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Little Bit "Meow, meow, meow," is what I...

Little Bit

"Meow, meow, meow," is what I heard as I walked. I went to the noise and found there was a

  36   black and white cat under a piece of wood. I picked him up and   37   he must be freezing to death. I   38   home with the cat held in my jacket.

My new best friend, who soon became known as Little Bit, received his name because he was almost     39      when I held him in my hands. He stood about five inches tail. Little Bit' s small size had a great advantage -- he   40   perfectly in the pocket of my jacket, which made  41   him everywhere very easy. Any time I was home, he wouldn' t leave my   42   . He was always eager to play with me. When I fell asleep at night, he would always roll up around my head to keep me   43  .

Unfortunately, I grew up. My teenage life   44   my relationship with Little Bit. I lived at such a fast pace (节奏) that I stopped making time for him. My free time was spent with my   45      instead. I would come in the house on my phone and not   46   him at all. His meows became an annoyance to me, but it wasn' t his fault that he   47   his best friend back.

Time had caused a   48   to Little Bit. His body began shutting down and by the time I realized   49   was wrong with him, he had already lost his balance. He lay there and looked at me, and   50   this day I still remember the  51   look in his bright green eyes. I took him to the vet (兽医), but there was nothing he could do. The last time I   52   him he wasn' t the same tiny cat I had found ten years before. Little Bit filled my arms and he was put to sleep that day.

Little Bit' s  53   made me realize how much he meant to me. He was always there for me when I   54   him. I regret our last years together and I feel sorry for not always being there for him. I will always   55   the special memories we made.

1.A. lovely             B. tiny                 C. pretty          D. friendly

2.A. agreed             B. remembered       C. realized    D. proved

3.A. left           B. stayed           C. drove        D. hurried

4.A. weightless         B. useless          C. breathless   D. hopeless

5.A. grew           B. fitted           C. played       D. existed

6.A. showing        B. keeping          C. taking       D. putting

7.A. pocket             B. heart            C. mind         D. side

8.A. quiet          B. asleep           C. safe         D. warm

9.A. weakened       B. built            C. deepened     D. sharpened

10.A. friends       B. computer         C. parents      D. relatives

11.A. find          B. feed             C. notice       D. hear

12.A. pulled        B. won              C. wanted       D. permitted

13.A. fear           B. loss            C. accident     D. concern

14.A. everything    B. nothing          C. anything     D. something

15.A. before        B. until            C. during       D. for

16.A. shameful      B. serious          C. long         D. sorrowful

17.A. helped        B. met              C. held         D. doubted

18.A. illness       B. death            C. sadness      D. story

19.A. needed        B. caught           C. protected    D. picked

20.A. treasure      B. admire           C. remind       D. explore


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.D 9.A 10.A 11.C 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.B 16.D 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.A 【解析】 试题分析: 1.形容词词义辨析A. lovely可爱的B. tiny极小的C. pretty漂亮的D. Friendly 友好的   原句重现:我朝着吵杂声走过去,在一片木头下发现了一只黑白相间的猫。由文章标题以及下文可知,作者发现了一只体型瘦小,黑白相间的猫猫 2.动词词义辨析A. Agreed同意B. remembered 记住C. Realized意识到    D. Proved证明  原句重现:我把它拾起来,它肯定快冻死了。由语境可知,作者是突然意识到小猫冻得快要死掉了。 3.动词词义辨析A. Left离开 B. stayed停留C. drove驱使, 促使D. hurried催促; 急忙 原句重现:我把猫猫放在夹克衫里匆忙地回家了。由上下文串联可知,作者立刻搂着小猫回到了家 4.形容词词义辨析A.weightless失重的B.useless无用的C.breathless呼吸困难的D.hopeless 绝望的 原句重现:因为当我把它捧在手心里的时候感觉十分的绝望。由上下文串联可知,作者当时见到小猫时,几乎绝望了。 5.动词词义辨析A. grew生长B. fitted安装, 配备C. played玩耍 D. existed存在, 原句重现:它在我的夹克衫口袋里长得非常好。有由语境可知,小猫由于体型较小,所以可以在夹克口袋里面健康的成长。 6.动词词义辨析A. showing显示B. keeping 保持C. taking带(去), 携带D. putting放; 置原句重现:这让我把它带到任何地方都方便。由语境可以知,由于小猫体型较小,所以随身携带非常方便 7.名词词义辨析A. pocket袋, 口袋 B. heart心, 心脏 C. mind想法D. side面; 侧面 原句重现:它不会离开我的口袋。由上下文可知,作者每次回到家,都不会忘记自己装有小猫的袋子 8.形容词词义辨析A. quiet轻声的, 安静的B. asleep睡着的 C. safe安全的D. warm暖和的 原句重现:它总会在我的头上翻来滚去让我的头感觉很温暖。由语境可知,小猫总是在作者睡觉的时候,在他的头上翻滚,让作者保持温暖 9.动词词义辨析A. Weakened削弱B. built建造 C. deepened变深D. sharpened变锋利  原句重现:我的青少年生活渐渐地让我和小猫的关系不那么亲密了。由语境可知,由于作者渐渐长大成人,他与小猫之间的关系也随之减弱 10.名词词义辨析A. Friends朋友B. computer 电脑C. Parents父母D. Relatives亲戚  原句重现:我的空余时间都花在和朋友的玩耍上了。由上下文串联可知,作者的空余时间内都和朋友一起去玩了 11.动词词义辨析A. find发现 B. feed喂养 C. notice注意 D. hear听见 原句重现:我拿着手机回到家中,再也没有喂过它。由上下语境可知,作者忙于玩耍,根本没有时间给小猫喂食 12.动词词义辨析A. pulled拉, 扯 B. won赢 C. wanted  希望    D. permitted允许; 许可  原句重现:但是这不是小猫的错因为它一直希望自己好朋友回来。由上下文串联可知,小猫总是喵喵的叫,因为他希望自己最好的朋友杰克回来 13.名词词义辨析A. fear害怕B. loss 丧失;C. accident 意外遭遇,事故D.concern焦虑, 担心  原句重现:时间给小猫带来了不小的损伤。由语境可知,时间让小猫的身体越来越差,固定短语:cause a loss to ---削弱---;对---造成损失--- 14.代词词义辨析A.everything每件事 B.nothing没有东西C.anything任何东西 D. something某物 原句重现:它的身子开始消瘦,当我意识到小猫出问题的时候。固定短语:something is wrong with--;---出毛病了 15.连词词义辨析A. before在…以前 B. until 直到...才C. During在...期间 D. for对于  原句重现:直到这一天,我还记得它那明亮绿色的眼珠里闪现的哀伤表情 根据上下文串联可知,作者直到今天还记得小猫亮亮绿绿眼睛里透露出来的那种眼神。 16.形容词词义辨析A. shameful可耻的B. serious严重的 C. long长的D. sorrowful伤心的  原句重现:直到这一天,我还记得它那明亮绿色的眼珠里闪现的哀伤表情。由上下文可知:小猫此时是透出出伤心的眼神 17.动词词义辨析A. helped帮助B. met遇见C. held拿, 抱, 握住 D. doubted怀疑由上下文语境可知,作者最后一次遇到小猫的时候已不是他十年前发现的那只小猫了 18.名词词义辨析A. illness病, 疾病B. death死亡 C. sadness悲哀 D. story故事  原句重现:小猫猫的离去让我意识到它对我来说多么的重要。由上下语境可知,小猫死了,小猫的死让作者意识到小猫对于他是多么的重要 19.动词词义辨析A. needed需要 B. caught逮住, 捉住C. protected保护D. picked挑选  原句重现:当我需要它的时候,它总是出现在那里,由上下语境可知,小猫总是在作者需要的时候出现 20.动词词义辨析A. Treasure珍惜B.admire赞赏 C. remind使想起 D. explore探测  原句重现:我会永远珍惜我们之间结下的那段珍贵特别的记忆。由上下文串联可知,作者会一直珍惜与小猫之间那段特别的记忆 考点:记叙性文章

– What’s Joan dong?     -- ______ newspapers in the room.

A. She reading       B. She reads      C. To read     D. Reading



– Mary didn’t attend the lecture, did she?   -- Yes, she ______.

A. attended      B. didn’t attend        C. didn’t       D. did



– Will you waste your time and money on that?   -- Certainly _______.

A. I not       B. don’t        C. not               D. no



 Although ______ to stop, he kept on working.

A. tell         B. telling       C. having told         D. told



 – I won’t do it any more.    --_______?

A. Why don’t      B. Why don’t do it any more     C. Why not      D. Why not to



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