满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

His wife is constantly finding ____with ...

His wife is constantly finding ____with him,which makes him very angry.

A.errors            B.shortcomings       C.fault              D.flaw


C 【解析】 试题分析:find fault with挑剔,指责,对…吹毛求疵。句意,他的妻子老找他的茬,这使他很生气。error指思想或行动背离正题轨道或没有得到正确指引而出现的偏差或错误。 fault一般指小并且可宽容的缺点、错误。flaw指结构或组织上的缺点,如破裂之处。用作比喻意义时,指品格上的缺陷。shortcoming指没有达到所要求的标准、没有充分发展或没尽到职责的不足、缺点或短处。多用复数形式。 考点:考查近义名词及固定搭配。

Although everything seems to have been taken into consideration, ____  accident can happen when the astronauts walk in  _____  space.

A.不填;the         B.an;不填          C.the;the          D.an;the



最近,速成鸡事件再一次使食品安全成为了社会热点话题之一。请你根据以下提示以Food Safety Issues为题写一篇短文。

1. 市场上时常出现有安全隐患的食品。

2. 假冒伪劣商品严重损害人们的健康与生活(两点)。

3. 应当采取有效措施(两点)。

注意:1. 词数:120左右;

2. 文章的开头已经给出,不计入总词数;

3. 生词:假冒伪劣商品 fake commodities







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

We receive your application last week. We regret to inform you that our company has hired a boy calling Tonny the job of the manager assistant. Having studied your certificate careful, we decided that we should hire someone with more office experiences for this particular position. You have impressed them with your desire to learn and your ability to work hard, but we do hope that you will apply for a position in our company sometime in the future. We would like to thank you on your being interested in our company. Please contact us as if there is further questions.




1.The doctor suggested that he be __________ (禁止) from having sugar because he was overweight.

2.The government is making every effort to n__________ the gap between the rich and the poor.

3.You can be paid in cash weekly or by check monthly; those are the two a__________.

4.As is known to all, up to now most earthquakes are still __________ (不可预料的).

5.Many people think the 2008 Olympics were the most i          games ever held. They claim they will never forget it.

6.You should check the cab has a business permit, and make sure you ask for a __________ (收据).

7.We don’t have much time left before the end of the meeting, so let’s come __________(直接) to the point.

8.If you are s___________ by soldiers or the police, they spread out so that they are in positions all the way around you.  

9.The e__________ of the bomb in the church shook the entire town. They all ran out to see what was the matter.

10.Scientists have made a __________ (突破) in the treatment of lung cancer, which has brought much hope to patients.




Until the twentieth century cigarettes were not an important threat to public health. Men used tobacco mainly in the form of cigars. Most women did not use tobacco at all.

The cigarette industry began in the 1870s with the development of the cigarette manufacturing machine. This made it possible to produce great numbers of cigarettes very quickly, and it reduced the price.

Today cigarette smoking is a widespread habit. About forty-three percent of the adult men and thirty-one percent of the adult women in the United States smoke cigarettes regularly. It is encouraging to note, however, that millions of people have given up the smoking habit. Seventy-five percent of the male population and forty-six percent of the female population have smoked cigarettes at some time during their lives, but twenty-six percent of these men and eleven percent of the women have stopped smoking. The number of persons who have given up smoking is increasing.

Men as a group smoke more than women. Among both men and women the age group with the highest proportion of smokers is the age group 24-44. Income, education and occupation all play a part in determining a person’s smoking habits. City people smoke more cigarette than people living on farms. Well-educated men with high incomes are less likely to smoke cigarettes than men with fewer years of schooling and lower incomes. On the other hand, ___________, he is likely to smoke more packs of cigarettes per day.

The situation is somewhat (有点) different for women. There are slightly more smokers among women with higher family incomes and higher education than among the lower income and lower educational groups. These more highly educated women tend to smoke more heavily.

Among teenagers the picture is similar. There are fewer teenager smokers from upper-income and well-educated families. High school students who are preparing for college are less likely to smoke than those who do not plan to continue their education after high school. Children are most likely to start smoking if one or both of their parents smoke.

1.How did men mainly use tobacco? (no more than 1 word)

In the form of ________________.

2.What were the results of the development of the manufacturing machine? (no more than 4 words)

More cigarettes are _________________________________________.

3.What are the three main factors closely related to one’s smoking habits? (no more than 4 words)


4.Please fill in the blank with proper words or phrases. (no more than 9 words)


5.Which kind of children is most likely to pick up the habit of smoking? (no more than 6 words)

Children __________________________________________ are most likely to smoke.



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