poor people . It allows them to dream about wealth they will  probably never have .

But many people believe lotteries are no better than legalized(合法化) gambling . Some critics note that most people who play are poor and may not be able to afford the tickets .There are also many addicts who take the game seriously, They may pour their life savings into lottery tickets .Some clubs have been formed to help them kick the habit.

Politicians like lotteries because they provide money that would otherwise have to come from new taxes. The profits from lotteries are usually used to pay for education or programs for senior citizens. But critics say this arrangement just allows states to legalize vice(恶习) under the name of social progress . No matter whether you regard state lotteries right or not , you can not refuse to accept their extreme popularity with many Americans .

1.The main idea of the passage is that________________.

A.lotteries are of great benefit to everyone who buys them.

B.play a lottery is just like investing in the stock market

C.a lot of people buy lottry tickets ,but lotteries cause disagreement

D.lotteries are just legalized vice

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage ?

A.Politicians like lotteries because they do not have to pay extra tax.

B.The popularity of lotteries in America actually is social progress .

C.Some critics do not like lotteries because many poor people waste their money on them .

D.People love the lottery because it is a stock market.

3.In just one hour in the last few days , the Pennsylvania lottery sold tickets totaling about ______________.

A.$1.62million       B.$90 million        C.$9.6million        D.$87million

4.People who are addicted to playing lotteries should __________.

A.join a club                             B.kick the habit

C.win the Pennsylvania                     D.save every cent



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