满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

“The price of books for our students is ...

“The price of books for our students is just getting higher and higher and,combined with the rising cost of tuition,it’s killing these students,”said Peter Jason,a college professor.“Remember,students are one of the poorest groups of people in America.Almost half of them have at least one part-time job.In fact,one of my students has three jobs.And she still manages to have high scores and go to school full-time.”

Textbook prices are traditionally high.Adding to that problem,many college teachers change textbooks year after year;they either upgrade to a new edition or switch to an entirely different textbook.This further hurts students because if an instructor no longer uses a particular textbook,that book has no resale value.

Dr.Jason decided to make lire a little easier and a lot cheaper for his students by writing his own book on public speaking.“Many books have an increased price because of CD-ROMs,lots of color photographs and pictures.I talked to my students,and many of them,like me,prefer to keep things simple! So,a few years ago,I wrote my own textbook.Compared to most other public speaking books,mine is half the number of pages,and one-third the price.That is,$30 instead of $90.When I wrote a second edition last year,students only had to buy the 35 new pages, For only $7.00,they had almost a new book. Now my loose-leaf textbook enjoys great popularity among the students.Maybe in the future more writers and publishers will try it.”   

1.What did Dr. Jason say about students at college?

A.They are short of money.                B.They need better textbooks

C.They should do part-time jobs.            D.They are trying to get high scores.

2.What did Dr.Jason decide to do to help the students?

A.To choose cheaper textbooks.            B.To write a textbook himself.

C.To speak to his students.                  D.To use old textbooks.

3.How much does a public speaking textbook usually cost?

A.About 7 dollars.                        B.About 30 dollars.

C.About 37 dollars.                      D.About 90 dollars.

4.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A.Dr Jason's textbook has CD-ROMs and nice pictures.

B.More writers and publishers will write simpler textbooks.

C.Dr.Jason teaches public speaking at a college.

D.Dr-Jason’s textbook is not well received.


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 【解析】 试题分析:文章介绍现在大多数课本较贵的问题,Dr.Jason编了一种新型的课本,可以降低课本的价格。 1.推理题。根据第一段第三行Remember,students are one of the poorest groups of people in America.说明他知道学生缺钱,是世界上最穷的人之一。故A正确。 2.细节题。根据第三段第四行So,a few years ago,I wrote my own textbook.说明他自己写教科书,故B正确。 3.推理题。根据第三段4,5行Compared to most other public speaking books,mine is half the number of pages,and one-third the price.That is,$30 instead of $90 说明public speaking books的价格是90美元。而他的书只有三分之一,30美元。故D正确。 4.推理题。根据第三段Compared to most other public speaking books,mine is half the number of pages,and one-third the price.That is,$30 instead of $90。说明他写的书是关于public speaking。最有可能他就是教授这方面课程的老师。故C正确。 考点:考查教育类短文

My father never wanted his children to know what he did for a living.Dad worked in Plant C.Lying beside lake Erie, it saw him in at sunrise and out at nightfall.Sometimes my mother would take my siblings (兄弟姐妹) and me to the public beach in our hometown of Ashtabula. she'd gather us round and point to the smokestacks, coughing clouds into the sky.

"Wave to daddy!" she'd shout. Four little hands would shoot into the air.I never knew what Dad did in Plant C, but during 34 years of hard work, he had surgery (手术) on his shoulder and hand.At 48, he had his first heart attack.He retired in 1993, right after the last kid graduated from college.But the damage was done.A few years later, the next heart attack killed him.

I saw my dad in Plant C only once, when I took dinner to him.That night, I looked at my father, covered in sweat and coal, and for the first time I knew why he was so often angry for no reason.

Recently my father' s friend, Toby Workman, walked me there.I knew my father never wanted me to see it.At every station, he described the job and the danger.It was like listening to a foreign language.I walked past many DANGER signs.Toby put his hand on my shoulder."look," he said, "you need to understand something.Your dad was a maintenance mechanic.He worked the most dangerous job.If something broke, he fixed it."

A few days later, my daughter graduated from college.I gave her the hard hat Toby handed to me as I left, and this notes: " Whenever you feel something difficult, put this on, look in the mirror, and remember your roots."

1.How many siblings does the author most probably have? ____.

A.Three siblings   B.Two siblings                  C.One sibling      D: Four siblings

2.Which of the following is TRUE of the facts about the author's father? ____

A.He didn't suffer a heart attack until he retired.

B.He worked in Plant C for 48 years in all.

C.He was hardly angry in his daily life.

D.He did physical work in Plant C.

3.When Toby Workman described the author' s father' s job, the author ____.

A.felt familiar with the job                  B.didn’t quite understand

C.wanted to learn a foreign language          D.decided to do the same work

4.The author gave her daughter the hat, hoping that her daughter could ____.

A.remember her grandfather                B.overcome all difficulties by wearing it

C.get encouraged by her grandfather          D.follow her grandfather' s work



I was sitting at the counter having breakfast at a restaurant the other day.It' s a small place. A man walked in and sat next to me.On top of the milk-dispenser ( 自动售货机) is a small  1_ placed there for both the customers' enjoyment and the owners when things get   2 The news was mostly about the local people.There was a little girl   3  through some coats in a shop on the screen now.The reporter asked her if she found something that   4  .She smiled, "I like this store.Mommy said I could have any coat I wanted,   5  I'm getting this one for my friend, Mandy.All I know is that Mandy   6  a coat."

Out of the comer of my eye I could see the man lower his head and begin to   7  his eyes."Hey, don't feel bad," I told him.He turned  8  me.I could still see the   9  

He said, "I'm Mandy' s father.That's the first time I've seen that."

Oh, my God! My hands   10  and I also wept."It must be raining," he   11  .We spoke for a few more minutes.It turns out that he' s been   12 for more than a year and now does odd (零散的) jobs to pay bills.We said   13  and I went to the cash register.I said in a low voice that I   14  his check."He only gets coffee," the  15  said."Well, here.This is for my meal, his coffee and tell him this is for Mandy."

Many years ago I spoke at my friend' s church in Atlanta.A woman came up to me and gave me everything she had in her  16  .I was shocked and began to   17  it."It isn't very much , but God said it would multiply.Please take it," she said.

It was $ 57.I   18  carried it with me until that very day.I gave it away and replaced it. I turned to walk away and another man sitting at the counter said, " I heard your  19  with that man.I'll help him,   20  ."

His eyes watered and he said," He' s right.It must be raining."

1.                A.radio          B.television       C.recorder  D.computer


2.                A.busy           B.easy           C.fast  D.slow


3.                A.putting         B.looking         C.waiting   D.taking


4.                A.fitted          B.happened       C.mattered D.started


5.                A.until           B.so             C.but  D.designs


6.                A.needs          B.buys           C.donates  D.designs


7.                A.protect         B.close           C.describe  D.wipe


8.                A.toward         B.at             C.behind   D.for


9.                A.anger          B.eyes           C.tears D.joy


10.               A.cleaned        B.shook          C.helped    D.touched


11.               A.sighed         B.guessed        C.screamed  D.joked


12.               A.sick           B.sad            C.jobless    D.hopeless


13.               A.okay           B.hello           C.nothing   D.goodbye


14.               A.examined       B.wanted         C.watched   D.accepted


15.               A.clerk          B.teacher        C.president  D.nurse


16.               A.glass           B.purse          C.house D.basket


17.               A.forget          B.praise          C.refuse D.advise


18.               A.always         B.sometimes      C.never D.rarely


19.               A.discussion      B.problem        C.conversation   D.decision


20.               A.though         B.yet            C.still   D.too




There are many reasons why some children have bad manners, ______ is the ill information on the Internet and in TV programme.

A.one of them       B.it                C.one of which       D.that



I think this is a good spot to get out.Can you pull over please and ______ me off here?

A.shut             B.drop             C.take              D.put



______ our team seems to lack at the moment is the determination to win the match.

A.That             B.What             C. Whether         D.If



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