满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

He is the first person you can think of ...

He is the first person you can think of to rely on, for he is always willing to ________ whoever is in trouble.

A.cut out           B.figure out         C.test out           D.help out


D 【解析】 试题分析:动词短语辨析。A剪裁;B查明;搞清楚;C对…进行彻底检查;D帮助…摆脱困境;句意:他是第一个你考虑可以信赖的人,因为他总是愿意帮助那些处于困境中的人摆脱困难。故D正确。 考点:考查动词短语辨析

—Why do you look so worried?

A.had left           B.has left           C.was left           D.has been left



It won’t be quite a long time ________ your son is back, so don’t be worried.

A.that              B.since             C.before            D.until



假如你是班长李华,你班要举办一场元旦晚会(evening party),你代表全班邀请你们的任课老师来参加你班的晚会,要求介绍晚会的内容、时间、地点,并邀请老师准备表演节目。邀请信的开头和结尾已给出(字数120字左右)。







Ladies and gentlemen,

May I have your attentions, please? In Saturday, July 27th, there will have a few visits to different places. Everyone is welcomed. All the visitors will be divided into four groups. Each group of visitors can visit one of the place – a factory, a farm, a school or a hospital. Please you sign your name at the Service Desk before 9: 00 a.m. and say what place you wish to visit. We’ll set out after the breakfast at 8 and we will return in the afternoon. We will have lunch at place of visit.

We hope you a pleasant journey. That’ s all.

Thank you.



请依据首字母和汉语提示写出单词的正确形式。(每词1分,共10词,共 10 分)

1.Pliny had w      (目击,见证了) a terrible volcanic eruption.

2.This p       (特别地) sad event left a deep i        (印象) on Pliny.

3.One can only feel sorrow and deep s      (同情)for these once-living statues.

4.With these severe r      (限制,约束)on her communication, Helen’s behavior was often u      (难以忍受的).   

5.He c      (赔偿)for this by talking very d       (刻意地,故意地).

6.Eventually, people had to start taking a surname to d       (区别)themselves from each other.

7.Yesterday I w      (取出)500 dollars from my break account.



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