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注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Yesterday my aunt went shopping and asked me take care of my two little lovely cousins. I was busy for my homework, but I let them read picture books by themselves. Moments later, I found the pages of a book tearing and lying all over the floor. When I asked them whom did that, the elder sister slowly nodded and bent down her head. Saw that she was true sorry, I just smiled, gave her some biscuits and told her not to do that again. When his younger brother saw the biscuit, he asked why he wasn’t given any. She answered, “You don’t tear out the pages of the book, but I did.”


 me后面加 to  for改成with   but改成so  tearing改成 torn  whom 改成who  Saw 改成Seeing  true 改成truly  his改成 her  biscuit 改成biscuits  don’t 改成didn’t 【解析】 试题分析:  考查词组:ask sb to do,me后面加 to  考查词组:be busy doing忙于做…for改成with  考查连词:我忙着做作业,因此我让他们自己看书:but改成so  考查过去分词做宾语补足语:我发现书页被斯了:tearing改成 torn  在宾语从句中做主语用who:whom 改成who  考查现在分词做状语:I和see是主动关系,用Saw 改成Seeing  考查副词:truly修饰sorry;true 改成truly  考查人称代词:前面用的her the elder sister ,his改成 her  考查名词复数,biscuit是可数名词,biscuit 改成biscuits  考查时态;这是过去发生过的事情;don’t 改成didn’t 考点:考查短文改错


The skin is  1.    essential part of your body and its largest organ. You have three

 l 2.   of skin which act as a barrier 3. disease , poisons and the sun’s harmful rays. The functions of your skin are also very 4. : it keeps you warm or cool; it5. your body from losing too much water; it is __6.__ you feel cold , heat or pain and it gives you your 7. of touch. So as you can imagine, if your skin gets _8.__  it can be very serious. First aid is a very important 9. step in the treatment of burns . You can get burned by a variety of things. There are three types of burns, 10. (depend) on which layers of the skin are burned.




1.Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a l     of exercise.

2.Li Hui a     a good knowledge of English during her stay in London Last year .

3.The boy has cut his finger and it is b          heavily.

4.The bus came a     of time , and Mary was not ready.

5.His mother still t     him as a child though he is 25 years old .

6.We know this place well, so we can be your  g     .

7.If everybody helps a little , it really makes a d     to our environment .

8.Our teacher was d     that we were successful in our examination .

9.The doctor will see you again next week. M    , you must rest as much as possible .

10.This coat is much too t_______. Please show me a bigger one.




A. Make the important points

B. Understand the lessons

C. Study at the right time

D. Gather study materials

E. Study in advance

Tips on taking exams

The following are a few study tips for high school students and college students, which will help you answer your exam papers with confidence.


It is better to have all the study materials available to you before you start reading. This not only includes your texts and notes but also the previous years’ notes and things like a dictionary and reference books. This has two advantages. Firstly, you do not need to break your concentration (专心) by searching for books. It saves time. Secondly, it gives you a feeling of being prepared for the exams, as you have all the necessary things and the only thing left its to start studying .


The most common mistake that students make is that they start studying a day or two before exams. You can’t revise (复习) all the notes if you study only two days before exams. Therefore, what most of the students do is study only the “so-called” important points. As a result , even if the test paper is easy , you get a low score only because you don’t know the entire syllabus (课程提纲). So start studying at least a month before the exams.


If you have descriptive subjects, do not just remember the answers. Try to understand what you are reading, for this is the best methods for good recall at the time of exams. The major disadvantage of reciting is that if you forget one word of the answer during your exam, you tend to go completely blank. On the contrary (相反地), if you understand the subjects well, you can write the answer on your own at any time. For exams like math , practice at least five sums every day. Math cannot be learned in a day .


The last tips is to study when you are in your best mentally active state. Some people are comfortable studying in the early morning, while some like studying at night. Find out the time when you are fresh and relaxed and choose that time for your studies.



Have you ever hated anyone? Well, probably you don’t really hate them. But you do get angry the moment you think of them. If you don’t get out of the anger, it may turn into bitterness(积怨).

Bitterness can come about when we can’t forgive someone who has hurt us or made us angry. Someone might say or do something that hurts us. But we keep it deep inside instead of working through the anger. Before long, a bitter feeling begins to grow. The bitterness shows when we constantly criticize the one who hurt us. We may think we are hurting that person, but we are really only hurting ourselves.

Bitterness is a harmful emotion that affects the whole body. It can lead to serious health problems such as high blood pressure. Bitterness can stop us from concentrating on important things. Instead, we waste time thinking about how we have been hurt.

Finally, holding on to bitterness can hurt our relationships with friends and family members. No one enjoys being around an angry, negative person for very long.

Author Chuck Swindoll once said, “ Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond to it.” That means when someone hurts you, your response is more important than what happened. You can choose to let go of hurt. You can also choose to hold on to hurt, which results in bitterness.

If you see bitterness in your life, here are some ways to deal with it.

Stop making excuses for it.

You may feel you have a fight to be angry. You may even secretly enjoy making the other person look sad. But in the end, bitterness hurts you much more than the other person.

Forgive and forget it.

The best thing you can do is to forgive and forget. You probably can’t totally put the act out of your mind. But you can decide to forgive the other person. Let it go and move on. You’ll enjoy better health and peace of mind.

1.If we don’t release anger, _____ .

A.We will always be criticized and hurt

B.We will not blame others for any reason

C.A bitter feeling will develop in our mind

D.We will not be particular about what others do

2.The main idea of Paragraph 3 is _____.

A.The relationships hurt by bitterness.

B.The illness caused by bitterness

C.The reaction of an angry person

D.The negative effects of bitterness

3.The author advises us to do the following EXCEPT_____.

A.to hold on to bitterness inside us

B.to forgive the one who hurts you

C.to stop making excuses for the bitterness

D.to forget others’ rude behavior

4.By forgiving others, we are able to _____.

A.prevent bad things from happening

B.be friends with the person who hurts us

C.forget the bitter experience completely

D.enjoy good health and a peaceful mind



To me, the ocean is our greatest wilderness. I love swimming in it , surfing its waves, watching it from shore and thinking about all the life living unseen under the surface.

When I take my little kids to check out tide pools, we’re overjoyed when we find a sea star or some shellfish. Lately, though, I've noticed a change in my favorite pools: there are more sea grasses and fewer animals with shells.

I can't help feeling these small changes portend something more troubling about our oceans. It matches what scientists are telling us: our oceans are being troubled by carbon dioxide that threatens corals, colorful fish, salmon, sea otters, even whales. Our oceans are facing a major change.

Every hour, a million tons of carbon dioxide from cars, factories and power plants rain down on the world’s oceans. Carbon pollution brings about a chemical reaction that turns sea water more acidic (酸的) and takes away things important for sea animals .

Some of us are already feeling the effects of this growing crisis(危机). Shellfish farmers in the Pacific Northwest have reported a decrease in natural and farmed oysters(牡蛎). Just this week, a new studyproved the link between the huge reduction in the numbers of oysters and ocean acidification. As polar waters become more acidic, Alaskan fishermen are troubled by the future of smaller fish.

Without action, ocean acidification will have a disastrous influence on the food chain, affecting not only sea life but the people who depend on it for food and their living. Already, our oceans have become 30 percent more acidic since preindustrial times, and it gets worse every day. We can stop this frightening dream, but only if we act now.

That's why the Center for Biological Diversity has started a petition (请愿书) requesting President Obama and the Environmental Protection Agency to develop a plan to deal with ocean acidification. Decisive action can save sea life as we know it.

Now it isn’t too late to save our oceans and sea life. With immediate action to reduce carbon dioxide release we can start taking important steps today to deal with this disastrous situation. Join me in our petition calling for a national plan to save our oceans.

1.The author’s recent visits to the tide pool brought her ___ .

A.happiness         B.anger             C.concern          D.comfort

2.The underlined word “portend” in Paragraph 3 probably means ___ .

A.predict           B.prevent           C.replace           D.reduce

3.What the author worries about most is ____ .

A.the harm of sea grasses

B.carbon pollution in the sea

C.that the petition may be turned down

D.how fishermen can make a living in the future

4.What is the main purpose of the text ?

A.To inform.         B.To educate.        C.To persuade .       D.To instruct.



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