满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

He risked __________ his job to see me o...

He risked __________ his job to see me off.

A.Losing            B.to risk            C.being lost         D.Lost


A 【解析】 试题分析:考查固定句式。固定词组risk doing sth冒险做某事;句意:他冒这失去工作的危险给我送行。故A正确。 考点:考查固定句式

He is a strict but kind teacher, ___is always trying to make his classes __ and interesting .

A.one ; living        B.one who; lively     C.he ; lovely         D.he who; live



假设你是高中生李明,有感于校园中存在随意涂写(to scribble)和乱丢垃圾( to litter)的行为,请用英语给校长写一封100个词左右的信。信中应包括以下内容:





June 25, 2012

Dear Mr. Headmaster,

I am Li Ming, a student from, Senior 1.

Your faithfully,

Li Ming



Although he is one of China’s most famous scientists, Yuan Longping r 1.  himself as a farmer, for he   2. the land to do his research. Indeed, his s3. face and arms and his slim, strong body are just like  4. of millions of Chinese farmers, for whom he has  5.(拼搏) for the past fifty years. Dr Yuan Longping grows 6. is called super hybrid rice. In 1974, he became the first agricultural   7. (先驱) in the world to grow rice that has a high o8.. This special strain of rice makes it  9. to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields. Now more than 60% of the grain produced in China each year is  10. this hybrid strain.




1.The city has a small population, only          (稍稍) over three hundred thousand.

2.She was         (生育) of a healthy boy weighing 3 kilogrammes.

3.At the meeting they discussed three different         (方法) to the study of mathematics.

4.They are planning to start a              (战役)against nuclear weapons.

5.A theatre is a place of e          .

6.The photograph is out of          , making it useless.

7.Don’t                     the dictionary every time you come across a new word when reading.

8.However, Dr Yuan doesn’t                    fame or money.

9.Unfortunately, his father died, leaving the family even                .

10.She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if              .

11.In most places around the world, frowning and                    to someone shows anger.

12.                 (而不是)take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train from west to east across Canada.

13.The most universal facial expression is the smile, whose function is to show happiness and put people                  .



说明: 满分5 manfen5.com

14 days from just £2,090 pp

Fully Inclusive from the UK

Price covers: International airfares, departure taxes, fuel charges, local transportation, accommodation, all meals, entrance fees, guides, daily tours and visas for UK citizens.

◆Days 1~3:UK—Shanghai

Fly to the great city of Shanghai and in the evening sample traditional Shanghai food. Visit the beautiful Yu Gardens, Old Town, Shanghai Museum, cross the Great Nanpu Bridge and tour the Pudong area. Also explore Xintiandi with its 1920’s style Skikumen Buildings and end your stay in Shanghai with an amazing Huangpu River evening tour.

◆Days 4~7: Shanghai-Yangtze River Tour

Fly to Yichang and change(approx. one hour) to board your Yangtze River ship for the next four nights. Enjoy a tour of the Three Gorges Dam(三峡大坝) before sailing on the grand Yangtze River, passing through the impressive Three Gorges. We take a side trip to the Lesser Three Gorges or travel up the Shennong Stream in a peapod boat and enjoy various shore trips along the way.

◆Day 8: Chongqing-Chengdu

Get off in Chongqing and drive to Chengdu for an overnight stay.

◆Days 9~10:Chengdu-Xi’an

Visit the famous Panda Reserve to see the lovely animals. We then fly to the historic city of Xi’an for two nights’ stay and enjoy traditional Shui Jiao. Next day, explore one of the most important discoveries of the 20th Century-the Terracotta Warriors(兵马俑), followed by the ancient City Wall and a performance of Tang Dynasty dancing.

◆Days 11~13: Xi’an-Beijing

Visit Little Wild Goose Pagoda and see the ancient objects at the well-known Shaanxi Provincial Museum before walking through the lively Muslim Quarter to see the Great Mosque. Later fly to Beijing for three nights’ stay and try Peking Duck. During our stay in Beijing, we stroll through Tiananmen Square to the Forbidden City, the largest and best preserved collection of ancient buildings in China, and visit the Summer Palace. Next day we take a walk on the Great Wall, tour the unique Temple of Heaven and enjoy an attractive Chinese Acrobatic Show.

◆Day 14: Beijing-UK

Fly back to the UK, arriving home later the same day filled with happy memories.

1.The first and last scenic spots to be visited in Xi’an are           .

A.the Terracotta Warriors and Shaanxi Provincial Museum

B.the Terracotta Warriors and the Great Mosque

C.Little Wild Goose Pagoda and the Great Mosque

D.Little Wild Goose Pagoda and the Muslim Quarter

2.The underlined word “sample” in the passage probably means “     ”.

A.buy              B.reserve           C.taste             D.make

3.The ad is mainly intended to        .

A.provide the British with a better understanding of China

B.attract the British to traditional Chinese food

C.offer services of booking air tickets to tourists

D.encourage the British to travel in China

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the ad?

A.The tourists will stay in Beijing for three nights before leaving for the UK.

B.The tourists will visit the 1920’s Shikumen buildings in Beijing.

C.The tourists will take a side trip to the Three Gorges Dam during the tour.

D.The tourists will have to pay extra for fuel and meals.



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