满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When I was young, I wanted to be a teach...

When I was young, I wanted to be a teacher if I grew up,simply because I wanted to write on the chalkboard!My teachers seemed to be the   36  printers,curving their letters just so,and I wanted to do it   37 !Now,after "higher education",and three   38  career paths,I have come back to want to be a   39 ,but my reasons have changed. I was   40  in my years of high school,to have teachers that really   41  me as an individual, and I want to   42  this back.

A teacher's gentleness needs to be shown when    43   or encouraging the students. It is important to make the corrections in order for the students to learn.    44  ,this needs to be done in a    45   that will help to    46   the student to make the changes necessary,___47___  discouraging them from learning.Being patient is also extremely important,because the class needs to know what to    48   from the teacher.This will also help to build a better agreement with the students,and help both the teacher and students to learn more about each other.

If a teacher exhibits a true love of    49   and helping students learn,many of the qualities ___50___ above will just fall into place. The teacher that had the most    51   on me had the best fame in the school. She was strict,and she did demand a lot, but she was able to show us it was               ___52___she cared for us. She knew each of us was worth it,and she knew we each could do it. She __53___ knowledge,gently, firmly, patiently,respectfully, and most effectively. She gently encouraged us to make    54   when we needed to,and    55   us when we did. She was a true teacher, not just someone who taught,and this is the kind of teacher I hope to be.

1.                A.funniest        B.greatest        C.strangest  D.cleverest


2.                A.too            B.either          C.also  D.hard


3.                A.ordinary        B.familiar         C.difficult   D.different


4.                A.teacher        B.doctor          C.lawyer   D.secretary


5.                A.diligent         B.active          C.successful D.fortunate


6.                A.cared about     B.believed in      C.longed for D.thought about


7.                A.take           B.keep           C.give D.hold


8.                A.talking         B.working         C.correcting D.stressing


9.                A.Besides         B.Moreover       C.However  D.Otherwise


10.               A.sense          B.class           C.means D.manner


11.               A.prevent        B.motivate        C.force D.forbid


12.               A.beyond        B.through        C.without   D.towards


13.               A.result          B.hear           C.suffer D.expect


14.               A.teaching        B.learning        C.considering D.treating


15.               A.discussed       B.referred        C.mentioned D.engaged


16.               A.goal           B.impact         C.affect D.duty


17.               A.while          B.although        C.since D.because


18.               A.passed on       B.pulled on       C.kept on   D.turned on


19.               A.decisions       B.choices         C.changes   D.attempts


20.               A.blamed         B.ignored        C.helped    D.praised



1.B 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.C 10.D 11.B 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.C 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.C 20.D 【解析】 试题分析:一个好的老师会尊重孩子、善解人意,用一颗宽容的心,营造一个富有暖意的课堂,用自己的行动去影响学生。正是因为自己有了这样一个老师,“我”才选择了教师这个职业。 1.考查形容词最高级:A.funniest有趣的,B.greatest最伟大的,C.strangest奇怪的,D.cleverest聪明的,文中作者对老师充满了敬佩之情,故选greatest。选B。 2.考查副词:A.too也B.either也(不)C.also也D.hard困难,作者也想遵循老师所做的事情,also表示“也”时,只能用于句中或句首,故选A。 3.考查形容词:A.ordinary普通的,B.familiar熟悉的,C.difficult困难的, D.different不同的,大学毕业之后,作者从事过三种不同的职业。根据句中的three, 可知选different。选D。 4.考查名词:A.teacher教师B.doctor 医生C.lawyer律师D.secretary秘书,作者回来后想做一名教师,但这时他选择做老师的理由变了。选A。 5.考查形容词:A.diligent勤奋的B.active积极的C.successful成功的, D.fortunate幸运的,此处作者觉得在高中的几年时间里很幸运。选D。 6.考查动词短语:A.cared about照顾B.believed in相信C.longed for渴望D.thought about思考,由上文作者认为自己幸运可推知得到了老师的特别照顾,故选care about。选A。 7.考查动词:A.take拿,带走B.keep 保持C.give 给D.hold持有,作者想把老师给予他的爱回报给学生。give back 表示“归还,送回”。选C。 8.考查动词:A.talking谈论B.working工作C.correcting纠正D.stressing强调,根据下文的“it’s important to make the corrections…”可知,这里指纠正学生的错误。选C。 9.考查副词:A.Besides在…旁边B.Moreover还有C.However然而, D.Otherwise否则,根据下文的“discouraging them from learning”可知,虽然纠错,但是不能伤害学生,故选however。选C。 10.考查名词:A.sense感觉B.class班级C.means手段D.manner方式,为学生纠错需要用一种正确的方式。In a manner 表示“用一种方式”。Means用介词by,选D。 11.考查动词:A.prevent防止B.motivate激发C.force 强迫D.forbid禁止,这种方式有助于“激励”学生做出必要的改变。选B。 12.考查介词:A.beyond超出B.through通过C.without 没有D.towards朝,不要因为给学生纠正错误而阻碍他们的学习。选C。 13.考查动词:A.result导致B.hear听见C.suffer 遭受D.expect期待,因为全班所有学生都期望从老师那学到知识。expect意为“期望”。选D。 14.考查动词:A.teaching 教学B.learning 学习C.considering考虑D.treating对待,此处表示:如果老师既具备教书的知识又有愿意帮助学生学习的爱心。老师的职业是教书,故选teaching。选A。 15.考查动词:A.discussed讨论B.referred所指C.mentioned提到D.engaged忙于,以上提到的很多特点就会变得有条不紊。mention表示“提及,提到”。选C。 16.考查名词:A.goal目标B.impact影响C.affect 影响(动词)D.duty职责,给作者影响最大的老师在他们学校很有名。have an impact on…表示“对….产生影响”。选B。 17.考查连词:A.while当…时候,虽然,B.although虽然C. since自从, D.because因为,她虽然严格,但是却表明那是因为她关心我们。选D。 18.考查词组:A.passed on传递B.pulled on拉上来C.kept on反复D.turned on打开,这里指老师耐心地为我们传授知识。pass on 表示“传递,传播”。选A。 19.考查名词:A.decisions决定B.choices选择C.changes改变D.attempts尝试,她鼓励我们在必要时做出改变。上文的“to make the changes necessary”暗示着这里指改变。选C。 20.考查动词:A.blamed责备B.ignored忽视C.helped 帮助D.praised表扬,因为老师鼓励孩子们创新,所以学生们做出成绩时,老师会标语他们,故选praise。选D。 考点:考查故事类短文

—Well,it’s getting late.I must be going.Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party.


A.Oh,it’s so late                         B.Thank you for coming

C.All right                               D.I really had a happy time



Now young people like to go to the fast-food restaurant,____ ,as the name says,eating doesn’t take much time.

A.which            B.that              C.what             D.where



What a great artist! It seemed only a couple of minutes ____ he had finished this wonderful painting!

A.until             B.when             C.after             D.before



I don’t remember how many years ago____ State Street began its business in China.

A.it was when                            B.it was that

C.was it when                            D.was it that



We met an old friend in New York ____ our expectation.She waved at us ____ the street when she saw us.

A.with;in                               B.out of;next to

C.in;out of                              D.beyond;from across



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