满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

We can hardly believe what she says beca...

We can hardly believe what she says because she is ___changing her mind.

A.regularly          B.eventually         C.firmly            D.constantly


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查副词:A. regularly定期的,有规律的B. eventually 最后的,C. firmly坚定地D. constantly不断地, 考点:考查副词

After he retired from office, Tom ___ painting for a while , but soon lost interest.

A.kept up           B.took up           C.sped up           D.cleaned up



At first ___ , the bag seems made of real leather, but actually it is just an imitation.

A.sight             B.look              C.appearance        D.view



He cannot hide his feelings, except ____ the writers ask if everything is all right.

A.how             B.that              C.why              D.when



Don’t stand out in ____ cold or you’ll catch ____ cold.

A.the, a            B.the, the           C.a, a              D.a, the




1.He could not had her getting away with telling people lies.

2.Perhaps he would be able to earn his live and not have to close his restaurant.

3.As a matter of fact, I landed in Britain by an accident.

4.The next morning he was spot by a ship.

5.They laid eggs too and exist on the earth for more than 140 million years.

6.A big fire was broke out in our city last night.

7.We are going to see some great sceneries.

8.Canada’s population is only slight over thirty million.

9.The country looks as although it is covered with pink snow.

10. People love to get together to eat, drink and have fun each other.



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