满分5 > 高中英语试题 >





      2、参考词汇:①兼职工作:a part-time job;       ②导游:a travel guide;

③做过,担任:worked as;              ④受到好评:be highly praised for;

⑤新泰市文化路36号:36 Culture Road Xintai

⑥邮编:post code

Dear manager,

       I hope to apply for a job in your company during this summer vacation. Please allow me to introduce myself.



Yours sincerely,

Wang Hong


Dear manager,          I hope to apply for a job in your company during this summer vacation. Please allow me to introduce myself.          My name is Wang Hong, female. I was born in Xintai, Shandong Province, on November, 22nd, 1996. I’ve just graduated from Xintai No.2 Middle School. Since it will be over two months before I go to university, I want to find a part-time job and I hope to be a travel guide in your company. I enjoy working with people together. I am young, strong and helpful. I can speak English pretty well. I’m very interested in traveling and especially know many beautiful places in Taian quite well. I once worked as a tourist guide for a month and was highly praised for my good service. I’m sure I am qualified for the job.          If you hire me, please call me at 0538—7642254 or write to me at this address: 36 Culture Road, Xintai, Shandong Province and the post code is 271200.          Looking forward to your reply.                                                                                                                                             Yours sincerely,                                                                Wang Hong 【解析】 试题分析;本文考查了自荐信,介绍自己的具体情况。审题时注意使用一般现在时,以第一人称为主。写作时注意语法结构和词汇搭配。要尽量使用高级的词汇和高级的句型让文章更有层次,同时使用合适的连接词让各要点连接成流畅的短文,注意标点符号的使用。 考点:本文考查了应用文中的书信。

There is no doubt ______ he did is good for us.

A. that what              B. what that              C. that                        D. what



Would it be ______ for you to pick me up at four o’clock and take me to the airport?

A. free                         B. useful                     C. handy                     D. convenient



When I opened the door I found my son completely ______ a game.

A. absorbing in         B. absorbed to                   C. absorbed in         D. absorbing to



 ______ it rains tomorrow, they’ll go out for an outing.

A. As if                        B. As though             C. Even if           D. Even so



Our car ______ on our way to school, so we had to walk there.

A. broke up                B. broke off                C. broke down          D. broke away



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