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目前中学生在学习上普遍存在偏科现象,导致对各科作业的重视程度也有很大的区别。 最...






One possible version Recently, a survey on homework preference has been conducted among senior two students. The results are as follows: more than half of the students, about 54%, usually put their maths homework in the first place while only 7% would rank Chinese as the most important. Meanwhile English is regarded as most significant by 18% of the participants, and the other subjects attract the attention of 21% of the students. There is a profound difference between maths and Chinese. Without doubt, some students hold the view that maths is most interesting and challenging, and it seems easier for us to have a sense of achievement in it. However, each subject has its unique charm and they are of the same value. Therefore, I think we should take every subject seriously and improve our studies in a balanced way. 【解析】 试题分析: 看图作文要求考生将画面所包含的有效信息直接运用英语思维转换成英语语言文字,再根据这些要点谋篇布局。要求考生把看到的图画用文字表达出来,除了能表达清楚图画中的信息外,考生还需要根据词数要求,适当拓展并发挥想象,从而使文章的叙述不单调。如果是记叙文类的写作素材,考生要注意故事的时间、地点、人物、事件的起因、过程、结果这六个要素;如果是说明文或议论文,考生则首先要对图画的内容进行描述,然后围绕图画的信息进行说明或议论。此时考生一定要注意把握图画的中心思想,写出图画要反映的内容。 考点:考查图表类作文


February 14 is a day for people who have fallen in love.

1.On this day, these men and women often send c    to each other

2.for Valentine’s Day. This day has been popular      people in love

3.for a long time. At first, this holiday was called Lupercalia. T    the

4.name of the day was changed       Saint Valentine’s Day. The man

5.    (命名) Saint Valentine was killed on February 14, 270 AD, because

6.he was a Christian.    Saint Valentine was killed, February 14 was

7.the old Roman holiday, Lupercalia. The church w    people to think

8.of       Christian holiday on this day, so the church changed the

9.the name of the holiday. This change did not s      people in love

10.from giving gifts to each other, like       (手套), handkerchiefs

or underwear.



He says the problem with teachers is, “What will a kid learn from someone who chose to become a teacher?” He reminds the other dinner guests that it’s true what they say about teachers: Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.

I decide to bite my tongue instead of biting his and stop myself from reminding the other dinner guests that it’s also true what they say about lawyers-that they make money from the misfortune of others.

“I mean, you’re a teacher, Taylor,” he says to me.” Be honest. What do you make?”

I wish he hadn’t asked me to be honest, because now I have to teach him a lesson.

You want to know what I make?

I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could.

I can make a C+feel like a great achievement and an A-feel like a failure.

How dare you waste my time with anything less than your very best?

I make parents tremble in fear when I call them:

I hope I haven’t called at a bad time.

I just wanted to talk to you about something Billy said today.

Billy said, “Leave the kid alone. I still cry sometimes, don’t you?”

And it was the bravest act I have ever seen.

I make parents see their children for who they are and what they can be.

You want to know what I make?

I make kids wonder.

I make them question.

I make them criticise.

I make them think.

I make them apologise and mean it.

I make them write, write, write.

And then I make them read.

I teach them to solve math problems that they once thought impossible.

I make them understand that if you have brains then you follow your heart and if someone ever tries to judge you by what you make, you teach them a lesson.

Let me make this simple for you, so you know what I say is true:

I make a great difference! What about you?

1.What is the tone of the passage?

A.Upset and disappointed.                  B.Cheerful and positive.

C.Angry and proud.                       D.Humorous and light-hearted.

2.What do we know about the man that the author is speaking to?

A.He dislikes lawyers.                      B.He is actually a lawyer.

C.He is respectful to teachers.               D.He is in the author’s home.

3.What’s the best title of this passage?

A.Requirements of a Good Teacher           B.An Argument Between Two Guests.

C.A Dinner Conversation                   D.What Teachers Make

4.The underlined phrase “bite my tongue” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to       .

A.stop myself saying what I really think         B.say something that is wrong

C.speak out honestly but carelessly           D.keep silent about myself



A growing number of workers at Google Inc., Facebook Inc. and other employers are trading in their sit-down desks for standing ones, saying they feel more comfortable and energized. They also are motivated by medical reports saying that sitting for too long leads to increased health risks.

A standing desk sits high off the floor so a worker can either stand at it or sit on a high stool to use it. Officials at Palo Alto-based Facebook say a number of employees asked about standing desks after news articles were published about the health risks of sitting all day.

The stories cited medical studies that tied excessive sitting to increased obesity and other health problems because of factors including a drop in physical activity. A 2010 study by the American Cancer Society found that women who sat more than six hours a day were 37% more likely to die prematurely than women who sat for less than three hours, while the early-death rate for men was 18% higher. The American College of Cardiology released a study in January that found increased mortality (死亡率) among people who sat longer at home than those who didn't.

No one seems to compile statistics on the standing-desk trend. But anecdotal reports suggest Silicon Valley is embracing the movement.

Facebook officials say they have seen an upsurge in requests for standing desks to five to eight a week with a total of between 200 and 250 deployed (配置) at the company of more than 2,000 employees. Facebook also is trying out a treadmill station ─ where a worker can walk or run on a treadmill while tapping at a computer.

Google spokesman Jordan Newman said that 'many employees at Google opt for standing desks, and we offer them as part of our wellness program' though he said he didn't know the exact number.

Greg Hoy, 39 years old, asked for a standing desk shortly after joining Facebook seven months ago as a design recruiter. 'I don't get the 3 o'clock slump anymore,' he said. 'I feel active all day long.'

1.The underlined word “motivated” in paragraph 1 can be replaced by          .

A.frightened         B.inspired           C.missed            D.discouraged

2.According to paragraph 3, we can know that          .

A.a drop in physical activity was the only reason why excessive sitting caused increased obesity.

B.women who sat longer were more likely to die prematurely according to a 2010 study by American College of Cardiology

C.according to the study, the early-death rate for men was 18% higher than that for women.

D.the mortality among people who didn’t sat long at home was lower than that among people who did.

3.According to paragraph 5, which of the following statements is true about a treadmill station          ?

A.is a computer that a worker can take along when he walks or runs

B.has been tried out by Facebook and now is very popular with other companies

C.is a place where workers can exercise while working.

D.is a treadmill on which workers can run or walk only after work

4.The passage mainly talks about          .

A.sitting for too long leads to increased health risks

B.standing desks have replaced sit-down ones in Facebook Inc.

C.more and more workers choose standing desks instead of sit-down ones

D.many employees at Google opt for standing desks



I sometimes wonder if old Finchley has the right personality to be a research scientist. He keeps asking when he’ll be coming back. After all, it was his own fault. Nobody tries out what has just been invented on themselves any more but Finchley. Well, he must have pumped about a thousand cc into himself before I noticed he was clearly becoming smaller.

It was funny watching him, because his clothes remained the same in size. They simply piled up around him so that he looked like a small boy in his father’s clothes. But he kept getting smaller and smaller. As my colleague Dawson and I watched him, he disappeared! All we could see was Finchley’s clothes on the floor. They looked so strange, because the lab coat was on top, shirt and trousers inside and, I suppose, underclothes inside again. It gave me a strange feeling, and I think Dawson was a bit shaken, too.

Dawson was sitting on his chair in front of a microscope he’d been using to examine a family of mites(螨). He looked through the scope kind of absently again, and was nearly scared to lose awareness when he found old Finchley waving back from the other end.

It seems as if Finchley had taken a free ride on a dust mite and landed on the land of the mite family. Of course, we didn’t know till Finchley told us later. But anyhow, as I said, Dawson nearly passed out. He jumped off his chair and pointed at the microscope, too shocked to speak.

1.It can be inferred that Finchley, Dawson and the writer have possible invented      .

A.a machine to make people small            B.a new way to study the family of mites

C.a new powerful microscope               D.some kind of medicine

2.Finchley disappeared because      .

A.he tried out what has just invented on himself

B.his father’s clothes totally covered him up

C.he took something poisonous

D.he was changed into a dust mite

3.It can probably be concluded that Finchley       .

A.will remain tiny all the time                B.is a devoted scientist

C.is not fit to be a scientist                  D.passed out there and then

4.It frightened Dawson to see Fincley         .

A.got out of his scope by accident            B.was waving through his scope

C.suddenly got lost in his clothes             D.gradually disappeared in the lad



Heading off to college this year? Here are some fashion tips from our experts you should keep in mind:

Dress to impress: Stylist and business consultant Daniela Smith says, “Girls should keep in mind that your college professors will often be the bridge that connects you to your future career and your classmates will become your professional network. You don’t need to dress like you’re going to the office, but you should display an ability to properly present yourself with appropriate maturity and confidence, and look put-together.”

Logo mania(品牌狂热症): Wearing the logos of brands aimed at younger customers physically identifies you as part of that age group, so consider the targeted age group of the stores you shop at. It’s tempting to load up on logos, especially well-known logos that signify high-end brands. But consider this: college is a time of self-discovery, a chance to develop your own personal style. Instead of wearing logos head to toe, “walking advertisement”-style, why not express who you really are?

Wear real pants: The combination of leggings and baggy shirts is all too common on college campuses. Smith points out that leggings, yoga pants, and sweatpants are entirely unacceptable in public unless you’re exercising. Although leggings worn as pants are a common trend among high school and college girls, they are not an appropriate choice for daywear. As a young woman, your style choice should begin to reflect your maturity level. So, get rid of leggings and wear real pants!

Keep the cute factor to a minimum: Stay away from sweaters and T-shirts with smiling animals, cartoon characters, or Hello Kitty on them. Sure, kittens might be cute, but they’re not doing you any favors in the style department. Dressing too cutesy can take years off your look, and not necessarily in a good way!

1.The author believes that college girls should       .

A.try to load up on well-known logos

B.find their identity by trying different logos

C.choose a logo that suits their age

D.use logos to show who they are

2.The second paragraph indicates the importance of       .

A.getting on well with classmates

B.dressing appropriately

C.impressing professors

D.creating a professional image

3.In which magazine would you most likely find this passage?

A.Parents.          B.Travel & Leisure     C.Business Week.     D.Style.

4.The author recommends wearing real pants because      .

A.real pants can present you with appropriate maturity

B.people like real pants better than the other pants

C.yoga pants and sweatpants are not so comfortable

D.leggings and baggy shirts are too common



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